Carroll Marvin Nicholson
August 17, 1930 - January 24, 2007

Carroll Marvin NICHOLSON
August 17, 1930 – January 24, 2007. In loving memory of Nick, much loved husband, partner, friend, mentor, papa, grandfather. We will all miss you every minute of every day we remain here on earth. Nick led an awesome, full, adventure – filled life, living every day to the fullest. Nick had been a logger, a Boeing employee, tour guide and bus driver, beauty salon owner, restaurant owner, real estate broker, appraiser. He built and remodeled many homes and restaurants. Nick loved road trips, travel, hunting, golf, old westerns, old radio shows, cars, our home, our life together, every minute together, loved all his family, children, grandchildren, and friends deeply. Mostly, he loved his wife with a deep unconditional love, appreciated every minute with her. Nick was a manly man, proud, passionately and fiercely independent, never asking for anything from anyone, never expecting anything from anyone, always standing on his own two feet. Sixteen years with Nick has been too short, but in our life together, we worked hard, accomplished much, traveled extensively, went on road trips, built our home together. We loved, laughed, ”discussed” and shared everything without reserve. Nick was passionate in everything he did, and took great pride in his accomplishments. Everything had to be perfect. He took care of business, and his home. But most importantly, he cared for his wife. Nick enjoyed cars and old tractors. Over the years he acquired 14 tractors and restored them all with help and care of many who became very close friends. Nick is survived by his loving wife, Linda, of 14 years; stepson Eric Sizemore, his wife Cindy, their children Leah and Elyssa; stepson Jason Sizemore , his wife Ember , their children Haeley, Brittney, and Jason Jr.; stepdaughter Sherri Leonard, her husband Mark, and their children Kayla and Trevor; brother-in-law Steve Johnson and his wife, Kelly; sister-in-law Vicki Middleton, her husband Roger, and their children: brother Arthur Nicholson and wife Jean, many nieces and nephews; son Marvin Nicholson; grandchildren Nathan, Natalie, Melissa, Angela, Shaun, Kellin, Kyle; great grandchildren Tayana and Ian. Nick was preceded in death by his daughter, Shirley Holmes. We will meet you in heaven, Nick, to rejoin and rejoice. Feel our love and prayers forever. A memorial service will be held at Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel, 900 SW 146th St., Burien, WA 98166, Saturday, February 10, 2007 at 2:00 PM. Reception to follow at the family home. Please see Nick’s online memorial at
Truer words could not be spoken about this great man, and his great life, and a devoted Wife who was able to share so much with him. Our thoughts will always be with you linda,as well as the countless memories of “Tractor Nick”. He will surely be missed by all. Steve and Kelly
I love you Nick and Momma! With all my love, Whaa Whaa or as Nick would say, Mork and Mindy!
I will truely miss my newpaper reading buddy Nick. I only knew Nick for a short time, but I loved being around him and watching him laugh.
Pam told me what happened to Nick upon her return from California. I’m so sorry. I feel fortunate to have met Nick even though it was brief and just the one time. No doubt he will be missed but I’m sure he is now in Heaven looking down on us. Please take care and if there is ever anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.
Don Pease
I have loved you and Nick as family for many, many years. We all share so many memories together, and it is those memories, filled with love and sharing that will continue. My heart breaks for you in this sad time, but it also rejoices in the knowledge of Nick’s everlasting life. I will always be there for you.
Your sister in Christ,
My Love and Prayers are with you Linda. I’m so glad we could all get together in November. Anything I can do, please let me know!
It is so hard to believe that Nick has gone home. He was such a wonderful man, friend and mentor. It is as though, we have lost a part of our hearts. Nick was a one of a kind. Loving and caring. Never asking anything of anyone. Except true friendship. He always believed that if you wanted something. You could get it. If you only had the desire to acheive it. He taught me that it was OK to laugh again after we lost Tom. You and he gave me the love and friendship to start over again.
The memories we shared. The times we had together can never be taken. It is those memories that will forever keep Nick’s love and laughter with us and alive. My heart is breaking for you as you go through the hardest thing that anyone faces in their life. Know that you have a wonderful network of friends and family who are here for you. I love you Dino.
Life can be taken away in a flash of the moment – Memories are with us until we join those who have gone before us. May the memories you two shared keep you strong and help to soften the sadness of this heartfelt loss.
Love, Shirley and Cliff
You don’t know me but I have enjoyed getting to know Sherri, just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers.
I met Nick at Hot August Nights in Reno many years ago. He was dusting the ’36 Ford and talking to all who were admiring his car. It was a beautiful car owned by a wonderful man. Nick and I ran across one another at other car events in the Seattle area, and our friendship developed. He was always there to offer help and guidance in whatever I was doing…and I did my best to reciprocate. Nick was an unselfish man with high values and loved by all of us who were fortunate to have him as a friend.
Rest in peace dear friend.
Harry Grandstrom
Nick was a great friend. We will truly miss him, but he will remain in our hearts and minds.
The many times we shared in appraisal meetings, seminars, and conferences will not be forgotten. The time we got a bunch of appraisers together and went to Hawaii for a class and fun was a highlight in our lives.
He was a wonderful person and friend. Our simpathy goes out to Linda and the family.
Gail & Bev Harmon
Ahhhhhh….Nicholson…. The Man in Black. I miss you so much already. I am so blessed to have been a part of his life for the past 4 years. I have so many memories of Nick and will hold them dear to my heart “forever and always.” He made me smile everyday and we had some great talks the past couple of years. I will always admire him and his love for life and especially his love for Linda. He inspires me to be better in my own day to day life and live everyday to the fullest. I will miss you Nicholson, so very Much. May you be at peace and stay in all of our Hearts.
Happy Hunting!!!!
My sincere sympathy goes out to Linda. Nick was unselfish in sharing his knowledge with fellow appraisers and always quick with his humor. I have always valued our friendship and sorry it has been too long since our last visit.
This page isn’t large enough to tell of all the good times we had together with both of you. The locating of old tractors in sheds, fields,back yards actually almost anywhere, Great car Shows, Hot August Nights, Tractor Shows and misc. trips. Your smile, jokes and sense of humor will be greatly missed by both of us. May we meet again in the wild blue yonder. God Bless you Linda our thoughts and prayers are with you and your wonderful family. With our Love, Herman & Myke
Nick,was MY DAD. His wife,LINDA didn’t think it was necessary to inform me or my brother Marv of his death. I’m absolutely devastated to learn that it only did this woman rob me of my chance to say goodbye, but she didn’t even have the decency to tell mention me in his obit. I am so sorry dad, that we fell out of touch, and sorrier still that I never got the chance to tell you that in spite of everything, I am great full for all you did for me growing up. Marv and I both will have an empty hole in our lives forever, with no way to fill it or make peace with you or say goodbye. I am never going to understand how a person can take from any human being what Linda took from us. I love you dad, always have. I would have been there had I been given the chance