Aletha June Fields

June 5, 1928 - June 26, 2018


Obituary of Aletha June (Moffitt) Fields

June 5th, 1928- June 26th, 2018

Aletha June (“Lee”) Moffitt, was born June 5th 1928, to Richard Hanley Moffitt and Myrtle Lavina Hileman in Portland, Oregon. She was also welcomed by her sister, Kathleen Mofitt, her only sibling. While still a baby, her family moved to Seaview, Washington where she was raised throughout her childhood and her parents lived and died. Aletha loved growing up near the beach, on the Long Beach Peninsula, and passed on the love for the beach to all her posterity.

The large seven-bedroom family home, she was raised in, is still standing in Seaview. It was first used as a family residence and later her Mother, let out rooms to the local fishermen. Aletha’s first experience acting as a landlord came while helping her Mother with tenants. In 1941 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, they were required to use black out curtains over their windows and drive with out headlights at night. Basic food and gasoline were rationed and some things like nylons were not available. As the war continued the local girls would be driven, by one of the fellas, to Ft. Canby’s USO hall, to dance and cheer up the enlisted men. She worked as a teenager, at the historic Shelbourne Hotel as a receptionist checking in guests. Her friends also enjoyed going out to Red’s Ice cream parlor on a Friday night. Aletha enjoyed being a yell leader during her Ilwaco High School years and was considered popular. She remained good friends with classmates from her small graduating class of 1946. Her brother-in law, Oscar Eager, became more like a brother to her, staying in contact with her until the very end.

Next, she came to Seattle, Washington to attend Griffin Business College and became a first-rate secretary and bookkeeper. After graduating, she married her first husband in 1949 and had two daughters, Joanne Lynn Neuner and Leslie Kay Neuner. Aletha enjoyed modeling in her 20’s and won the coveted Mrs. Washington title in 1955. She enjoyed working as a bookkeeper for Pete Lovely VW dealership and also Thompson Teens Modelling Agency. She eventually divorced and then later married Douglas A. Fields in 1967 of Seattle, Washington. Aletha brought two daughters to the marriage and Doug brought his little daughter, Natalie Jane Fields, who visited on the weekends and lived with them during high school.

Doug and Aletha or “Lee” as she was called, teamed up in the Real Estate Business with Doug as the broker and Lee his secretary and bookkeeper. Initially they worked together at Twin Lakes Realty, before they broke off and formed their own company, South King Realty, in Federal Way, Washington. Doug and Lee acquired a number of rentals during this time which Lee managed until age 81.

Doug and Lee’s first and only child was a much doted on son, Skye Thomas Fields, born in 1969. The family pastimes became raising dogs, boating, holidays spent at the family cabin, swimming, soccer, football and cheering for the UW Huskies. Doug and Lee both enjoyed their association in the Valley Rose Society and grew prize-winning roses together. She dabbled in oil painting and loved to tickle the ivories on her grand piano. Aletha’s family grew with the marriages of her daughters, son and step daughter. All together they had 11 grandchildren, which she enjoyed spoiling, and kept a gum drawer in the kitchen for them. Eventually 15 great grandchildren were added to the family as well.

Aletha and Doug enjoyed world-wide travel as empty nesters. They travelled or cruised to such diverse places as Africa, Greece, Europe, New Zealand, Scotland and Tahiti. Aletha also enjoyed researching her family tree and joined the Daughters of the American Revolution. She also joined the Clan Moffat Society and proudly wore her Moffitt tartan at the Scottish Highland Games every July in Eatonville, Washington.

Aletha was also a member of Marine View Presbyterian Church, for many years, and enjoyed her non-denominational bible study and friends remaining in close contact over the years. Her closest neighbor, Martha, became her very dear friend for life.

