Charlie Mae Brown

January 17, 1924 - October 1, 2009


January 17, 1924 was a cold winter day, but the arms of Mr. Willie C. Christmas and his lovely wife Mrs. Willie V. Christmas of Bladon Springs, Alabama were warm as they welcomed their third child Charlie Mae. She was the third of five children… all girls!
Charlie Mae attended school under the direction of her mother, ‘Miss Willie’ who was a schoolteacher. Raised in a Christian home. She accepted Christ at an early age.
After her education, she began life as a young lady. One day, she became the interest of John Hubbard Ezell. The interest was mutual and they were married. To this union seven children were born.
In 1945, John Hubbard and his bride traveled north to Seattle. Finding employment plentiful, Charlie Mae wrote her mother and it wasn’t long before her mother and four sisters joined her in Seattle.
A lover of people, Charlie Mae worked as a home care provider. As she went through life caring for her children and family, love found her again and she was married to Sam Brown.
Her family was important to her and she enjoyed spending quality time with her children, grandchildren and yes, the great-grandchildren as well.
On October 1, 2009, the Lord called Charlie Mae to rest: She’s gone to meet: two sons: John Ezell Man and Roy Ezell, two daughters: Evelyn Ezell and Charlotte Drinkard, three sisters: Alice Wilson, Ora Weatherly and Willie Mae Shine. She leaves to cherish her memories: six generations: two sons George Ezell JoJo and William Ezell Billy and daughter Roslynn Ezell. Grandchildren: Pastor Barry Ezell, Pastor Larry Ezell, Chris Ezell, Lisa Ezell, Stacey Ezell, Evelyn Ezell, Spain Ezell, Evelyn, Christine, Lisa, Stacey, George E. Ezell Sr.- LaVoyce, Michelle, Joquetta, George, Jomar, Jolie, Georgina, Shannon, Jorell, Lorell, LeRoy Ezell, William Ezell, Rosalynn Ezell- Fredrick Hertz, Reginald L. Hertz, Kamiah Hertz, Iesha Ezell, Charlotte Austin- Terina Ezell, Sweetye D. Brown, John Arthur Ezell- Tony, Tony, Terry, Paris, Michelle Acery, a host of great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

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Lavinia Bright
Lavinia Bright
5 years ago

To all the family and those who loved Miss Charlie Mae. My prayers and condolences are with you in your time of sadness. Truly this sister, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother will be missed. May you find comfort in knowing

that Miss Charlie Mae had this testimony that pleased God, and that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Richard Hopkins
Richard Hopkins
5 years ago

My condolences to the family. Our prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May God bless you and keep you.

helen perry
helen perry
5 years ago

just like the family to know that they are in my prayers in this time of grief for us left behind, but I know for Miss Charlie Mae she will have a welcoming committee of the loved ones gone before her waiting at the gates of heaven to let her in…………she will truly be missed,and never forgotten