Cathleen Marie Scoccolo
October 2, 1956 - September 15, 2008

Cathleen Marie Scoccolo
Age 51, Born October 2, 1956 in Seattle, WA to Thomas and Marie Curtright. Died peacefully September 15, 2008 at her Bonney Lake home surrounded by her loving family.
Cathleen graduated from Highline High School in 1975, attended Bellevue Community College where she got her nursing degree. She worked at Seattle Children’s Hospital in the PICU for 23 years.
Beloved wife of 30 years of Tony; mother of Anthony, Nicole and Raechelle; grandmother of Anthony Jackson; daughter of Marie Curtright and sister of Kelly Persson.
Memorial Mass 10:30 AM Monday, September 22, 2008 at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 15236 – 21st Avenue SW, Burien.
Memorials are suggested to Make-A-Wish Foundation , 811 First Avenue, Suite 520, Seattle, Washington 98104 or Seattle Children’s Hospital PICU, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98105.
Please sign the online memorial guestbook at
What a lively spirit she was. Funny, caring, strong. Through out her medical struggles, she never complained and kept a perspecive that was remarkable. What an example she was. We regret that being out of the country prevented us from being there for Tony and the children. With love, respect and admiration for Cathy, Tony, the whole family.
Roger and Sue Matheny
My sympathy goes out to all of the family. I knew Cathleen for only a short time, while I was doing some work for Tony and Cathleen. I was very impressed with the confidence she had in her children’s abilities to make good decisions. I still remember a story she told me about how she taught her children of the value of a dollar earned. She seemed like a wonderful mother and I am sure that her memory will always be a blessing.
Andy Gross
It was really sad to hear about Cathy. She was such a wonderful person, and loved by so many people. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family, we will be praying for you.
Tony and Family
We have such fond memories of school events and dance. We’re sorry we couldn’t attend the memorial service as we were out of town. Our hearts go out to you in this difficult time but we know you’ll be able to comfort each other. You have such a great family.
Thinking of you all,
Jay, Judy, Jason and Jamie Likness
Tony and family,
I have memories of you and Cathy as young and happy at the beginning of your days in medicine. It seems like days ago that we were all starting out in life and yet many years have passed. I am so very sorry for your loss. There really are no words for times such as these, just know that you are thought of by many who love you dearly. Celia
Cathy and I had lockers next to each other all through high school- she was always kind and fun. 15 years later she took care of my daughter in the PICU and took care of me too- She helped me laugh during some of the hardest days of my life and was optimistic for my daughters outcome even when others were not. My daughter is 18 now and well. I am so sorry for your loss. ..with gratitude that she was in our lives for a brief time, The Held Family
Many years ago, when I was a new nurse at Children’s, I was lucky enough to get to know Cathy. She was the real thing, a genuine, caring, passionate and compassionate person everyone would love to have for a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend. The depth of your grief is a tribute to how deeply she loved and was loved. Cry all you want, she was worth every drop.
Tony, Anthony, Nicole & Rochelle,
It was so nice to see all of you yesterday and witness the tribute to Cathy. She has touched so many people in her own special way. We are so sorry for your great loss. We have fond memories of Cathy and your family from kindergarten through graduation.
With love and prayers,
The Baerny’s
Connie & Mick and
Anna, Erin & Megan
So very sorry to hear of Cathy’s passing. Graduated with her – a lovely and loving person.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this time. May her spirit live on through each one of you.
Tony and family,
I am another former PICU nurse with fond memories of conversations with Cathy. She was so “into” you guys. When I heard the sad news today, I recalled all your names, as if I had spoken with her recently. That’s how much we enjoyed talking about our kids, homes, and families. Cathy’s priorities were always so clear: being a good wife and mom were at the top. She listened well, gave good counsel, didn’t gossip, and could energize and encourage me at the end of a difficult night shift. She was a gift to me! Just thought you should know that she made a lasting difference to people you may never meet.
I was very shocked and saddened to here about cathy. I am an RN, and worked with her in the PICU for many years. She was a great nurse and it was alway fun to work with her. My heart and prayers to you, her family. She use to talk about all of you.
