Camden Ronald Trendler

February 11, 1990 - November 11, 2014


Camden Ronald Trendler, age 24, passed away unexpectedly on November 11, 2014. Born February 11, 1990 in Denver Colorado, he moved with his mother and sister to Seattle during the summer of 2005. Survived by his mother, Kelly Trendler, her boyfriend and family friend Tim Meyer, his father Calvin Trendler and his wife Kelli, his brother Cory and his wife Karen Walton, sister Carly Eddington and her husband Brandon, niece Paige Eddington, nephew Brayden Eddington.  Also survived by his grandmother Phyllis Rudolph, grandfather Ronald Latimer and his wife Rebecca, grandmother Doris Trendler, and aunts, uncles and cousins, who all loved him dearly. He loved spending time with his niece and nephew, they thought the world of him. Paige and Brayden loved nothing more than laughing and playing with their uncle Cam. As an uncle, son, brother and friend, Camden was the most loving, supportive, selfless person anyone could ever meet.

            Camden was a loving, caring, vibrant, handsome young man with a unique sense of humor and embraced life to the fullest. He was ambitious, talented, and athletic. He was goalie on his ice hockey team from the age of 4 to 15. Ramps and rails were his challenge on a skateboard.  An accomplished musician on drums and trumpet, he played in various bands, both in Denver and Seattle.  Constantly listening to all types of music, he especially loved jazz.  His artistry included photography and drawing.  He recently had become enthusiastic about cooking, creating new recipes, even gourmet meals.

            Camden was loved by all who knew him. Words cannot express how much he will be missed. Our hearts are broken.  He loved his book of selections by Rumi.

            “Though to you this time seems midnight,

               To me the dawn of a joyful morn seems nigh.”  -Rumi


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Caroline Clark
Caroline Clark
5 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with your family..

Kyle Kube
Kyle Kube
5 years ago

Can’t believe you’re gone my man. My most favorite memories of growing up are with you. I love you man, it was a blessing sharing my life with you. Love to the Trendler family.

Phil Jent
Phil Jent
5 years ago

Love ya Camden

Brittany Anderson
Brittany Anderson
5 years ago

Thoughts and prayers during this hard time. My family and I am here for everyone, much love.

Nancy Hewitt
Nancy Hewitt
5 years ago

Kelly, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I only met Camden when he was a young boy. Too young to leave his family and what might have been. Your family is in my prayers.

Bobby D'Onofrio
Bobby D'Onofrio
5 years ago

I can still recall that night we first met Camden, you walked out of the rink hallway carrying a hockey bag that was three times your size. You had this smile on your face, a smile that can never be forgotten. You reminded me a lot of myself, small and crazy enough to stand in front of a net while hard rubber pucks were fired at us. The memories of coaching you and watching you play hockey will be forever cherished. Camden, you were so special and you always gave everything your all.

I will forever miss you and that amazing smile you had. There will not be a day that goes by that I will not think of you in those black and red Simmon goalie pads, with that grin of yours through your goalie mask. Even when faced with a breakaway or a 2-on-0 you were still smiling. I miss that so much.

Camden, you are an amazing person and I will never forget you.

Chris & Kathi Rowland
Chris & Kathi Rowland
5 years ago

So sad about this, Calvin; our hearts mourn with you. Praying

comfort for you and all Camden’s family & friends.

Roberta & Larry Moody
Roberta & Larry Moody
5 years ago

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time, so sorry for your loss.

Ronnie Harper
Ronnie Harper
5 years ago

Nothing I can say Will mend your broken heart, just know that He and GOD are forever with you.

Olaf Buntrock
Olaf Buntrock
5 years ago

I met this young man and never forgot his smile and his enthusiasm and zest for life, and his boundless curiosity about the world.

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”


My blessings and heart go to you all.

candice latimer
candice latimer
5 years ago

remembering all those summers together when we were kids

Becky Latimer
Becky Latimer
5 years ago

There are no words to describe how we feel at the unfortunate and unfair death of Camden. We loved him and feel so bad for all the family and loved ones during this time. Camden will be truly missed.

Kristin Lackey
Kristin Lackey
5 years ago

Camden-when I think of you, I think of your big heart, your big smile and your kind eyes. There was something so genuine about you. You loved your family so much and I think we could all feel that from you. I have so many awesome memories from the summers we spent together in Colorado…I only wish I had the chance to make new memories like that as adults. My heart hurts for you and it really hurts for Cory, Carly and your mom and dad.

I love you cousin.

“And if you were with me tonight,

I’d sing to you just one more time.

A song for a heart so big,

god wouldn’t let it live.

