Coni R.S. Fitch

July 11, 1949 - September 22, 2007


Coni R.S. Fitch July 11, 1949-September 22, 2007
After nearly a year long battle with cancer, Coni R.S. Fitch passed away in her sleep on Saturday the 22nd of September, 2007 at her home in Bellevue, Washington. Coni leaves behind her husband of 31 years Graham, daughter Cirstan, mother Gladys, sister Cheri, brother Denzil, several nieces and nephews and step children, Karen, Mike, Tom, and Dana. Coni is a past memeber of the Seattle Yaht Club, the Bellevue Athletic Club, Swedish Hospital Summit Club, Sun Valley Ski Club, and the Seattle Tennis Club. Coni retired from United Airlines in 2005 after 36 years of service. She was a world famous long distance motorcycle rider with trophies for numerous long distance endurance rides. She was one of the few motorcyclist that completed the ‘North America’ ride going through every one of the lower 48 states, touching Mexico and crossing British Columbia, Canada finishing in Hyder Alaska. She completed the 11, 000 mile ride in less than the required ten days. Coni did the ‘Three Flags’ endurance ride of 1, 700 miles from Canada to Mexico in twenty-three hours and forty five minutes. She was the first woman to to a CCC Solo ride by starting in San Diego, California, then riding to Jacksonville, Florida and with out stopping, turning around and riding back to San Diego for a Coast to Coast 7, 000 mile ride in less that 100 hours. Coni will be leaving many friends in Sun Valley, Idaho. She skied there for 35 years and had a second home there that she shared with Graham and Cirstan. Coni’s display case was full of trophies with the most treasured being the gold medals she won in various ski races. Her funeral arrangements are being made by Bonney Watson and at her request are private. A memorial reception for all those wishing to celebrate her life will be held at the Seattle Tennis Club, located at 922 McGilvra Blvd. East in Seattle, WA. on Oct. 4th at 4:00 PM. Coni has requested that any gifts or remembrances in her honor be sent to Swedish Hospital Medical Center at 747 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98114, for the wonderful support the Swedish Doctors and Nurses gave her throughout the last year of her life. We will miss her dearly and we will forever cherish our memories of Coni and the fun she brought into our lives.

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Ron Stick Campbell
Ron Stick Campbell
5 years ago

Graham and Cirstan, please accept these belated condolences for your loss.

Returning for a visit to the BMW LT website after a nearly 2 year absence, I expected to find some changes, but never imagined that such sad and tragic news awaited.

To me, Coni possessed a unique combination of “class and brass” that endeared her to all who had the pleasure of meeting her. I am humbled to count myself among such fortunates.

Thank you both for sharing this very special Lady with us.

You are in my prayers.

Ben Timms
Ben Timms
5 years ago

This is so sad. I met Coni several times at LD events and Hyderseek. She was such a lovely and gracious person, always positive and a joy to be around. ALl of us will miss her. Godspeed, Coni.

Victor van Koningsbruggen
Victor van Koningsbruggen
5 years ago

I remember her as the one with a constant twinkle in her eyes. She made a lasting impression at CCR in Santa Fé. I wish Graham, Cirstan and her family strength in coping with this huge loss.Sans Ali, now she really flies in the heavens. God bless you Coni!

Ramona Nona Melcher Hardan
Ramona Nona Melcher Hardan
5 years ago

Coni was a carpe diem “seize the day” kind of lady with true character and strength. I was blessed to have known her for 50+ years and we shared some wonderful times together, from moving our desks out to the coat closet in 6th grade for talking in Mrs. Dawson’s class at Jefferson School to her first Kawasaki in the late 60’s, to when Coni was the first to buy an 8 track tape player and knew how to “moonwalk” like Michael Jackson. What a gal.

Coni’s great sense of humor was only surpassed by her vigor and wonderful qualities as a person. Her ethics and morals never varied and with all her success, she never lost sight of her roots.

“And He will raise her up on eagles wings,

bear her on the breath of dawn,

make her shine like the sun,

and hold her in the palm of His hand.”

That’s where I picture Coni Rae. This is how she lived her life. She will forever hold a special place in my heart and in the hearts of my entire family.

My deepest sympathies go our to Coni’s family; Graham, Cirstan, Mrs. Scribner, Denny and Cheri Chubbs.