My brother Dan shared with me this morning that Cathy died recently. I was shocked and want the family to know that my heartfelt condolences are with you all. Marie, your bright smile and kindness still shine in my memories. I remember Cathy as a vivacious young lady. May God bless all of you and soften the pain you feel in your hearts. Love, Barb
Dear Tony and Family – Please accept our sincere sympathy in losing your best friend, lover, wife and mother. May you find comfort in knowing that we are praying for you. Love you, Auntie Diane, Bill and Mary Gilbert
Scoccolo Family,
Our family is so sad to hear about Cathy. She was such a wonderful woman who loved her family. Our family has great memories of Cathy at Fairwood and KR swimming. Cathy was such an extraordinary woman who showed great kindness towards everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
The Molnars
To the Scoccolo’s, the impact you have all had on our family I can not express in words here as they are immeasurable. Cathy is an inspiration to me in dealing with my own diagnosis. Thank you and we love you as our own family. Steven, Karen, Alexandra, Jordan Marth and lets not forget KODA too:
Dear Tony,
I pray for that the Almighty may comfort you and your family. May you be blessed by a renewed awareness of God’s presence, even in the grief-stricken place in which you now find yourself — for that place, too, is the place of God; and that by divine decree your pain of bereavement eases. For in the spiritual reality, nothing is lost: Neither Cathy’s purpose, nor her goodness, and nor even her real existence. The soul continues to exist eternally. At the end of life, every soul returns to its unique “place” in the “world.”
With much sympathy,
Michael Damm & family.
Tony and Family,
Please accept our deepest sympathies. You are in our thoughts during this difficult time.
Dear Tony and Family,
Thank you for sharing your fond and funny memories with us. It was amazing to hear about some of the many lives that Cathy touched. We enjoyed laughing with you today and we’re sorry we can’t be there to cry with you tomorrow. We can’t make the emptiness or hurt go away. But we pray, like so many others, that the love for you in our hearts will somehow help you find a small amount of peace to get through the days ahead.
Brian, Michelle, Jeremy and Jason
Cathy’s Family;
Though I lost touch with Cathy years ago, I couldn’t have fonder memories of her beginning with our days together in elementary school and through high school. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Bob Johnson
Tony, Marie, Kelly, & Family,
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.
Though we have lost touch over the years, I have many fond memories of the happy times we had growing up in the neighborhood. I remember Cathy as this little big hearted girl who obviously grew up to be a wonderful sister, daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother.
Our entire family sends our deepest sympathy.
Love, Dan Ansbaugh
Dear Scoccolo Family,
We send our heartfelt sympathy to you all for the passing of a most phenomenal woman. Cathy had such great compassion for others, she was always so kind to our family. We have wonderful memories of NW, KR, and summer WP with Cathy. She could light a room with that smile! Her most admirable quality was her total love and devotion to you, her family. We were honored to know her.
With love and prayers,
The Freimanis Family
Dear Tony and family,
I was very sorry to hear about Cathy’s passing. I first met Cathy as a proud mom watching Nichole receive her first DECA award at SeaTac Mall. I would then have the pleasure of seeing her many times supporting Nicole as she succeeded with her area, state and national marketing competitions throughout her Kentridge years. What a terrific mom she was! Her smile and genuine kindess impressed me greatly. I will always remember her that way. Love and prayers,
Debbie Roberts
Marie, Tony, Kelly & Family,
Our love, our prayers and our thoughts are with you all. We have prayed for all of you often these last 2 years and will continue to lift up prayers to God for your healing. May it ease your pain to know that Cathy is without pain and suffering and is in peace and knowing that she is the foundation of your lives and will forever live in your memories and hearts.
Our love and prayers are with you,
Jesse, Kelly, Austin & Katelyn
Dear Tony and family,
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Cathy was an incredible person who had the greatest smile and laugh and was so very kind! She loved babies….I’m sure she was so happy with her grandson, Anthony. May God comfort you during this difficult time. My prayers are with you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have many great memories of Cathy from our years together in the PICU at Children’s. She was a vibrant, passionate person who could energize a room. When she decided to take something on, it got done. She was also incredibly compassionate and caring. It was always apparent that the most important thing in life to her was her family. She will be missed.
While I only met her twice, seeing how happy Tony is on a daily basis to me says she must have been an increadable woman and will be dearly missed.
I remember you from the cafeteria at Highline Hospital years ago when you guys used to come in for lunch or just something to eat when you brought someone in.
I saw in the paper the news of your wifes passing, also your father some time ago. I am so sorry, although I didn’t know either one, that has nothing to do with my feelings. It is a part of life that is certainly not pleasant, but we must go on and enjoy the rest of the family, and with God’s help, we do get better, but it takes some time. God Bless You, and take care of yourself.