May angels lead you in.

Hear you me my friends.

On sleepless roads the sleepless go.

May angels lead you in.

-jimmy eat world

Capt. John C. JEPSEN
Capt. John C. JEPSEN
5 years ago

Rest in Peace Camden. You were a Great Friend. God Bless.

Tim Meyer
Tim Meyer
5 years ago

Dearest Camden,

I miss you so very much…I will hold onto the memories of the special times we spent together. The times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we didn’t understand. I promise to be there for your mother, your brother and sister, and family. God bless you Camden…You are such a good man. All my love always…forever your friend…Tim

Barb Imhof & Family
Barb Imhof & Family
5 years ago

Our hearts are saddened by your loss, and our thoughts

and Prayers are with you. My your Memories give you

Peace and Comfort .

Kalli Kube
Kalli Kube
5 years ago


When I think about you, I remember your distinct laugh, and your goofy smile. You were always making people laugh. I remember you being a great friend, a great brother, son, hockey player, person all around. Everybody has those friends in life they go years without seeing but still think of often, and assume they will always be around to rekindle the friendship down the road. I am so deeply saddened by the news of your death because you were such a light in this world. Thank you for your contagious laughter, love, friendliness, and joy. You will always be in my heart, and I am thankful that my family and I were able to cross paths with you. See you again someday Camden, I know you will be resting in paradise until then.

Andy Thomas
Andy Thomas
5 years ago

I loved playing music with you and am sad that we will never get to do that again. I will miss you.

Becky Latimer
Becky Latimer
5 years ago

We love you Camden! I found a few pictures to share.

Joey & Gina LaZier
Joey & Gina LaZier
5 years ago


Last time I seen you, we hugged & smiled & said that we loved each other! I love that I have that moment to remember as the last time I seen you. I have many memories with you as kids growing up! I wish you knew how many people really love & care about you & would have done anything to help you. I wish it was all different. But I know now you are an angel in Heaven & you are at peace & that is what helps me smile through this hard time in missing you here on Earth! I love you always Camden!

Love your cousin, Gina & the whole family!


Capt. John C. JEPSEN
Capt. John C. JEPSEN
5 years ago

My heartfelt condolences on your loss. Excellent Services.

My website is (Code-3 Cowboy Association)

(206) 659-0904 (Office)

(425) 212-7978 (Cell)

May God be with with you and your Family.

What a pleasure it was to meet all of the Family Members.

My heartfelt Blessings to all of you. Camden was a Great Friend. God Bless you all. Please keep in touch. I’d love to continue a relationship with all of your Family. Camden had a heart of gold. I will never forget him as his Picture is now a part of my “Memorial Wall” that commemorates my fallen friends. God bless you all.

Capt. John C. JEPSEN

DOD Police

Eric Epling
Eric Epling
5 years ago

Cam, I’m happy to have played music with you and l take some solace and pride knowing I can always throw our records on and hear you. I’ll miss you, brother.

Andrew Vallejos
Andrew Vallejos
5 years ago

Cam, you, Gilbert, and I were inseparable in elementary school man. I miss those days. We would always argue who the better skateboarder was, Jamie Thomas or Chad Muska. Haha. I miss you kid. Ride easy.

Jessica Prince
Jessica Prince
5 years ago


I haven’t seen you in almost 12 years. We were just children last time we spoke but you were always so kind to me and I always considered you a friend. I will always remember riding my bike by your house and stopping to say hi and seeing you eveyday in class. I always wondered where life took you, so my heart was heavy when I heard through a childhood friend you were gone. So I just wanted to say goodbye once more, May you rest in peace my dear friend.

God Bless

Jessica Candelairo- Prince

5 years ago

I always thought of Camden as a little brother but I actually looked up to him in a lot of ways. Camden had this uncanny ability to be great at everything! There wasn’t a thing he did that he wasn’t the best at. I didn’t look up to him because he was good at sports and music, I looked up to him because of his passion and dedication to the things that he loved. Even though he excelled at everything, he never let it go to his head. He was one of the most humble people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Sometimes I would forget that I was so much older than him because he was such an intelligent person and could hold his own in any conversation. I remember one day we were driving around and he was doing a very lengthy drum solo on my dash board and he stops and looks at me and blurts out a quote from some philosopher that I probably couldn’t even pronounce, and then goes right back into finishing his solo. He was a ball of energy and you couldn’t be anything but happy when you were around him. The memories I have of Camden will be ones I cherish forever. I’m going to miss you Cam.

To Carly, Cal, Kelly and Cory- I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.

1 year ago

your brother cory is a bitch it should have been him instead of you