Bonnie Gail Hildebrand
August 12, 1940 - January 20, 2007

Bonnie Gail Hildebrand
Bonnie Gail Layne Hildebrand has passed away from cancer at the age of 66, at Valley Medical Center, Renton. Bonnie was born at the family home in Tumwater, Washington, on August 12, 1940, to Bruce and Judy Layne. Her family moved around a lot while she was young, back and forth from Washington to California, with a stop in Missouri for a while, before moving back to stay in Washington. Bonnie graduated from Highline High School, in Burien in 1958. She completed a semester of college at Washington State University, before becoming a weather clerk for United Airlines. She went on to work for the Boeing Company, starting as a clerk and working her way up to becoming the assistant to a top Boeing executive. She retired in 1999 after 38 years with the company. She was married to Fred Hildebrand from 1979 to 1982.
Bonnie loved gardening, drawing, cooking, and helping others. She purchased a home in Ravensdale, where she and her beloved cats could enjoy the quiet country atmosphere. She had a wonderful time planning and executing landscaping designs for her home. Unfortunately, failing health limited her ability to continue the work so carefully planned.
Bonnie was preceded in death by her parents, Bruce and Judy Layne; is survived by her sister Barbara Raye Layne of Taos, New Mexico; one nephew, and many cousins spread across the US. Bonnie, with her warm hugs, sweet smile, and contagious laughter will be "Forever Loved" and truly missed.
A memorial service will be held Friday, September 28 at 1:00 PM at Bonney-Watson, Washington Memorial Park, 16445 International Boulevard, SeaTac WA. Memorial donations in her name may be made to her favorite charities: Union Gospel Mission, P. O. Box 202 Seattle WA 98111-0202 or The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte NC 28201-0001.
May I never forget Bonnie’s warm smile & the times we shared our faith in Christ…
The Answers Are
And Always Have Been
In Plain Sight