Carmen Muratalla
September 16, 1915 - July 8, 2007

Carmen Muratalla, age 91, passed peacefully at her home on July 8, 2007. Carmen is survived by her sons, Jose Luis Victoria, Santiago Guadalupe, Manuel Amparo, Jorge; daughters, Teresa, Gloria, Carmela Domingo Irma Leticia Jose; 36 grandchildren; 44 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren. Carmen was preceded in death by her husband, Aurelio in 1986, and her children Manuelito as a toddler, Francisco Javier as an infant, and Maria de los Angeles June 28, 2007. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, 07/11 from 3-5:30 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Federal Way, 1535 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 253 839-7317. A rosary will be held at St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church, 30525 – 8th Ave. S, Federal Way, WA on Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church on Thursday at 11:00 am. Interment will follow at Gethsemane Catholic Cemetery.
I haven’t seen you since I was a little girl but I have and always will LOVE you!!! When we were little you tried to teach us Spanish and always made the best food! You will always be in my heart Grandma! God bless you!
Love your great granddaughter,
tia carmen te recuerdo con cariño meda tisteza que hayas fallecido gracias porque me quisiste mucho y ya no te pude ver de nuevo siempre te recordade con cariño porque siempre eras la que me escuchabas todas mis penas tristezas y me ayudaste moralmente y recuerdo con mucho cariño a mi prima maria de los angeles muratalla y mi tia carmen gonzalez gutierrez que tengan buen descando las recordare con cariño
hola abuelita que tengas un feliz dencanso ya dios te recibira en sus brazoz
hola querida hermana carmen gutierrez gonzalez aunque ya no te vi por ultima vez espero que ya estes condios.que el dolor que nos causo tu partida no hace deramar lagrimas de tristeza que esperamos pronto se conviertan en alegria al saber la grandeza de dios del cual seras su compañia nunca te olvidare
hola mi querida abuelita carmen gutierrez gonzalez y madre maria de los angeles muratalla gutirrez hoy quiero darles el ultimo adios aunque no pude estar con ustedes en el nombre de cristo de golgota solo decimos señor señor en tus manos encomensamos a los seremos amdos carmen gutierrez gonzalez y maria de los angeles muratalla que acaban de partir de la tierra no las abandones señor dadle siempre la voluntad del progreso la luz de la verdad la fuerza del amor la paz universal
hola mi querida madre hoy quiero hacer una oracion sublime quiero cantar un himno hermoso a la vida en la erraticidad del espacio carmen gutierrez gonzalez que has dejado en la tierra la cara prision de tu cuerpo vives ahora en el tiempo infinito en la eternidad divina del maestro en las moradas su sublimes del dios adorado dios te dara fuerzas para continuar tu ascension mas alla adelante carmen gutierrez gonzalez dicen tus seres queridos te dicen tus seres de la tierra busca en tu misterio de su brillo a la estrella vespertina tu puedes visitar en tu viaje sideral la luna clara de nuestro globo terrestre y puedes ver tambien otro planetas de mas luz y progreso que el nuestro.ayudadle señor y despertad en el la voluntad del progreso la luz de la verdad del amor. la paz universal y enviad vuestros mensajeros de luz que le ayuden ahora y siempre señor.en vuestro mundo astral acabais de recibir a ese ser que en nuestro mundo material llamamos carmen gutierrez gonzalez acampañadle amados nuestros durante su nueva jordana celeste.limpiad esta alma tan querida de todas sus impurezas materiales para que pronto pueda ser con vosotros en el reino de dios gracias madre mia por el amor que medio y pido a dios ya pronto a volucion con el dios la bendiga y sea un angelito mas que nos va a cuidad nunca la olvidare madre
