Alicia Angel Mead
July 25, 1996 - February 24, 2009

Alicia Angel Mead … Daughter. Sister. Niece. Grandchild. Musician. Writer. Animal Lover. Beautiful, funny, loving, generous. She could be quiet, sullen and mysterious, and then suddenly she would grin and the whole room would have no choice but to grin with her. She could light up the whole world with her affection, her laughter and her absolute joy. She adored everything family – meals together in the dining room, watching videos in front of the fire, going bowling, movies, and lunches out. She loved closeness to her brother, and she loved animals. She loved hiking outdoors and being one with nature, reading, browsing for book, writing imaginative stories and traveling. She loved talking on the phone, taking long walks with her sister, and shopping – lots of shopping. She loved chocolate in all forms. And then there was music- her true passion. She played piano and clarinet and she sang and knew everything about musical styles and genres and the latest Alternative songs. She wanted to be a professional pianist, and a writer and maybe a veterinarian too. Her imagination carried her to ideas like getting married jumping out of an airplane to a man who loved music as much as she did. And she wanted to be loved and appreciated and understood. In many ways she was a typical 12 year-old girl – half child, half woman, trying to find her own identity in an often confusing and scary world. In other ways, though, she was completely unique – her passion for life, her talent, her sense of humor, her insight, her intelligence, her wit and most of all, her intensity. She will be missed every day forever.
Please contact family members regarding donations in Alicia’s honor.
I was born to be a good friend,
To laugh and joke and to have fun.
To make others joyful, or to sympathize,
And cheer others up when they feel like crap.
I was born to travel the world,
Feel the cold and freezing temperatures of Iceland.
Aid the suffering refugees in the jungles of Burma,
And witness the ongoing injustice poverty of Africa.
I was born to be a writer,
To paint pictures with my words.
Entertain readers with adventures,
And pollute their minds with complicated vocabulary words.
I was born to be a pianist,
Play music to my heart’s content,
And entertain listeners until they get bored.
I was born to suffer and struggle,
Scale the mountain of hardships,
And through each ledge a lesson is learned.
I was born to be a reader,
Crusade in adventure through the unknown.
I witness the problems created by the novelist,
And learn themes and morals by evaluating text.
I was born to be a hiker,
Navigate on trails located deep in forests.
To be one with nature, life and exercise is priceless.
I was born to be a veterinarian,
Treating animals through sickness and health,
And prepare needles for a pet’s dreaded checkup.
I was born to be an athlete,
Pushing myself to the limit endurance-wise.
Rising early only to look forward to a session of stretching,
Training everyday … is a true athlete.
I was born to be a successful student,
Participating in school 5 days a week.
Striving to stay on top of homework,
Because 9 months of composing stuff like this is just what I do.
~Poem written by Alicia Mead
Page 1 READ ME only if you want Composed by Alicia Mead.
Copyrights are reserved.
‘Live everyday like your last’ were the words lining the page of a generic book I flipped through. Wow, that seems pretty depressing, I thought, squeezing it back into an empty space on its bookshelf. Who would want to live like they’re gonna die the next morning? The author or people who took that advice seriously would probably end up living with extreme anxiety every day of their lives, worrying about death than actually enjoy living.
Whatever. I progressed down into the Manga Japanese comics section of the store and scanned their titles, After thumbing through another book, somehow the quote seemed to snag m thoughts. Live every day like your last, there has to be some reason the author spent his time writing it…
Glancing, a clock informed me it was time to leave. Live everyday like your last, and at that moment I realized I would never view things the same way again.
Staring out a window on my drive home, I questioned why this one, petite, microscopic quote would have such a huge impact on my perspective. I mean, it should’ve already been forgotten three seconds after I declined the book, but somehow the line stood out through my noggin like an eight footed elephant trapped inside a field of angry, raging monkeys. But anyway, I had nothing else to ponder, so I gave thought to this unique sentence and reasons to follow its ‘advice’.
An obvious point to living your days like your last is because you’ll always do your best. Expanding, I thought, is to get the most out of the things you do. After all, if it really my last day, then I’d like to fall asleep knowing I got the most out of my daily activities. Further, I’ll take pride in the last things I ever do, knowing I wish to be remembered by the quality of people see. Also, knowing that I’ve done my best will leave me assured of nothing to regret.