Brian Ley
Brian Ley
5 years ago

Coni was a good friend to everyone she met. Always pleasant and upbeat. My condolences to her family. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. I know myself and many others will carry her spirit with us when we ride for many years to come.

Jim Lawson
Jim Lawson
5 years ago

To Coni’s family and friends. My sincere condolences for your loss. I did not know Coni personally, but thru her posts on the K12LT BBS I felt like I knew her, as a fellow rider and someone who shared the visions we all know. She filled a special place in many hearts and I’m sure she is still continuing her ride in another way… Jim

Edgar Tanner
Edgar Tanner
5 years ago

I first knew Coni by reputation–a reputation for being cool under pressure, fair to others and tremendously fun. Later I found how fine a woman she really was. Her lovely smile against the mountains make my Hyder “class of ’05” pictures permanent treasures.

Thank you Cirstan and Graham for sharing Coni with us. Peace to you.

Ed & Whitney Bruce
Ed & Whitney Bruce
5 years ago

Graham and Family

We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to have met such a special woman.

She will truly be missed

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

5 years ago

Coni touched many of us with her kindness and support..she was a truly special person.

I will miss her and just knowing she was out there in the world spreading her special kind of joy.

My sincere condolences to her family…I hope you can take comfort in knowing she touched so many with kindness and inspiration.

Karl W. Murphy
Karl W. Murphy
5 years ago

I met Connie in person for the first time for only a few minutes in the hotel hall at Chateau Elan located in Brazelton Georgia during the Curve Cowboy Renuion 2006. But I already knew who she was from her most gracious and warm postings on the BMWLT.COM forums. It is with the deepest regret that I thought there would be other times to be with Connie longer than on that day in those few brief moments when she looked tired and was headed to her room to rest.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine;

et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,

et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem.

Exaudi orationem meam;

ad te omnis caro veniet.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine;

et lux perpetuam luceat eis.

Kyrie eleison.

Christe eleison.

Kyrie eleison.

Randi Kobernik
Randi Kobernik
5 years ago

I only met Coni twice, both at CCR’s. But what a lady!! I and many of the Curve Cowboy Reunion group will cerish our time with her. Always a smile and always gracious in everything she did or worked on. We will miss her. May God bless you with the many great memories of her life and write her faults on the blowing sand. Ride, Coni Ride!!

John Carstens
John Carstens
5 years ago

You will be missed.

Until we ride again…

Woody aka Sober Biker
Woody aka Sober Biker
5 years ago

Grahm and family, Lori and I share your passing of Coni. Coni was always a ray of sunshine and a bright spot in my life. Her unconditional giving and her radiant personality will be remembered for a long time.

Our condolences and thoughts are with you. Ride on Coni!

Paul and Frances Francis
Paul and Frances Francis
5 years ago

We like so many others meet Coni thru motorcycles CCR. What a wonderful person. Whenever my bike is loaded down for a long trip and I’m geared up to go I will think of you before pushing the starter button.

Godsspeed Coni

Edward Early
Edward Early
5 years ago

Unique and special are words all to frequently applied to people. Coni was the very essence of these words. Her smile,humor and laughter will be missed. Her friendship, integrity and spirit will remain within those she touched. Bon Voyage Miss Manners, we shall endeavor to meet your expectations. God bless you Graham, Cirstan and family.

Robert and Terri Rasters
Robert and Terri Rasters
5 years ago

I met Coni at the BMW international Rally in Redmond Oregon, she had seen my running lights I had installed on my K12. She convinced me there was a market for them within the K12 community, with each subsequent product Coni was always first to order and support what I came out with. Coni was a “Best Friend” from the moment I met her, with each subsequent meeting, Be it a CCR or Rally or Ride, she would always hug and ask what I was working on next. At Santa Fe CCR Terri had the pleasure of meeting Coni, Even though she wondered at first who the Blond woman was that was hugging her husband so enthusiastically. I was definitely in trouble, once they started commiserating about their husbands though and their addictions to Farkles, but Coni was able to explain it to Terri, her being an addict herself.

I will miss Coni and her always smiling face and hugs.

Just Bob

Dcn. Channing Fell
Dcn. Channing Fell
5 years ago

May you ride with us every day, Coni… you are no longer limited to time, space or fuel capacity….

Till we meet again…

Larry Norris
Larry Norris
5 years ago

Graham and family,

It is difficult to try and imagine the loss and hurt you feel. Coni was such a dynamic person and impacted so many of us. The first time I met her was at the Seattle International Bike Show. She was demonstrating how to put a bike on the center stand. The care and patience she showed in the maneuver was remarkable.