mi querida abuelita carmen gutierrez gonzalez ve hacia la luz busca un punto de luz y dirigite haci alli piensa en ls angeles y pideles que tomen de la mano y te iliminen no te detengas en la obscuridad ve hacia la luz.mira un momento el camino terrenal que has abandonado, metida cuan bella es la libertad del espiritu en la eternidad mira solo hacia arriba buscando a dios mas alto elevate con esa fuerza que solo da el deseo del progreso mas arriba en la inmensidad azul alli donde apenas se percibe el obscuro palpaitar de las pasiones humanas alli te aseguro podras encontrar la fuente inagotable de la claridad divina no dudes un solo instante de las pontencialidades de tu ser recoge carmen gutierrez gonzalez del espacio inmenso esas armonias sublimes cuya musicalidad los mortales no podemos concebir jamas. cuando eso hagas carmen gutierrez gonzalez habras encontrado el sendero de la luz que conduce a la verdadera mora del señor.gracias abuelita carmen por todo lo que nos diste esperando pronto este en el reino de los cielos recuerda que a esa etapa a la que pasaste te llenara de dicha y felicidad que desde el cielo tu cuidadaras por todos nosotros de corazon gracias por lo que nos diste gracias por haber sido mi abuelita y yo tu nieta nunca te olvidare me siento triste por tu partida pero a la vez feliz porque estas con dios nuestro señor y todos nuestros seres que han fallecido pesame para toda la familia los quiero
Carmen was my mother-in-law for many years. Technically, she was no longer my mother-in-law when she went to be with the Lord, but she was the only mother-in-law I had the honor to have had in this world.
Growing up in Mexico, Carmen had many stories to tell about her life. She lived a hard life and struggled just to put food on the table for her children. I am at peace to know that she will be rewarded for her hard labor and struggles for her family.
When I see Carmen again, I know she will be wearing a crown of “righteousness”.
She was a true blessing to us all and I am pleased that she had a long life. She leaves a big void in our lives. I will always remember her with fond memories.
Carmen was my mother in law for 20 years. I am sad that we didn’t get to know each other very well because we spoke different languages. I remember her great cooking, that my kids just loved! I wished I could make rice like she could. I remember when we would come to visit she would always make over her Son and Grandchildren, she was so happy to see us. I know she loved her family very much. She was a real sweet lady.
God bless you Carmen,
Love Debbie
hola atodos mi mas sentido pesame por el sencible fallecimiento de mi tia no hay palabras mas que decirle que resignacion y pedirle a Dios por su eterno descanzo a mi tia mi mama raquel acevedo tambien envia su mas sentido pesame al igual que mis hermanos.
Carmen was my grandmother…mi querida abuelita. She helped my parents raise my two brothers, Luis and Nicky, and myself. She lived a long, and at times hard, life. Over the past 21 years of my life, I have seen her change diapers of her grandchildren and years later their children, chase us grand-kids with a broom when we were being mischievous, and then make us dinner and put us to bed. My grandmother had an immense love and care for children. She began caring for children while she herself was still a child. It started with her siblings she was the eldest of 8 children, then her children, her grandchildren and even some of her great-grandchildren. In the last few years of her life I also watched my grandmother live with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. I took it upon myself to take a course while at college, that would help me understand her condition. I was then able to help my mother care for her while I was visiting home from college. Mi abuelita was a strong woman…one of the strongest women I have ever known. It gives me great pride and assurance to know that I come from a long line of strong women. I only hope that I am as blessed as my grandmother to be able to die at home, in my bed, with my family. I will miss you terribly and remember you always…La quiero mucho abuelita…cuidame del cielo.
I was a very lucky man to have two mothers — one who gave me life, another who shaped me as a person — and I have had to say goodbye to both in just two weeks. I never had the chance to know my birth mother, Maria, due to unusual circumstances. However I was lucky enough to have my grandmother Carmen adopt me. She treated me just like one of her own children and taught me the importance of responsibility to ones family. I remember as a child she would leave home before sunrise and not come home until well after sundown. She cleaned homes, washed and ironed clothes, doing whatever she needed to do to feed and clothe her family. Though I will never see her again, she will always be in my heart. I love you, Mom.
Your son,
Jorge Muratalla Sr.