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Another reason is because you’ll waste less time. If you decide this to be your last day on Earth, then it’s only logical to put the smallest time possible to waste. For one thing you’ll be more focused on your current actions, in fear of not completing them in what may your last opportunity. Further and for the same reason you’ll be less likely to procrastinate. In the end, not procrastinating and better focus will result in accomplishing faster. Thus, wasting less time.
Frowning at the passing scenery and brainstorming harder, you won’t take things for granted. Being on the verge of losing everything, you’ll take advantage of opportunities more. From that, you’ll appreciate the important things in life, family for instance, and possibly stress less than lesser consequential issues. Also, you’ll be less likely to spend time with negative emotions, concentrating on the positive things that are of higher importance.
My final reason to this thesis is because you’ll savor life more than you did before. Converse to negative feelings, you’ll shove in space for positive emotions, enabling you to contain more joy. Also, you’ll be more likely to ‘smell the roses’, again helping to appreciate what’s important in life. Living everyday like your last will show to be lucky and thankful for the gift of life, while there are so many people who have difficulty appreciating it.
All in all, just from that one quote, I learned a whole new way of living. I realized the choices I make and the things I do will affect everything in the future, for every action comes a consequence of time. I vowed to see the worth of my actions, and only pursue those that I would value most. I realized my life would never be the same, as I randomly began doodling on my homework paper out of boredom and procrastination
It’s kind of funny how you can push something away from you to the point where you almost don’t feel the pain of it anymore, but when you look back, even for a second it all hurts the same.
Every day of my life, I ask myself what I could have done different. Could I have told you more often how much you meant to me? Could I have hugged you more? Been a better listener?
“Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.”
I’ll see you later, because I can’t possibly forget how much you changed my life.
I just want to let you know, I still miss you. Every day.
Dear Alicia,
I was asked a while ago what I would do if I had one wish. And like anyone who actually thinks about it I said, “More wishes.” to which they replied, “thats cheating.”
But now that I am taking time to really think about the question at hand, I would want to email you. I’d want to send a letter to heaven, and get one back. I’d ask you how your last breath tasted, and if you miss the world you ran away from.
I’d check my mail every five minutes. And we would talk. Thats what I would wish for.
And while I talked to you in heaven via snail mail. Out of everything you could say to me, of every looped Y and meticulously dotted I, all I would want to hear is, “It’s not your fault.”
Thats what I would wish for.
It was a privilege to be Alicia’s piano teacher. She was a bright, talented girl and I feel honored to have spent that one-on-one time with her, working on music together. I want all of her family members to know that she will truly never be forgotten by those of us that knew her. I am praying that you have some joy and peace this Christmas, even through all the tears that surely still come.
I don’t even know where to begin. When our school counselor told me about Alicia’s death I remember my knees buckled and I fell to the floor sobbing. I was so shocked and saddened that such a bright light had left this world. I had the rare opportunity to be a part of both children’s lives and to befriend Lily and Steve. Alicia was an incredibly special young lady, who was a mixture of joy and happiness, along with quiet solitude. She was one of the most intelligent students I have ever had the honor of teaching and I dearly loved her. I taught both Nicholas and Alicia and they were truly special. When I think about my teaching career they always come to my mind. I have difficulty finding the words to express the profound sadness I feel knowing that Alicia was battling this darkness and probably felt very alone, though she was so very loved. I know I speak for all of those who had the pleasure of interacting with Alicia at SH, that we loved her and were so proud of her and the caring individual she was. She always treated others with such kindness and respect. I want Steve, Lily, and Nicholas to know how deeply sorry I am for your loss and I pray that Alicia has found peace. I love you all and am always here for you. I was very upset that I was unable to attend the sevice to tell you this in person because of difficulty with my health. I will never forget Alicia and she will live on in my heart and memories forever. I hope in the future that young people like Alicia will try to reach out to someone when they are struggling because there are people who care. Your teachers are ALWAYS willing to listen and care about you so very much. I love you Alicia and feel so fortunate to have known you. You changed my life and the lives of so many others. I miss you.
i’m writing a memoir about you. You were a great friend. You come into my mind alot, school is not the same with out you i wish you were still here to tell to stop freking out about the due date for the memoir you knew how to do it the best. sitting in volleyball it’s not same without you and your goofy remark that i can’t play. i miss you alot.
