Catherine Josephine Ybarrola, SP

March 8, 1919 - July 1, 2015



(Sister Ann Dolores)

Sister Ann Dolores Ybarrola, age 96, a Sister of Providence for 78 years, died July 1, 2015, at St. Joseph Residence, Seattle, WA.  Vigil Service:  Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM, and Funeral Mass:  Friday, July 10, 2015 at 11:00 AM, both at St. Joseph Residence, 4800 37th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA.  Burial at Calvary Cemetery, Seattle, WA, follows Mass and reception.  Bonney-Watson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Catherine was born March 8, 1919 to Martin Ybarrola and Mary Kewe.  The second oldest of six children, she grew up in Havre, Montana.  Following the death of her mother in 1928, the family moved to Great Falls, Montana where she attended school St. Thomas Home and graduated in 1936.  

On July 19, 1937, Catherine entered the Sisters of Providence novitiate in Seattle, WA, and there professed first vows on January 19, 1937, when she received the name Sister Ann Dolores,  and final vows on July 19, 1941.

In 1951 Sr. Ann Dolores received a Bachelor of Arts-English degree from the College (now University) of Great Falls, MT, and in 1961 a Masters of Arts-Education degree from Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.  She received a State of Montana secondary principal teaching certificate in 1966.  From 1957-92 she held several Administration positions in Montana as Superior/Principal, Sacred Heart Academy; Office Manager, Central Catholic HS; Principal/Secretary, St. Thomas Home; and Director of Institutional Research and Veterans Counselor, College of Great Falls.

Her 50 years of ministry in teaching were in Montana: Sacred Heart Academy and St. Francis Xavier School, Missoula, and St. Thomas Home and Central Catholic High School, Great Falls; Idaho: Mary Immaculate School, DeSmet; in Washington: St. John School, Colfax; and    Maryville Academy, in Des Plaines, IL.

In 1992 she retired in Great Falls, Montana, where she enjoyed reading, decorative painting, and the outdoors; then in February 2015 she moved to St. Joseph Residence in Seattle, WA. 

Sr. Ann Dolores is preceded in death by her parents, brothers John and Joseph, and sister Ann Saunders.   She is survived by her brother, James, and sister, Rosemary Latino, both in Stockton, CA. 

Memorial contributions may be made to the Sisters of Providence Retirement Fund, 1801 Lind Avenue SW, #9016, Renton, WA  98057-9016.

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Chuck Paul
Chuck Paul
5 years ago

Sister was an angel. I remember her at CCHS. My next contact was when I helped her move a couple times. Then for the last ten years I picked her up with the Church van taking her to Mass. She had a beautiful wit and a wonderful smile.

God Bless her.

Wendy Walker
Wendy Walker
5 years ago

I am saddened by the loss our dear friend and long time neighbor Sister Anne Delores. She always reminded me of my Grandmother, which was very comforting. Sister Anne Delores and Sister Mary Anne were dubbed “The Girls” by my three year old son, who I think was their greatest love, next to the good Lord himself. They always prayed for him, even before he was born. Not only did we have an angel praying for us down here on earth, but now we have an angel in heaven praying for us and looking down on us. Sister Anne, we love you and have missed you since the day you left Great Falls and our neighborhood. RIP my friend, until we meet again. Love, Wendy and Ian Walker, and your good friend Phyllis Lidman.

Colleen Tuxbury
Colleen Tuxbury
5 years ago

God bless you Sister Ann Dolores. Lovely woman, good teacher. I remember you fondly from days at SHA in Missoula.

God speed.

Penny Schreiber Bowman
Penny Schreiber Bowman
5 years ago

In the loving hands of God now, rewarded for her long service to HIm. I remember Sister from Sacred Heart Academy where I graduated in “63.

Pete and Yoshiko Frazier
Pete and Yoshiko Frazier
5 years ago

We are so sad to hear of Sister Ann’s passing. She was such a gentle, loving and caring person. We have many wonderful memories of her and her dear roommate Sister Mary Ann spending Thanksgiving Christmas and birthday dinners with us and our daughter Mitsu for over 30 years. We are so glad we had an opportunity to have a good visit with Sister Ann and Mary Ann last summer when we returned from Arizona, but we are sorry we got back from the south just a few weeks this spring after she moved to Seattle. So dear Sister Ann we say goodbye and thank you for your love and support over the last 30 plus years. God Bless and Rest in Peace.

