Thomas James Huchala, Sr.

December 13, 1924 - September 23, 2012



Thomas James Huchala, Sr., passed away peacefully on Sunday, September 23, 2012. He was born December 13, 1924, in Columbia Falls, Montana. He served in the Army from 1943 until 1946; he was an expert marksman and was awarded many honors including the bronze star, a purple heart, and a presidential unit citation.

Tom met Ember at a New Year’s Eve dance and they married September 1, 1951. In Fall 1954, he and Ember moved to Seattle so Tom could attend medical school at the University of Washington.

Tom practiced family medicine in Burien for over 50 years. He was honored with emeritus status from Highline Hospital after 45 years of service and was a member of the Highline College Medical Advisory Group for over 30 years.

Tom is survived by his son Thomas Huchala Jr., two grandsons and many nieces and nephews.







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Dr. Peter Maurice, Chief of Staff Highline
Dr. Peter Maurice, Chief of Staff Highline
5 years ago

Please accept my condolences. From the medical staff at Highline, we will miss our rock. His warm smile and kind greetings will always be remembered. A healer of so many lives and a wonderful physician and person. Our prayers are with you all.

Brenda Stavish
Brenda Stavish
5 years ago

I have many fond memories of Dr. Huchala; I was a nurse at Highline for 6 yrs and now am an ARNP here. He always had such a warm smile and was so very sweet to his patient’s and collegues. I used to love chatting with him; his kidness and dedication to the Highline Community was so very heartfelt.

I hope that he has found peace with the woman he called his ‘bride’ up in heaven. God Bless his family and friends; he will be dearly missed

Linda Wray, M.D.
Linda Wray, M.D.
5 years ago

Tom was one of the first colleagues I met when I arrived at Highline in 1981. I remember him making a special trip to the maternity unit to bring me a daphne odora plant when I had my older son; people came to visit just to enjoy the heavenly fragrance. He also answered 30 years of gardening questions from me! His patients always smiled when they talked about “their” Dr. Huchala. Surely the kindest doctor I ever had the privilege to work with!

Gerald Finden
Gerald Finden
5 years ago

My Dr into my twenties. I was invincible in my youth so had occasion to see him on a regular basis (or so it seemed). I haven’t seen Dr. Huchala since the ’70. He was as kind and caring of a man I’ve ever met. You and your family have my condolences.

Alan L W Gunsul, MD
Alan L W Gunsul, MD
5 years ago

Tom was one of the first Doctors who help me and a few other MDs at the start of the Medical Staff at Burien General Hospital now Highline Medical Center. He helped me found the Dept. of Family Medicine at Riverton General Hospital and later at Highline Communitiy Hospital. He was a friend, a professional colleague and a fellow combat Veteran of WWII. And he was a great Family Doctor. I have lost a friend.

Henry Chin
Henry Chin
5 years ago

I met Tom in about 1954;. He was a medical student living at the low cost housng living at the Yesker Terrace Project ,off Yesler Way; in Seattle.- the project was were many of students of the UW lived. I operated a service station at the corner of 12th Avenue and East Fir ST.

As we got to know each other I discovered that Tom loved fishing as much as I did. One year when Jimmer was aboiut 10, Tom took me along with Ember and Jimmer on a trip to Libby, Montanna to stay with his father while we fished ; this was my first and only taste of moose stew.Montana was beautiful and pristine at the time.

At one time, Tom and I would go fishng with my wife’s uncle Harry “Muphy” Chinn, along the Green Riveer. In the pre cell phone days Tom would have to stop and call to check in. Murphy knew so many people along the river that a phone was always availble for Tom to use.

AftetrTom established himself in the Burien area and we were both busy, we lost track of each other.

I did come to know his brother, Peter Huchala.

The last time I spoke with Tom was when Ember died.

Tom was a fine man, fishing buddy…..My wife and I wish to express our condolences to Jummer and his family.

Nola Irish
Nola Irish
5 years ago

It was the late 70’s when I first met Dr. Huchala. As I new nurse he always found time to answer questions and share insights. Patients and staff were fond of him. He was always willing to join in with activities and committees. I felt he was dedicated to our community as well as all of his family and friends. He showed by example. His legacy will live on.

Ray Valpey, MD
Ray Valpey, MD
5 years ago

He was a kind soul. Always cheerful. And smart – had great questions at medical meetings (of which he was a denizen). I will miss him.

Debbie Patton Heu
Debbie Patton Heu
5 years ago

My condolences to the family regarding the passing of Tom Huchala Sr. I enjoyed knowing Tom and he was always so kind. I really enjoyed his flower room at home with his orchids and other plants.