Hi Ali,
I’m sitting here thinking about what we’re going to do for your birthday tomorrow to celebrate your life and all that you meant to us. I’m sitting at the computer with your music on your dad does this a LOT and thinking about you. I’m not crying today. I’m actually smiling a bit. I keep remembering all of the great times with you. Katie and I were laughing this morning about a conversation the three of us had on the car on the way to Bel Square last year. And I was thinking about you standing in the dressing room at Macy’s yelling so all could hear you, “I look AWESOME!” That day meant a lot to me because it was just you and I together all day shopping and lunching and laughing. Then I was thinking about you hiking up Rattlesnake Ledge yelling I HATE HIKING in your skirt and sandals. We went hiking earlier this summer and we really missed you. We missed you at the beach too – you would have loved being there. So tomorrow, we are going to go to Rattlesnake Ledge again I will complain in your honor, then to California Pizza Kitchen and we’re going to eat our lunch really slowly, just like you did. Then I’m gong to fix up your picture board because we need to replace some photos. There is so much pain associated with memories of you, but little by little, I think we’re learning to focus on all those wonderful, beautiful Alicia memories that make us smile. We miss you every day. Sometimes, we miss you so badly we double over. Tomorrow though, we’re going to celebrate you and be thankful that you were here with us. Love you, Baby Girl.
Oh daughter, my daughter.
As I write this it was exactly five months ago that you looked into the abyss and decided to go.
February 24th, 2009 : 3:50pm.
I miss you. I miss you every moment of every day. You were and are my pride and joy. You were so beautiful and smart and kind. You hugged me when I needed it. You cared about people and things that needed caring about. And you brought joy.
But you couldn’t find joy. There was a darkness that was quietly gathering. But we didn’t know how little time we had. Alicia, I’m so sorry that I didn’t fight harder for you and protect you.
Your loss has overwhelmed me, Ali. But I’m so happy that you were in my life. I felt that you were in every way perfect, even if you did not. My last words to you the day before you left were “I love you”.
And I do.
Goodbye, my daughter.
Dear Alicia,
I miss you so much. I keep thinking that I’m okay, that I can move on, with only distant memories of you, but every little reminder of you sets me off. I’m listening to your song, and reading your guestbook, and I’m crying so hard.
I only got to meet you once—every time we tried to hang out, something got in the way—but we planned so many things that we were going to do. I remember at your birthday party when you and I went into another room together, and talked, and laughed, and looked that that picture you loved of Amy Lee, Jared Leto, and Gerard Way killing Avril Lavigne with an AK-47. You thought that was so funny, and so did I.
You were my twin. “Forever Livia’s twin.” That’s what you wrote in Lewis’s yearbook. I read this book about twins recently, and in it, it said that when one loses a twin, the surviving twin never fully gets over it. That twin will always be a part of them, and their presence will always be there. You will always be there, Alicia, and I know that I’m never going to get close to being completely over your passing.
You knew just what you were going to do with your life, and you had so many enviable talents. I wish I had as much purpose and self-fulfillment as you.
I just wish I could talk to you. I loved talking to you on the phone all the time, and hearing your sweet, innocent voice. You had such a beautiful voice. The night before you passed away, you called me, but I didn’t pick up the phone. I don’t remember why, but I think I was doing homework or something, and I didn’t want to be bothered. How was I to know that it would have been the last chance I would ever have to talk to you? I don’t know if your death was a suicide or not, but it worries me, knowing that you called me right before it happened. What if I could have somehow helped prevent it? But I know that what’s done is done, and there’s no use blaming myself for what happened.
I know it’s totally cliché, but you really will be loved and missed forever. You were a part of so many people’s lives, and when you were snatched away so abruptly, it messed up all of our lives. The earth was tilted off its axis, something in the workings of the universe jarred. There’s an Alicia-sized gap that will never be filled. You were gold. You were amazing.
I have many beautiful memories of you, even though we only got to spend one day together. I remember giving you my shirt and my jeans, and a pair of socks that matched mine. You were so excited. You ran to your bedroom right away to put them on, and I felt proud seeing you wearing my clothes. It was like seeing myself.
