Ruth Mildred MacDonald
January 1, 1926 - October 12, 2012

Ruth Mildred MacDonald
Ruth was born on January 1, 1926 to Walt and Esther (Pollard) Roberts in Bellingham, Washington. She died peacefully on October 12, 2012 while recovering in a nursing home just nine days after suffering a hip fracture. She is survived by her daughter, Nancy, and husband Glenn Ledbetter, granddaughters Kristen and husband, Michael Kimes, Janelle and husband, Sean Squires, and Amy Pickard, and great-grandchildren Isaiah and Keelin Squires, Johnathan Kimes, Jillianne Pickard and Wyatt Cuddeback. She also leaves behind many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
Ruth’s parents divorced when she was very young, and each remarried. Although Ruth recalled the sadness associated with the divorce, she always added that she felt lucky to have had two sets of parents. Walt married Alice Hendrickson, and Esther married Herbert Henry. Ruth was raised by Esther and Herbert. Since Herbert was in the Army, Ruth’s growing up years were spread out all over the United States, from Fort Lawton in Seattle, to Sacramento, California, to Washington, D.C., to various locations in Texas and New Mexico. She graduated from high school in Lovington, New Mexico which is also where she met a young Army Sergeant, Morris “Mac” MacDonald. In April of 1946, Ruth and Mac were married at the First Baptist Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Shortly thereafter, they moved to Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, where daughter, Nancy, was born in 1947.
In 1949, the family moved, along with Esther and Herb, to the Seattle area and began attending Gatewood Baptist Church in West Seattle. Ruth and Mac’s son, Steve, was born in 1952. The Gatewood church family became the center of their lives for many years. They later attended Grace Church. In both churches, Ruth and Mac were always involved in ministry, Mac as an usher and boys group leader, and Ruth as a Sunday School teacher and wedding coordinator. At Grace, Ruth and Mac were active in providing warm hospitality after the Sunday morning services and held a Bible Study in their home for many years. Ruth also sponsored two children through World Vision, Tatiana and Larindo, from early childhood until they were young adults. Ruth did not just send checks. She exchanged letters with them both faithfully for many years.
In 1997, Ruth lost her husband, Mac, and in 2002, she lost her son, Steve. The loss of Steve was particularly hard on Ruth, and in the years that followed, the family began to see changes in Ruth related to dementia. In the early morning hours of October 31, 2009, there was a devastating fire in the family home where Ruth still lived. God protected her and she was not hurt, but she not only unable to live in the house, but also unable to live alone because of the dementia. Nancy and Glenn relocated Ruth to Fairwinds Brighton Court, a beautiful senior community in Lynnwood near the family. It was there she spent her last years with family close by and making many new friends. A typical week for Ruth might include a visit from her cousins Dee and Marlene, coffee with great-grandson, Isaiah, visits from granddaughter, Janelle, and great-granddaughter, Keelin, and a meal or two with Nancy and Glenn. Ruth’s walls were decorated with the great-grandchildren’s artwork, and every available surface in Ruth’s apartment was filled with pictures of family and friends. At Brighton Court, she was much loved, the staff calling her “Baby Ruth” from the first day. Her trademarks were her smile and camera, and when Ruth would take a photo, the staff would joke that they had just been “Ruthed.” She liked to sit in the Bistro with her latte, people watching.
There were several themes that characterized Ruth’s life. She was artistic, hospitable, and loved anything Hawaiian. Her artistic talent manifested itself in her beautiful acrylic paintings, sewing, flower arranging and many crafts. Her sense of hospitality came from her deepest heart. Ruth and Mac’s home was open and welcoming to all, and there always seemed to be a fresh pot of coffee brewing. Finally, Hawaii captured her imagination as a young girl and remained one of her lifelong loves. Her home decor was always in the lush greens and oranges of the tropics with beach-themed art, driftwood and shells among her accessories. Ruth visited Hawaii 39 consecutive years and loved to listen to her Hawaiian music CDs.
