Barbara Herbst- Anderson

February 1, 1925 - June 5, 2007


Barbara Mae Lewis Herbst Anderson

Born in Seattle on February 1, 1925 at Virginia Mason Hospital and raised in Seattle, Everett, Spokane, Yakima and Olympia, Washington. She is a second generation Seattleite. She attended schools in Seattle and Olympia before entering Whitman College. After college she served in the US Navy as a WAVE during World Ware II where she met her husband, Jim Herbst. They were married in 1946 and lived in St. Louis, Missouri and Seattle. Jim passed away in 1982.

Barbara is survived by her two daughters and their husbands, Lisa and Jim Rojecki of Issaquah and Tracy and Paul Martin of Auburn; three granddaughters, Kelly Matt McKee, Sunny Matt Turner and Kate Rojecki; one great grandson, Jacob McKee; her brother DeLancey Helen Lewis and numerous nieces and nephews.

After being widowed for seven years she married Edward M. Anderson of Dallas, Texas in 1989. Ed passed away in 2006.

Barbara belonged to many organizations including the Ladies of the Oriental Shrine of North America, Order of Eastern Star of which she is a Past Matron, alumnae chapter of Delta Delta Delta and a Past President of Beta Sigma Phi of which she has been a member for over 50 years. She is a member of, Daughters of the American Revolution, Rainier Chapter, where she has served as Treasurer, 1st Vice Regent and Regent of Rainier Chapter and has served for many years on the Corporation Board.

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Shirley Galli
Shirley Galli
5 years ago

Karneetsa Chapter DAR expresses heartfelt sympathy to Barbara’s family. She was a dear Daughter and will be greatly missed. I always so enjoyed visiting with her and hearing of her many and varied DAR experiences.

Myrtle Prohaska
Myrtle Prohaska
5 years ago

“What a beautiful difference one single life made.” This was Barbara as I knew her. I shared time with her in Rainier Chapter DAR, Colonial Dames, Daughters of Founders & Patriots and Sons of American Revolution. Our thoughts and sympathy are with her and her family.

Jennie Willardson
Jennie Willardson
5 years ago

Spokane Garry Chapter DAR would like to express condolences to Barbara’s daughters. Barbara Herbst-Anderson was a great WA State Regent DAR. We fondly remember her visit to our chapter. She was a role model for Juniors, as I was then, as to what DAR women could accomplish. Marvel and I missed Barbara at WA State conference this year. Barbara Herbst-Anderson leaves a legacy of leadership that will be remembered by the next generations of WA State DAR.

Rae Anna Victor
Rae Anna Victor
5 years ago

Barara was an elegant sweet lady who accomplished great things. We will miss her greatly.

Elizabeth Walker
Elizabeth Walker
5 years ago

Barbara was such a bright light! She was a mentor to me and had so much confidence in my abilities. I will always feel grateful to have known her. I will miss her very, very much.

Lynne Stratmann
Lynne Stratmann
5 years ago

It was always so enjoyable to receive Aunt Barb’s letters at Christmas which kept us up to date with her travels and her family. Due to the distance and still being employed, even though I am the oldest cousin, I am sorry we cannot be there in person to give you all hugs. I know that Aunt Barb is in a better place with the rest of our relatives that have all gone before her. Our prayers are with you at this time as you celebrate her life and remember she will always be with you in your memories.

Lynne,Dave and family

Rosalie Nelson
Rosalie Nelson
5 years ago

I met Barbara through DAR and

found her to be a gracious and

thoughtful Lady. You all have my

heartfelt sympathy.

Laurie Gemza Leitner
Laurie Gemza Leitner
5 years ago

Dearest Lisa and Family,

I was saddened to see that your dear Mom passed away. I send you my prayers and deepest sympathy. Your Mom was always so sweet to me at Boeing. She made some of my hard times there alittle easier to get through as did you Lisa. I have thought about you over the years and wondered how you were doing. You were very kind to me and it was very much appreciated. Feel free to e-mail me if you wish. Again my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Love, Laurie

Laurie Gemza Leitner
Laurie Gemza Leitner
5 years ago

Here is my e-mail: I wrote the wrong address in the previous entry. God Bless,Laurie

Karolyn Walden
Karolyn Walden
5 years ago

Barbara was an inspiration to me at Rainier Chapter events.She looked so special in her colonial dress at “House Happenings”I always looked for her and her cheerful way of doing things.

Linda Shiflett
Linda Shiflett
5 years ago

Just to know Barb was a gift. It was my pleasure and a great honor to have served on her Board when she was WA State Regent, DAR. I am a better person having had the opportunity to get to know her and Ed and enjoy their friendship. She will always have a special place in my heart. She is not gone, she is just away. God Bless you Barb and Ed, together again.

Linda Shiflett

Jan Nelson
Jan Nelson
5 years ago

So much energy! That’s what I remember most. One of our DAR shining stars! I always looked forward to seeing Barbara at our State meetings. We will all miss the wit and the friendship she shared with us.

Jan Nelson

Ft. Vancouver Chapter

Sandy Thompson
Sandy Thompson
5 years ago

Fort Vancouver Chapter DAR are deeply sadden by Barbara’s death. Several members from our chapter remember her dearly.

Phyllis Toomey
Phyllis Toomey
5 years ago

Rainier Chapter DAR is deeply saddened by the untimely death of our beloved Honorary State Regent and our Honorary Chapter Regent and long time member Barb was so vital to our Chapter and also to the State. What an inspiration to all and dearly loved.

Lisa, Kelly, Kate and daughters, we loved your mother dearly and we will pray for her and for you and your families. I can hear her say. “What is all the fuss about?

I will be with you always right by your sides. I had to go because Jim and Ed needed me and please take care of Phoenix, he was such a joy to me.

Love and God Bless,

Rainier Chapter

Pam Hallock
Pam Hallock
5 years ago

Was so sorry to hear of Barbara’s passing. Will miss seeing and talking with her at the meetings.

Troy and Leah Reynolds
Troy and Leah Reynolds
5 years ago

Although we rarely were able to physically give hugs to each other, we will always remember the special moments we were able to share with Aunt Barb through the years and across the miles. She held a special place in our hearts and will continue to do so as she now resides in a special place with God. Blessings and peace be with you all during this time of sadness but rejoice that she is in a better place with all the loved ones who have gone before her, especially Uncle Jimmy and Ed. Much love to my cousins Lisa and Tracy and their families.

Leah and Troy