I love you so much, Alicia. On Valentine’s Day, you sent me an email saying “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! I LOVE YOU!” Ten days before you passed away. I wrote back “I LOVE YOU TOO! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!” with a big grin on my face. I’m never going to delete your email address from my contacts, or from my phone, even though I’ll never be able to call you again.
I hope that someday, we’ll be able to meet again. I read a great book once, called Elsewhere, and I think that anybody who’s having a hard time dealing with this loss should read it. It’s really a great book, and a wonderful idea for an afterlife.
I will love and miss you forever.
Much, much love,
Forever Alicia’s twin.
<3 <3 <3
I feel your pain and know what you’re feeling right now. We lost our son to suicide. He shot himself with a gun also. We don’t have all the answers to why this happens but our children were feeling a lot of pain. They are out of pain now and are with God. You will never forget but you have to believe it will get better with time and most of all you are not responsible for what happened. Your daughter was a very accomplished writer and I’m sure a “jewel” of a child.She had so many interests. I think of Jeff every day and know he is with me. Your daughter is with you. You have to understand there is no such thing as closure when it come to a child whos life has been cut short. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to talk with someone that has been through this. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. My daughter sent me the info on Alicia and thought I might be able to help you to get through these dark days. Take care of yourselves and remember there is no one to blame.
Dear Alicia,
I am filled with immense sadness. I thought you’d always be there, and I would’ve helped you with anything you needed.
It’s very strange and lonesome without you here. You were a very good friend of mine and I miss my only sister!
Alicia. One of the best people to know, one of the best friends a person could have. Every memory I have connects with you, every feeling I have begins with you. All I can say is, you will never leave me, you will never be away from me. Best friend. Small words, big meaning. You deserve that whole meaning, no one would say other wise. You swept people off their feet with your words, and knpcked their socks off with your humor. I was one of those people. There aren’t very many who listen to others, even if their ideas might be stupid. But you were one of them. One in a million wouldn’t cut it. One in a billion, that’s what you are. That’s what you will always will be, my best friend, Alicia.
Much support to Alicia’s family. Thank you for giving the best friend I could have ever had. I will never forget any of you!
To Lily, Nick and family,
My sincerest sympathies and prayers go out to all of you. I was saddened to hear the news of Alicia’s recent passing. I will always remember Alicia along with Nick spending their time playing with their next-door neighbors. May Alicia rest in peace.
Even though I didnt know Alicia as well as many other people I will still miss her alot. She was a very positive part to my 5th and 6th grades years at Hazel Valley Elementary and it wouldnt have been the same without her. She was a very intellagent, athletic, and musical person and I was lucky to have her in my classes for those two years. We will all miss her alot. I hope that, even with this tragic loss, we all know that Alicia left behind many memories and she was a wonderful person to know.
With lots of love,
Tori Mulitauaopele<3
Even thought I didn’t personally know Alicia, I feel saddened by her passing.
My thoughts are with your family at this very difficult time.
Aaron Lyons
Ms. Bowman’s 7th Grade Class
Dear Stacy and Family,
I was saddened to learn of such a tragic event. Losing one’s child is something that no parent should have to survive. But we must survive and be strong for all of our children. We need to keep our strength from memories we hold close.
Hold on and be strong.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Cliff and Sheri
Dearest Lily,
Pat Polson called me this past weekend to tell me the very sad news about Alicia Angel. I am in tears as I type this and although I don’t have children myself, I can think of no greater loss than that of a mother losing her child. I met Alicia when she was just a toddler. Seeing photos of her on this website took me back many years ago when you brought your kids up to Pat Polson’s house when I was there for a visit. Alicia’s sweet and charming face hadn’t changed much over the years.
My thoughts are with you as you find your way through this tremendous grief. I have a special place in my heart for Nick. As the sister of two brothers, I can understand the heartbreak I would feel if I were suddenly without them.
I will be in touch with a letter in the mail. Lily, I hope to see you when I’m in Seattle this summer for a visit. It’s been too long since I’ve been in touch.
Wishing you love and peace,
Amy Brown your old pal from the VA
Dearest Lily and family,
I was so saddened to hear about Alicia’s passing. Orion phoned me from school after the announcement and asked me to pick him up… He has always cared for Alicia and remembers when they were young and closer and shared their love for “Link and Zelda”. Orion remembers her for her kindness, her intelligence and enthusiasm. Lily, I remember our times volunteering together and talking about the kids, birthday parties shared, etc. Much love to you and your family during this tragic and sad time.