She will be forever remembered for her charm and smiles. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and yours in this tough time.

Be blessed!!

Larry and Billie Norris

Olympia, WA.

Richard E. Dick Wood, Jr., MD
Richard E. Dick Wood, Jr., MD
5 years ago

I will miss Coni dearly. She was a wonderful Lady and a friend to all. I know that she is now with God in his eternal Kingdom. There, she will find ever lasting life and the peace that passes all understanding.

I pray that God will bless and keep her family and friends during our time of sorrow and forever.

Ian & Wendy Bond
Ian & Wendy Bond
5 years ago

She will always leave a positive image in our minds. She has touched our hearts with her spirit and she will be sadly missed.

So long Coni!

Ian & Wendy Bond fellow k1200lt riders

John & Marilyn Fisher
John & Marilyn Fisher
5 years ago

As anyone who had the pleasure of meeting her will tell you, Coni was the kind of person who was everyone’s friend and nobody’s enemy. Marilyn and I feel honored to have not only been a friend of Coni’s over the years since that BMW Redmond Rally, but to have been able to actually visit her during her final week on this earth.

Ride on with all our love Coni!

A small part of one your many Families!

John & Marilyn Fisher

Alan Leduc
Alan Leduc
5 years ago

Like many others, I met Coni through long distance motorcycle riding. She always greeted you with a smile and a hug. The grit behind that smile and hug is reflected in her many accomplishments and her valient fight.

David Shealey
David Shealey
5 years ago

I am forever grateful that I had the good fortune to know Coni and share a little riding with her on our Black BMW LTs. She was a kind and compassionate presence, and made everyone she met feel like a close friend. I will forever remember her ready smile and her trademark hugs every time I met her. She was truly One of a Kind, and will be greatly missed.

The only reason I can think of that would make God take her from us so soon is that he needed another division leader for his Angel corps.

Ride On Coni! You will forever be fondly remembered by all who were fortunate enough to meet you.

Gene Chapman
Gene Chapman
5 years ago

Dear Graham and Cirstan,

We have lost a beautiful soul with the passing of Coni. As less accomplished iron butt rider, my wife and I had a number of opportunities to cross paths with Coni.

In Taos we crossed paths with Coni, Graham and Bruce. At the chili burger feed in Horseshoe Bend Idaho. At the International Motorcycle show. It was always a joy!

She had a smile and personna that could light up a room. In the years that I knew her, I never heard her mutter an unkind word about anyone!

We celebrated her long distance riding successes, as she faced and overcame challenge after challenge. Her stories of her journey’s inspired many. We cheered her on when she started the IBR in 2005 and cried a bit when Ali gave up on her in Las Vegas. We stood a little taller when she flew to Don Arthur’s side to assist, knowing that this is what she would do! It was her nature.

I cannot imagine the loss you have suffered. I can just thank you for sharing this wonderful woman with all of us in the riding community!!

Gene & Kathi Chapman

It truly saddens me to hear of a loss such as this.

Ollie Bingaman
Ollie Bingaman
5 years ago

I met Connie at Hyder in ’05. Having just finished a huge ride she was as upbeat as someone that had just taken their first ride!

My condolences to her family and her legion of friends and aquaintences, for this Classy Lady will be greatly missed.

5 years ago

I have never met her face to face but after reading the things she wrote about on the internet, I have lost a friend. We have prayed for her and cried for her. Her attitude of living will be missed.

Al Hennigan
Al Hennigan
5 years ago

We will miss you, Connie.

Bob Pappalardo
Bob Pappalardo
5 years ago

Although we met only once I know without a doubt that you will be missed by all you touched. May God see you well.

Thud Coleman
Thud Coleman
5 years ago

Just a great lady! Condolances to friends and family.

Mark Conlogue
Mark Conlogue
5 years ago

Coni, you will be missed….

Paul Rakestraw
Paul Rakestraw
5 years ago

We met you, Coni, at a Curve Cowboy Reunion and were impressed by your kindness and friendship so freely offered to all. We marveled at your motorcycle accomplishments and kept track of many of your adventures documented on our k1200lt internet site. Rest in Peace, Dear Lady.

To Graham and family, we send our thoughts and prayers. We’re thinking of you.