In 2005, her husband of 38 years, Doug Fields, passed away. At that time, she became more involved with her grandchildren and daughter-in law, Arisara Fields, who lived close by. She continued to keep the books for her various rentals and had an ever present adding machine on the kitchen table.  In 2014, her son unexpectedly passed way, which was a real blow to her. Later that year she fell and broke her hip and shortly thereafter suffered a life changing stroke. At this time, she became home bound, which was very difficult for her, as she had always been a goer and a doer. She was ultimately blessed to have two wonderful caregivers, Vilma and Dee, with her for the last few years of her life. Her daughters, Leslie Landoe and Joanne Gore also cared for her needs and managed her real estate interests.

Aletha lived a full life and passed away on June 26th, 2018 at the age of 90. She leaves a legacy of hard work, commitment to family and a love of God. She will be greatly missed and fondly remembered, by her family and her dear friends.  Her children and grandchildren will be forever blessed by the love, affection and devotion of their beloved Mother and Grandma Fields.

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Alex and Vicki Evans
Alex and Vicki Evans
5 years ago

We are so sorry for your loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. May Hod bless and hold you on His loving arms as you grieve.

Barbara Thompson
Barbara Thompson
5 years ago


My deepest condolences on your Mother’s passing.

I hope your precious memories carry you through this

difficult time.


William And Evonne Richardson
William And Evonne Richardson
5 years ago

So sorry for your loss, words don’t make it any less painful or sad, but know you and the family are all being hugged from a distance, and all the best is being wished.

Jeanette Bowman
Jeanette Bowman
5 years ago

I did not know Althea personally. But I did hear of her many talents through her daughter Leslie. I express my condolences to the family. And my prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Judy Arfa
Judy Arfa
5 years ago


A beautiful record of your mother’s life. She leaves a family that she can be very proud of and a family that is raising the next generation to carry on her legacy.

May there only be good things to come.

Susan Talbot Shuhler
Susan Talbot Shuhler
5 years ago

Auntie Lee was like my second Mom and I spent many hours with my cousins who are like the sisters I never had. She was a big part of my young life and a fun part of our family. She will be missed.

Rex & Linda Dickson
Rex & Linda Dickson
5 years ago

Mark Landoe
Mark Landoe
5 years ago

There was nobody like Grandma. Over the past few weeks, I keep on having this memory of running down to the sidewalk by our house to meet her. There she was in her blue convertible bug with her dogs Foxy Lady and Amber, treats, smiles and hugs. Soon, we’d pile into her car with the top down and she’d take us to Baskin Robins. She did this every Friday for years. She was dedicated and loved her family and it showed in everything she did. I miss her.

Shelle Lujan
Shelle Lujan
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Landoe

We were tenants for 25 years, and she was the best and compassionate heart I have ever met. I called her home number to say hi after having moved 11 years ago. I always had her in my mind and wanted to call her to see how she was doing.
I had called a couple of times but no answer. I called again a few weeks ago but the number was no longer in service. I decided to look her name up and found out that she has passed on to the land of the living. I am surprised about her son, He also had an awesome heart like his mom. Great and wonderful young man. One Christmas year she said she wished she could go down to Austin to be with her daughter and family. But that she was t going that year. She talked about how she would like to be more around her daughters . She was so happy when her son was employed with The Boeing Company. I’m so happy because she’s in Paradise! All those beautiful Roses she loved to grow and go to Europe for that special Rose event was a delight that moved her spirit!! Wonderful Lady Mrs. Aletha Fields!

Karen Suniga
Karen Suniga
5 years ago

I first met Lee at Christian Woman’s Club and was in a bible study with her. Later she came to Bible Study Fellowship wth me and our friendship continued. Lee was a good friend and she loved the Lord. She will be missed. I am happy she is spending eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. My condolences to her children and grandchildren.

Sharron Scholzen
Sharron Scholzen
5 years ago

I first met Lee in our BSF class and found her to be a very sweet lady. My prayers for comfort and peace to her family as they mourn her loss but also gratitude for her love of the Lord and reward of eternal life.

Angela Thomas
Angela Thomas
5 years ago

My most sincere condolences to your entire family at this very sad time. Whenever you feel down about your love one, please read these words at Isaiah 41:10 where our Heavenly Father will always be there to lift you up and help you endure the days to come.