Love, Lisa and Orion Jorgensen
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your “Angel”. May she rest in heavenly peace.
Lindsay Embry’s mother
Dear Stacy,
It is with great sorrow that I write to express Steve’s and my condolences to you, Steve and the children.
Although I never had the pleasure of meeting or knowing Alicia I know through Lori how sweet and talented she was and how much she will be missed.
With deepest sympathy,
Mary Stevenson
Alicia was part of our family for far too short a time. We didn’t have the honor of knowing her as a young child, but we will always remember her as the remarkable young lady that she became. We were always impressed with her smile, her kindness, the way she was always the first person at the door to greet us when we would arrive at my sister’s house. She was up for anything, playing badminton out back with my husband, talking about Hello Kitty with my pre-schooler… she could fit right in to any situation. It doesn’t matter how long a person knew her; she touched their lives with her grace and charm.
We will miss her. And as much as our hearts ache now and forever, we know it cannot compare to the anguish felt by Steve and Stacy and their children. Times like this make us realize how inadequate our language is to describe not only what we are feeling but also what we are wishing and hoping for those left behind who must struggle to find peace and make sense of a confusing and seemingly cruel world. We wish that we could do something, or say something, to make the pain go away but there are no words or deeds sufficient for that task. We can only hope that time will help heal, help us all reach some sort of new equilibrium where we can carry on.
One hope that I can express is that one day soon, you will once again be able to derive joy from your memories, both large and small. Remember the good times; the trips you took, the adventures you shared, the things that made you laugh together. Remember the small things too; holding her hand when she was a child, stroking her hair as she slept, random conversations about life, and love, and her dreams and aspirations. Above all, try to remember her with a smile on her face; that’s how we’re going to remember her.
Stacy and Steve,
I pray that God may bring you and your family peace through this difficult time. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Please do not hesitate to ask if there may be anything at all we can do for you.
With our deepest sympathies,
William Michael and Rosemarie Atkins
Dear Mead Family,
Im very sorry about Alicias sudden death and she will be missed and remembered by everyone of the sylvester community. Alicia was one of my teamates from vollyball. I wish i was able to become better friends with her and get to know her better. After vollyball was over i hadent seen her all that often every once in a while i would see her and she always had a bid smile on her face. I could tell that she was a good student. She is a amazing writter and from what i told she was a good person to be around. The service was beautiful and she will always be remembered by us.
Your friend,teamate Haley Hansen
Dear Stacy and family,
I’m so terribly sorry for the loss of Alicia. I am praying for strength for all of you.
It was an honor to contribute to Alicia’s service.
What a wonderful human being..the world will miss her so much!
Alicia will always be in my heart.
Fond memories of her sweet nature, and gentle smile, will last 4ever.
I feel Blessed that she has crossed my path, and I believe one day we will rejoyce 2gether with God, in heaven.
My depest felt sympathy goes out 2 her family. I know Alicia would never have wanted 2 cause pain. I will honor her, let go and let Love fill the gap.
Dear Stacy and Family,
Michael and I are deeply sorry for your loss. We are sending you love, fortitude and deep sympathy during this terrible time. May each of you find some peace.
i am really sorry what happen to alicia she was my friend and it really hard to lose somebody you love she was in my 3rd peroid together she helped me when i needed it that’s when i knew she was a good person and she was really sweet but i just hope that she is in a good place and also she is happy =.
love jessica dolan
I have learned about Alicia through my Mom Sunny, who has told me wonderful things about her. I am so sad to hear about such a precious life no longer here and was very touched by Alicias very talented poem. Our prayers go out to her whole family and all the Lives she was able to touch during her 12 years of Life.
God Bless,
Shannon and Family
Oh Ali,
My beautiful daughter. I wish there was a way for you to know the depth of love that Daddy and I have always had for you. I miss you so much already. I miss the lunches with you and Katie and shopping trips and movies and bowling and the talks about boys and clothes and your goals. I miss laughing with you and helping you with homework and keeping your secrets. I wish you’d given us more time. I’m so profoundly sorry, Alicia. I know you trusted me to fight for you and I would have fought forever if you’d have let me. You were a bright shining light to me for the time I had here and I will miss you every single day of my life. I love you, Ali Baba. I’ve loved you from the day that I met you and I will never ever stop. We will carry you with us everywhere, in everything we do, from now to eternity. Every outing, every family meal, every trip to the mall, you’re there walking right beside me. Be at peace, Baby Girl.
