Mary Lou Hoey Shaw
January 14, 1926 - January 4, 2006

Mary Lou Hoey SHAW
The world became a sadder place with the sudden departure of our mother Wednesday morning January 4, 2006. Born Mary Lou Hoey on January 14, 1926 to John Francis Hoey and Florence Roberts Hoey in Ann Arbor, MI, she grew up in the nearby village of Dexter where her very Irish ancestors settled nearly a century before. She attended St. Joseph’s parish school and was the valedictorian of her high school class at St. Thomas. After receiving a B.A. in psychology from Marygrove College in Detroit, she launched a career in social work and started on a Master’s degree at the University of Michigan. Her career was abruptly altered when she fell for the bartender at the Dexter American Legion, a WW-II B-29 pilot and aspiring medical student named Keith Shaw. They were married after three dates and moved to Kirksville, MO for four years of medical school and their first three children. After a year back in Dexter during Keith’s internship, they moved west to Des Moines, WA, where the family grew to six children.
During the busy child-rearing years, Lou also served as First Lady of Des Moines, soloed in a Mooney airplane much to her amazement!, and became a licensed nursing-home administrator. In addition, she served as the adoptive mother for fifteen dogs, one mynah bird, a dove, a crow, one horse, and many chickens, geese, and ducks.
As her legion of friends will attest, she was constantly entertaining guests and saw age as no reason to stop dancing or partying. She always loved to travel, from the round-the-U.S. summer tour in the family station wagon to voyages on the Concorde and QE2. In recent years she visited Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Germany, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, and Mexico. She worked in the Altar Society and guilds of St. Philomena way back when the parish was new, and in the past few years has been a greeter and collection assistant. For years she volunteered at the SeaTac Airport Travelers Aid desk; recently she has been an active volunteer for Meals on Wheels.
The exploits of Mary Lou would fill volumes; we’ll always remember the elaborate interior decorations, the Genoise birthday cake, camping trips to Alaska, and her piano rendition of ”Roll Out the Barrel.” Now who will tell us about all the early Hollywood actors and the peculiar relatives? Mom touched the lives of so many; her constant vitality and great humor will be sorely missed by all who love her. She is survived by her children Chris Shaw Diane of Redmond, Laura Rivendell of Seattle, Pat Shaw Nicole of Springfield, VA, John Shaw of Des Moines, and Susan Shaw Terence of Manchester. Grandchildren include Megan, Justin, Lauren, and Caitlin Shaw and Callahan and Reilly Brown. She also leaves her sister Joanne Bonura Joe of Fort Lauderdale, FL, her stepbrother Jack Blanchard Della of Dexter, sister-in-law Carol White of Lansing, MI, and brother-in-law Alan Shaw Mary of East Lansing, MI.
Visitation at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA 206 242-1787 on Friday, Jan. 6, at 6 PM. Funeral services will be held at St. Philomena Church in Des Moines on Saturday, Jan. 7, at 2 PM.
Chris and Diane and family,
Robin and I extend our deepest condolences. Your mother had a full life.
The D’Amico’s
We always enjoyed your Mother’s love of life.
I am very sorry to hear about your mother’s passing away. Your mother was a student of mine at Highline Community College at night Conversational Spanish classes. I often think about her in my travels to Mexico because she used to talk a lot about San Miguel de Allende. God bless each one of you & my prayers will be with you during this difficult time. Rosa Coronado de Wilson
At the Christmasluncheon of the SW Art Guild, I sat next to Mary Lou & she seemed so full of life that this news comes as a shock. I’m sure that’s true for the family!
I had the pleasure of knowing your Mother through her good friend Virginia. She was always such a delight to be with. We had a fun evening in the desert last April. She will be missed by many.
Mary Lou and I had such a wonderful time at lunch last month at the Rainier Golf and Country Club. What a joy she was to be with. Our deepest sympathy to your family.
Betty and Walter Binz
Such a good friend for 43 years! I was fortunate enough to be her hairdresser for most of those 43 years, and we shared life! Friday mornings at 9:00 AM will not be the same without Lou in my chair. So many memories, thank you Chris, Laura, Pat, John, and Susan for the beautiful testimonial to your mother. Lou will always be with me in my heart.
My sister and I will miss your mom. She was a wonderful person and we always enjoyed visiting with her. She always had a smile for us.
She loved you kids alot. And we will miss her very much…..
Debbie R. Pearson
JoAnn K. Russell
Tender Care