Tony and Family,
We send our most heartfelt condolences for the loss of Cathy. I will always remember often seeing her as she made her daily walk to get the mail. And now there will always be an emptiness as we look over at your old house, reflecting on the memories of our early days in the neigborhood. Just know she will always be affectionately remembered by those whose lives she touched !
Please accept my condolences for your loss. Cathy was a beautiful human being and I feel honored to have known her for the time I was a part of the Scoccolo family but even luckier to have had her care for my son, Alexander, when he was at Childrens Hospital. There is a special place in heaven for her. My thoughts are with you all. With love, Chris
Tony and family, I am so sorry to hear about Cathy’s passing. I worked with her for many years at Childrens. Her smile would brighten up a room and it was always there. Her caring of her patients and their families and other staff members was incredible….an inspiration to us all. She will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Brenda Kidd
Tony and Family,
You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers for some time now. We are very saddened by the loss of Cathy.
Tony and Family,
You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers for some time now. We are very saddened by the loss of Cathy.
Tony and family, I am so sorry to hear about Cathy’s passing. I always admired her as a woman living her life with grace. She held herself, and those around her, to high standards. Cathy offered so much comfort to our family when Heather was in the hospital and was a good friend while our children were at Ridgewood together. She gifted Heather with some stones that I call “wish stonesâ€. These remain with our family today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Diana Hadman
Tony, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Cathy was a wonderful person and will continue to shine and warm our hearts as we will always remember her. Rick, Carlee and Dylan.
Tony and Family
Barbara and I are very sad to here of your loss.
Although we knew Cathy only a short time, she became a friend and will be missed.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I was close friends with Raechelle at Ridgewood Elementary and got to know the family very well. Your family is in my family’s prayers.
From the old Valley days to the older Medic One days we will miss Cathy.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Dennis, Alidene and Madison
No bond is as great as that between a parent and child. Our deepest condolences are with you as you grieve.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sharon and familyMichael’s Mom
I was so sorry to hear of Cathy’s passing.
I tutored one of your children many years ago and remember your family, especially Cathy, as warm, compassionate, and wonderful.
The world has lost a bright light.
You all are in my prayers.
Sue Jones
Renton, WA
Tony and family,
We are truely sorry to learn of Cathy’s passing. She fought a long, hard battle and she will forever be remembered.
Tony, our thoughts are with you and your family.
Dick and Nell
Tony and family, I had no idea Cathy was sick, and in fact had tried to find where you had moved to a couple years ago, but was unable to do so. I am so sad to hear of her passing. She was a most amazing friend and co-worker, always looking for the best in everything despite all the challenges that seemed to come her way on multiple occasions. She always had, and always will, hold a special place in my heart. My condolences to you and the family.
Saying I’m sorry just doesn’t sound right or enough but I am sorry that you won’t hear Cathy’s laughter or feel her hugs. It causes me to relect on some of the bone headed antics we cooked up in our youth. Good bless you and keep you all. Much love, Sherry Henry Donald
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Tony, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. God Bless you.
We are so sorry to hear of Cathy’s passing. She had such a warm, friendly smile. Our friendship with her family goes back many years. We had a lot of good times together. Hugs for you Marie. We know you have the comfort of your faith and family to sustain you.
I want you to know that our thoughts and Prayers are always with you.
~Cathy Always had a big smile on her face, always worried about someone else, how she can help that person. I always said to myself I wish I could be like her what an inspiration: A Wonderful Mother That Guides her children in the direction of Love and of compassion toward others. To Deal with trial and tribulations and To Love Life, To Love yourself. Her Love for her children there is no word to describe it is so deep. ~ A beautiful wife. She is always a knockout.. Hot Mama.. She Always had this twinkle in her eye when Toney walk by and when she talks about Him. That is True Love. She Loved Her Life. She Loves her Grandson so Much she can go on and on about him. We talked about that little guy for 20 Min.. It was so fun. I loved It.Good Job Toney she walks in a room, you know she’s there, Her Glow is so bright. Her Smile, Her Love. I’m so thankful that I can say I Knew Cathy. Even if it was only in passing, usually at a Party or fire station I always have kept Kathy and the Scoccolo family in our thought and Prayers, And Always will..