What an angel you were. You will always be the watching over us. We will all deeply miss your beautiful smile, thoughtful words, warmest hugs, selfless giving and most of all, your presence. We wish God gave us more time to share with you — you were such an outstanding person, so mature for your age. You were a role model for Maiah and Zahni and they are truly going to miss seeing, playing, drawing and just goofing around with you. We hope you knew how loved you were. We’ll cherish all the loving memories we had with you and will keep your spirit alive in us forever.
Love, Uncle TDK, Aunty Diana, Cousins Maiah and Zahni Khin
Mama Alicia was my favorite cousin to play with. I loved when Mama Alicia watched movies with me. I will miss Mama Alicia sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Maiah Khin
Ma-Ma Alicia played Super-Smash Brothers with me and my sister. She was really nice and caring. I’ll miss her.
Love, Zahni Khin
Hello Stacy, Steve and Family.
I just want to say that my heart is hurting with you. No words or thoughts could complete an understanding to the grief you all are feeling. Please know that Kyle and I are praying for your family and are here to help personally or professionally in anyway. One hour at a time. One moment at a time. Breathe.
Take care of You,
Carrie Erickson Kyle too
Dear Khin Family,
Thank you so much for sharing your compassion and love with each other and the world. Alicia was so vibrant. What spirit! … in her poignant writing, in her generosity as a 10-year-old banker to the poor, in her strong calm and sparkle that September evening when we all kayaked in the moonlight.
Wishing you peace, comfort and love,
Paula, Tao and Tia
My deepest sympathies and condolences to Lily, Nick and the entire family. I only met Alicia this past summer but in the two days that I did see her she was a joy to know. Her smile will be in my memory forever.
Dear Staci and Family
I didn’t know Alicia but I’m sitting here with tears streaming down my face, I know she was kind, compassionate, a talented writer and musician. What an incredible person she was! Please accept our deepest condolances and prayer at this time.
Without a doubt Alicia is a bright star and angel smiling down on you.
“What we have enjoyed we can never loose……
All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”
Helen Keller
With found love and prayer
Sharon Hill and Family
My sincere and hearfelt condolences. I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I am so sorry. No one should have to go through something like this. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do.
Arnie Stapnes
We are so sorry,you are in our prayers.
Our hearts got out to you all in your time of loss. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to call on us.
Dear Steve and Family,
My heart goes out to all of you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you.
Debbie Walkup
We are deeply sorry for your loss. Lilly please let us know if there’s anything we can do for you and Nick. With love, The Ward Family
Dear Stacy and Family,
I know it has been a long time but they say that true friends, no matter what, can pick up where they left off. My heart aches for you and your family right now, I wish I could be there to give you a hug. Though I do not know Alicia, I can tell from her story and that incredible poem that she wrote, that she must have been not only an exceptional child, but an exceptional and very special person. One can only dream to know hearts as tender as hers must have been. Please know that you and your famiily are in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathy goes out to all of you. Know that God is holding Alicia in His arms.
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you at this very difficult time. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May you somehow find peace and comfort in the days ahead and celebrate all the great memories shared together.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have never met Alicia, but it is obvious that she was a special child. I hope that your love of each other helps you to get through this most difficult time. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stacy, I wish that I could be there to give you a hug, but know that I am available if you need to talk. Love to all.
Dear Stacy and your entire family and friends,
I am so, so sorry for your loss. It is hard to imagine tragedy like this can happen. My family’s hearts and prayers go out to you all. God bless Alicia and your family.
Steve and Family,
My heart sank when I heard and I am so sorry for your loss. A loss is never easy. My prayers and thoughts are with you at this time.Alicia’s poem really moved me and sounds like she will making an impression in heaven,singing,playing music,writing more poems and taking care of all the animals that were loved so much here on hearth.
Peace be with you Steve, and your family.
We are praying for you all.
Dear Steve and Family:
Our prayers are with you at this most difficult time.
Tom Jowett & Family