Ruth lived her entire life with grace, generosity, a deep abiding faith and compassion for others. Her tattered prayer list included over a hundred names, and she faithfully prayed over the list every morning. Her granddaughters say it best. From granddaughter, Amy, “Grammie was a beacon of love, cuteness and grace. Her unfailing faith was and is an inspiration. No matter what the occasion, I could always count on a lot of giggles, and those giggles echo through my heart in my memories.” Granddaughter, Kristen, writes, “I remember my Grammie as a woman of faith, love and laughter. She lived a life of selfless devotion to God and others. Her smiles, her hugs and her giggles will be sorely missed.” Finally, her granddaughter, Janelle, “A bright light in this world, she shined radiantly with integrity, love, and beauty. Blowing kisses, calling out “love, love, LOVE you!” with giggles, a ready smile, a hula dance, prayers and a song, she taught me till the very end, how to live this life honorably.”
Ruth set an amazing example for all of us throughout her life, but especially in her last years in the way she maintained her bright spirit through all of the difficult changes in her life that were beyond her control. Her faith remained constant. Even in the nursing facility in her last days, her radiant smile lit up the room when family came to visit. She will be missed more than words could ever express.
Remembrances may be made to Grace Church or World Vision.
Good account of the good life of a good and faithful servant, Ruthie-Mom.
God needed an angel named Ruth and she will perform her duties ….Heavenly..
Even though I didn’t know her personally, her values and inspiration surely live on in all of the family that I have had the pleasure to know. My thoughts with you all.
This was one of my favorite people. My memories are full of summers playing in the basement and waking up to fresh applesauce and warm muffins. My summers were always my favorite times. I will miss my Aunt very much. See you in paradise!!
I did not know Ruth personally, but I do know her daughter and granddaughters, who are just as kind and caring as Ruth is described here. God’s goodness indeed extends from generation to generation. Thank you for including mention of the prayer list that was tattered from the persistent use of a godly woman. God’s faithfulness extends from generation to generation.
we were privileged to spend many times with Uncle Mac and Aunt Ruthie, in their home, in our home, as part of the Gatewood family and in Hawaii. We will always remember.
Aloha Aunt Ruthie
I did not have the pleasure of her personally but have come to feel the love she had through family members that hold her dear to their hearts. My thoughts are with you all.
We will always remember Ruthie’s wonderful smile & contagious laughter, from such a sweet Christian spirit! During the last few years at Grace Church, she sat in our row, where my daughter, Kim and I got to know her better. Kim & Ruthie started to grow an attachment for each other, right from the get-go! As some of you don’t know Kim, she is a loving, sweet special needs child of God. Of course, Ruthie realized this, and lavished her love upon Kim, such as giftts from her trips to Hawaii etc. and Christmas and birthday times, also. In return, Kim would do the same towards Ruthie. When Ruthie moved out north, Kim would call her quite regularly, and we also visited her in her retirement apartment. Kim and I will miss your mom very much, but we know that Heaven has received a wonderful angel, which is to their gain! She was and still is a Christian inspiration to us all!
Its been years since i have had the privelege of spending time with this amazing beauty! But the thought of her never failed to bring smiles to my face and warmth to my heart. Shes known by so many as genuinely wonderful! No matter the time and distance family is family, and im proud to be apart of this one. I will forever think about her often. And anything butterflies, hawaiian, and even a Baby Ruth candy bar will always remind me of this wonderful person. Love her so so much
What a beautiful testimony of a life well-spent. Thank you for sharing your memories.
There are so many warm special memories of Aunt Ruthie,,,,,where to begin ?? A special smile, a shared laugh..
Growing up, she was always a bright light to all…All of us kids will remember how wonderful she was to us..she always took the time to talk and listen and share a story or two..The generation we grew up with is now gone, however knowing where she is going and the loving people waiting there brings a smile to my heart…We Love you and will miss you…….
Ruthie was one of the sweetest gals I have ever known. Knew her growing up at Gatewood Baptist Church. No matter where I saw her, I always received a hug and that wonderful “Ruthie” smile.
You are resting now in the arms of Jesus, lucky you.
Will treasure you always.
What a beautiful legacy Ruth has left. I will always remember her warm, inviting smile and graciousness. I am so blessed to have known her.
Beautiful memories. What a treasure she was.
A life well-lived, well-loved by many, and now so very missed. I am so thankful to have known and loved Ruthie and her wonderful family.
Another family member up with our Lord and Saviour. And Mom’s and her laughter together, what a duet!!! i’ve missed her a lot with my being ,1500 miles away. I am really thankful, that I did get to spend several New Year’s eve, with our folks’ bunch. What an enjoyable time. There are just to many memories, all happy. Lot’s of love to Nancy and family.