Terri Reavley
Terri Reavley
5 years ago

I missed seeing Sr. Ann and Sr. Mary Ann at Mass since they moved away. Sr. Ann was very kind, sincere, and dear lady. Sister Mary Ann I know you will miss Sr. Ann greatly.


Terri Reavley

Patrice Schwenk
Patrice Schwenk
5 years ago

Sister Ann Dolores wonderfully blessed the Missoula Catholic Schools community during the years she served our schools as a teacher and principal. We are especially thankful for her efforts to preserve the St. Michael’s Church building while she was the principal at Sacred Heart Academy during the early 1960’s. The old log church in the was not only the first church for settlers in Montana, it was also the first home of our St. Joseph School for Boys. Today the builidng is located on the grounds of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula and is visited by many school groups and musuem visitors. A photograph of Sister Ann Dolores is included in the church exhibit that features the early work of the Jesuit missionaries and the Sisters of Providence in Missoula. We owe Sister Ann Dolores a huge debt of gratitude. May God Bless Her.

Patrice Schwenk

Loyola Sacred Heart LIbrarian &

Missoula Catholic Schools Archivist

Carol Guelff Fregosi
Carol Guelff Fregosi
5 years ago

Sr Ann Delores was a favorite of all our class. She never got upset and guided our mischievous pranks with grace and understanding, keeping us in line and gaining our respect. She was a very special lady. May she rest in peace..

Alice Klundt
Alice Klundt
5 years ago

I have missed seeing Sister Ann at 4:30 mass each Saturday. She was always so pleasant and easy to visit with. I know Sister Mary Ann will miss her companion. Rest in Peace Sister.

Mary Rollin Glatt
Mary Rollin Glatt
5 years ago

What a blessing to have had Sister in our lives at Sacred Heart Academy in the 60’s. She was a wonderful teacher, friend and example to young women. Rest in peace Sister Ann Deloris.

Mary Rollin Glatt

Rev. James Sikora
Rev. James Sikora
5 years ago

Many happy memories of working with a kind and caring Sister Ann Delores at the College/University of Great Falls. Sister always had a ready smile and was respected by her colleagues and the hundreds of students with whom she interacted. We were all blessed by her and her ministry.

Robert & JoAnn Roach
Robert & JoAnn Roach
5 years ago

I remember Sister Ann Dolores’ kind and supportive demeanor working with her at Central Catholic High School in Great 1967 (1967-1973). It was my first teaching assignment in Great Falls and never forgot her since. She was a gift to education, her students, and co-workers. May she rest in peace. Job well done.

Robert Roach

Rod and Karen Saunders
Rod and Karen Saunders
5 years ago

The Saunders, Ybarrolas, Latinos and families will miss “Aunt Sister” dearly. We represent all who loved her through her many well lived years. Love and Rest in Piece from all of your family.

Mary Kaye Nealen, SP
Mary Kaye Nealen, SP
5 years ago

To James and Rosemary and your failiies I offer my sincere condolences for the loss on earth of your family member, Sr. Ann Dolores. I lived and worked with her in Great Falls, and will always treasure the kind, creative, solid contributions that she made to every endeavor. And I remember with delight the surprise party some of us held for her once in the hosptal to celebrate her 60th jubilee when she could not attend the official festivities! Rest in peace and joy, Sr. Anndy!

Bill Bronson
Bill Bronson
5 years ago

Sister Ann Dolores was a good friend of my family for so many years. She worked closely with my mother, Lorraine Bronson, when my mother worked in the Catholic school system (both the College of Great Falls, now UGF, and Great Falls Central.) I remember Sister Ann Dolores as a kind and caring individual, who served everyone so well. May she rest in peace, her labors in this world having concluded on the highest possible note.

Bill Bronson

steve  grbic
steve grbic
5 years ago

I was sadden when I heard of sister’s passing yesterday. I have fond memories of her and sister mary ann when I went to CGF now university Of great falls. They were part of the college family now its lacking in todays school system. I kept track of them when I left CGF and they saw me grow. She was a vey good christian with a good sense of humor and a person who left a lasting impression on person for a the better rest in peace and god bless we will miss you