Paul and Reggie Rakestraw

South Bend, IN

Dick Peek & Laura Ritter
Dick Peek & Laura Ritter
5 years ago

We will miss you, Coni.

Thank you Graham and Cirstan for sharing her with us.

Tom Gary
Tom Gary
5 years ago

A inspiration to all she met. She proved that if you will,you can.

God Speed

Barb and Gary Gay
Barb and Gary Gay
5 years ago

Fair weather, blue sky, and smooth twisties.

Jeff Mense
Jeff Mense
5 years ago

During Connie’s struggle we lit many candles which seemed to reflect her ever present smile. Though that smile will be sorely missed by all, we will still see it when we light a candle. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of her family.

Godspeed Coni.

Gregg & Linda Burger
Gregg & Linda Burger
5 years ago

Your smile brought warmth to everyone lucky enough to spend a moment with you. These times are always so brief in retrospect but will be cherished for a lifetime. Thanks for you smile Coni…

Dan and Lauria Finazzo
Dan and Lauria Finazzo
5 years ago

Met Coni through Curve Cowboy Reunions over the past 4 years – quite an impressive lady. Not many women ride with the boys – she was impressive to say the least!! Our sincere condolences . . .

Jeff Mitchell
Jeff Mitchell
5 years ago


Your body may have gone to a better place, but your spirit, your smile and your zest for people and life will continue always through all of us.

The rides through life are just part of the journey…travel on my friend and I will look forward to riding the “Cross Heaven 100CCC” with you when it is time. We’ll talk to God about the “No Rain” option!

In God’s presence always,

Jeff Mitchell

Sharon & Bob Menton
Sharon & Bob Menton
5 years ago

Deepest condolences on the passing of a wonderful lady – from fellow BMW motorcycle enthusiasts Sharon and “Cowboy Bob” Menton.

Art Montoya
Art Montoya
5 years ago

I only met Coni a few times in person, but each time was memorable. She was a fantastic person, and a great rider. She will be missed by us all.

Jamie Jackson
Jamie Jackson
5 years ago

Malvene and I only met Coni once and it was like a breath of fresh air. Meeting her made me a better person. Our prayers and sympathy are with the family.

Kevin & Mary Smart
Kevin & Mary Smart
5 years ago

We met Connie at the National Meet last year. Mary is often a little shy with the LD community, but Connie made her feel right at home. Connie will be missed, and will be in our prayers.

Eric Vaillancourt
Eric Vaillancourt
5 years ago

You will always be in our hearts and our memories Coni. You shared yourself with us, and taught us by example how to smile in the face of adversity as well as in joy.

Thank you for being you.

Pete Bansen
Pete Bansen
5 years ago

I knew Coni through endurance motorcycle riding and the Iron Butt Association. Coni achieved a great deal in endurance riding and she was a great ambassador for the sport. She was a great rider and an even better friend.

We will miss her presence, but are comforted by the knowledge that she’s our Iron Butt Angel, watching over us always.

5 years ago

I never had the pleasure of meeting Connie, this is something I’ll regret. My deepest condolences to Graham and family.

5 years ago

God bless you Coni on the most important ride of your life to heaven.

Jim Owen
Jim Owen
5 years ago

Coni, you have fought the brave fight and shared of yourself so wonderfully with your great sense of humor and positive outlook on life. The riding and events we shared were too far apart and too few in number. Your courage, adventurous spirit and warm smile will be with us always. We miss you. We pray for your family and we will fondly think of you in the rides and days to come. God Bless you Coni!!

Karol Patzer
Karol Patzer
5 years ago

My thoughts and prayers are with Coni’s family at this time. I didn’t know Coni well, but knew her from the BMW and LD riding community. She had a smile for everyone, and was always ready to help.

My condolences to Coni’s family!

Mike Bobbitt
Mike Bobbitt
5 years ago

Coni had enough love and friendship to share across the country; luckily she stumbled across a bunch of likeminded lunatics and picked up LD motorcycling. I was lucky enough to have met her out & about all over the country… my favorite memories being the time I shared with her & Graham in Hyder, Alaska, being a fellow member of the 48+ “class” of ’05.

THanks to Graham and her family for sharing Coni with riding family. Her memory will live on with all of us.

Lisa Stevens
Lisa Stevens
5 years ago

Coni, your wonderful spirit will live on in my heart forever. Thank you for sharing your zest for life.