Benito Cabrera Sison Jr.
April 28, 1939 - May 26, 2017

Benito Cabrera Sison Jr. (1939 – 2017)
Benito Cabrera Sison Jr. 78 passed away in Seattle, WA. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend. Most people knew him as a good-natured man, always smiling, shaking hands and giving high fives to people.
To his only daughter and five sons, he was a dad with a generous soul. To his wife, he was a loving husband. To his grandchildren, he was kind. Benito was born on April 28, 1939, in the Province of Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippines. He was one of the sons of Benito and Maria Sison. He grew up with his family owning the Sison Laundry business in De Ampil, Santa Mesa, Manila and relocated to San Juan Quezon City, Philippines. He attended college at FEU (Far Eastern University) in the Philippines. He worked at the State Bonding Insurance Company in the Philippines.
He met the love of his life, the beautiful Leticia Cabanatan. They were married in 1960 and were blessed with six children. They started their owned restaurant in Escolta Manila. He migrated to Seattle, Washington in 1993. Benito was a simple man, who loved to play chess, walk, and he also loved to speak to our neighbors in different Filipino dialects. (Tagalog, Ilocano and Pangasinan) Our neighbors knew him better than I did. In his last years he had been diagnosed with Kidney failure and on dialysis for almost ten years, and later on he was diagnosed with Dementia Disease.
Benito was blessed with one daughter and five sons and twelve grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He was the thirteenth child out of fifteen siblings and the last departed from his family.
On May 26, 2017 Benito passed away peacefully at Swedish Hospital. He was survived by his wife, Leticia Sison. His Children: Crisma Sison Castillo & Orlando Castillo, Benito Sison III (Eric) & Liza Avila Sison, Wiljem Sison (Jim), Almirante Sison (Alfie) & Rossana Diego Sison, Bernard Sison and Celestino Sison. His grandchildren: Adrian Sison, Kevin Sison, Chantelle Castillo, Erika Sison, Jerrick Sison, Jovanni Castillo, Jasilynn Sison, Bryan Sison, Christian (Ian) Sison, Arriona Sison, Michael (Briggs) Sison, and Jalina Sison. His Great grandchildren: Liliana-Heart Romero Sison, Alonzo-Marciano Romero Sison, Angelina Hill-Sison Segarra & Dominic Hill-Sison Segarra. He also leaves behind an extended family: Cheryl Santos, Maricris Sison and Christina Hill and a sea of family in the Philippines and friends who loved him.
Benito may no longer be with us, but he will be remembered and we are here to celebrate his life.