What a lovely tribute from her adoring family. I know my Granny, Ruth, thought the world of her niece, Ruthie, and spoke of Rurhie and Mac often during my childhood. Dan and I have you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Ruthie was a person that made everyone she came in contact with aware of the good things in life. Roberta and I will be visiting with her often in Heaven.
Ruth was a sweet, wonderful, cute and bubbley lady. I will miss talking to her and our memories of her Dad Walt and my favorite Uncle, Uncle Walt. Thank you for sharing him with me Ruth. You are so going to be missed by all.
Our yougest son Randy when he was about 8 , Aunt Ruthie m,ade muffins for us as we were up on a visit & going out on a Ferrie Boat to Victory B C . Ruth packed all of us some of her muffines she baked early that a.m. & as you know Aunt Ruthie alwayays baked 1st thing in the morning , her cookies was well known in every state she was in .
At that time Randy our youngest was about 8 & he got so sick ( sea sickness we did not relized it was sea sickness) & we call Aunt Ruthie & told her it was her killer Muffins . She was horrifies that Randy got sick but we never let Ruthie know it was sea sickness as we kept calling the muffines ” Aunt Ruthies Killer Muffinens “.
How lucky we are to have had such a great Aunt as Ruthie , the smell of her cookies still smelling up the house on the hill . If you have never know her you my friend has missed out on someone special , very special , with much love & hugs Auntie your loving niece Roberta (berda )
Mac Donald- Banfield .
I didn’t know Ruth that well when she was younger, only seeing her at family events with Uncle Walt – her Daddy Walt – but we got very close after she moved to Lynnwood. I would visit every Tuesday morning when I could and we had great times sharing pictures and laughing. She was always so sparkly. Even on Monday before she passed on, I spent 2 hours with her and her eyes lit up when I came. She was still concerned about looking her best and asked for her finger nail polish to touch up. I’ll miss our Tuesday morning visits.
Didn’t know your Mum Nancy but she sounded like a very kind and caring person who will be sorely missed.
Interesting reading
I remember growing up next to Mac and Ruthie and all the times we spent together with family. I will always remember her
Ruthie was such an example of God’s love here on earth. Mom & dad (Betty & Dennis Lord) spent many fun trips with Ruthie & Mac in Hawaii. Life long memories for all. On behalf of the Lord family, We miss your smile and hugs. Say hello to Mac & Steve.
Ruthie, What a wonderful person. She always laughed at Macs jokes even when she has heard them many times. She was a great comfort to my mom when my sister had died in an auto accident Mom read her letter many times. She made the best peanut butter cookies. She asked me what kind of cake I liked when I was staying with them while mom and dad were going back to see my sister graduate from college. I said Butter Brickel or Carmel. She found it and made it for desert. Wow what a treat. Close friends are hard to loose. Everyone is right when they say they will miss her giggles. I is a nice tribute to someone who is known for there giggles. I loved the part where she had a list of 100 people that she prayed for everyday. What a wonderful wonderful woman!
I just wanted to add to my mom’s (Debbie Walker) post. I will miss Ruthie. With how great of friends my grandparents and Ruthie and Mac were, I thought of Ruthie and Mac as another set of grandparents. I remember the first thing I did after services at Grace was I went looking for Ruthie and Mac. I remember going to a few of the bible studies they held in their home with my grandparents. Of course i’d be off in a room doing homework to allow the adults their time but I looked forward to after bible study and getting to talk to Ruthie and Mac. I remember seeing pictures from every cruise to Hawaii my grandparents and Ruthie and Mac took together. I have greatly missed Mac and will now greatly miss both Ruthie and Mac.
i didnt know her for very long i was little but from the pictures and storys and the stuff that she loved has storys themselves and i wish i couldve been older to remember all the good times i had with her she was a loving, kind, humble, unique, and special in her loving ways she put a bunch of smiles on our faces through the years that have been told to me and i wish i could be in her arms for one last time to remember her personaly but atleast i know she was loved and not hated by a lot of people that i know till this day and if she could read this right now i would like to say we miss you and love you and you blanket is super soft and still intact with love and care happy and sad times we love you gramie \ – -love Wyatt Cuddeback