Coni R.S. Fitch
July 11, 1949 - September 22, 2007

Coni R.S. Fitch July 11, 1949-September 22, 2007
After nearly a year long battle with cancer, Coni R.S. Fitch passed away in her sleep on Saturday the 22nd of September, 2007 at her home in Bellevue, Washington. Coni leaves behind her husband of 31 years Graham, daughter Cirstan, mother Gladys, sister Cheri, brother Denzil, several nieces and nephews and step children, Karen, Mike, Tom, and Dana. Coni is a past memeber of the Seattle Yaht Club, the Bellevue Athletic Club, Swedish Hospital Summit Club, Sun Valley Ski Club, and the Seattle Tennis Club. Coni retired from United Airlines in 2005 after 36 years of service. She was a world famous long distance motorcycle rider with trophies for numerous long distance endurance rides. She was one of the few motorcyclist that completed the "North America" ride going through every one of the lower 48 states, touching Mexico and crossing British Columbia, Canada finishing in Hyder Alaska. She completed the 11, 000 mile ride in less than the required ten days. Coni did the "Three Flags" endurance ride of 1, 700 miles from Canada to Mexico in twenty-three hours and forty five minutes. She was the first woman to to a CCC Solo ride by starting in San Diego, California, then riding to Jacksonville, Florida and with out stopping, turning around and riding back to San Diego for a Coast to Coast 7, 000 mile ride in less that 100 hours. Coni will be leaving many friends in Sun Valley, Idaho. She skied there for 35 years and had a second home there that she shared with Graham and Cirstan. Coni’s display case was full of trophies with the most treasured being the gold medals she won in various ski races. Her funeral arrangements are being made by Bonney Watson and at her request are private. A memorial reception for all those wishing to celebrate her life will be held at the Seattle Tennis Club, located at 922 McGilvra Blvd. East in Seattle, WA. on Oct. 4th at 4:00 PM. Coni has requested that any gifts or remembrances in her honor be sent to Swedish Hospital Medical Center at 747 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98114, for the wonderful support the Swedish Doctors and Nurses gave her throughout the last year of her life. We will miss her dearly and we will forever cherish our memories of Coni and the fun she brought into our lives.