Daniel Lawrence Newman
July 3, 1933 - December 26, 2008

Dan was born July 3, 1933 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and came to Seattle with his family. He graduated from Seattle Prep on Capitol Hill in 1951, and attended UW where he played varsity Ironman football. He served our country with honors with the U.S. Army in Korea from 1954-56. In later years, business took him back to Asia. He particularly enjoyed his trips to China, where he was a pioneer in trade relations, creating some of the first sportswear manufacturing partnerships at the dawn of China’s post-Mao opening to the world.
Family meant the world to Dad. He taught his children about unconditional love. He was a wonderful listener, nonjudgmental and ready to be there with a joke to lighten any situation. An avid golfer, an outdoorsman, a carpenter he built his own riverside log cabin from floor to roof, and an entrepreneur, Dad was always working on something. He was strong, capable and hard-working. He loved things large, and his love was large. He will be missed beyond measure.
Dan was one of the most generous persons I’ve ever known, always willing to lend a hand or take an interest in others. Though he never expected anything in return, Dan should be repaid many times over for the love and thoughtfulness he showed others. Rest well, friend.
It was my privilege and pleasure to know Dan. As a resident of the SandPiper condos- one of my favorite things to do was to visit Dan with my dog Ricki. She absolutely loved Dan even if he did not have treatswhich he usually did and would pull me to the office when we were out. She did not have to pull me hard because I so enjoyed talking with Dan. He was such an incredible man -friendly,loving and caring. I could always count on him to be there. Leaving Seattle was an easy choice for me but I always missed chatting with Dan and visited whenever I could. It saddens me greatly have lost such a friend. Even after being gone for 4 years I still had his phone number in my cell phone. He will be missed.
May the grief of his family be tempered with the knowledge that Dan was a great man and will be missed by many. His caring life touched so many people that he will never be truly forgotten.
Sending my sympathies on the loss of Dan. What a guy he was. We first met in the late 60’s when I moved to Seattle from Cleveland, Ohio. We lived on the same street and our families spent a lot together. No one could tell a joke like Dan, or if you had a question about something he mostly made up an answer and it was always so conviencing. I only saw Dan a few times in the late 90’s, but will always remeber his easy winning way.
John and I lived in a condo at the Sandpiper from 1999-2003 and so had the pleasure of knowing Dan. He was an incredible person, the nicest man who had a great sense of humor. He was always available and always with a smile. He spoke lovingly of his family – his face would just light up. He was proud of his children and we’re sure his children are proud of him. Dan made our time at the Sandpiper memorable. Our condolences on your loss.
Reading the thoughts and memories of Dan that others have submitted, I am struck simply by how we’ve all felt the same emotions by being near this incredible person. Dan, your kindness, sincerity and dedication to whomever came within a mile of you will be sorely missed. I already miss your friendly laugh and hearty handshake, but am encouraged by the community evident in the comments everyone has placed here. We miss you.
January 4, 2009
I first met Dan almost 25 years ago. Over the years, I never saw Dan fail to offer a genuine smile and a big helping hand to everyone he met. Those of us who got to know him were especially blessed by his gracious generousity of spirit and unfailing good humor. He was a wonderful man, a loving father to his children, and a dear friend to many. He will be greatly missed but he will not be forgotten.
i wish to express my deepest condolencesto the newman family i have lived at the sand piper since the summer of 97 and have never met such a hard working manager i would wake up early on the weekends and there was dan cleaning the pool or working on the land scape i would call out to him from my deck hey dan it’s the weekend AND it’s early and he would reply some one’s gotta clean up around here. or he would remind me about pearl harbor how every one was sleeping when we were attacked dec 7th of 41 i will truly miss walking by the office and not having him there to bid me good by and be careful on my way to the bus or seeing him when i arrive home around midnight when he would be walking the grounds before going to bed..farewell my friend it was an honor and a privelige knowing you …..alex&gizmo c-201
I remember spending the night at Shelly’s house on many occasions when we were kids, and witnessing your dad’s consistently smiling, generous, and loving presence in your home.
I’m so sorry about your loss. What a beautiful service you created for him today. I loved the music, the readings you selected, the words you wrote, and all of the caring and thoughtful choices you made. I bet your dad was looking down upon all of you today with immense love and pride lighting up his enduring smile.
You have such a wonderful family. I hope you’ll take comfort in each other during this difficult time, and in the many happy memories of all the years you shared with your dad. My thoughts are with you.
Love, Rosanne
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Newman family for inviting the residents of the Sandpiper Condominium to share their Memorial Service for this wonderful man.
Dan was a true friend with whom one could have deep, often passionate discussions about world affairs. We invariably disagreed, which made the discussions all the more interesting and challenging, but Dan NEVER made the disagreement personal. In fact, whilst I was cooling down, he would just laugh in his endearing way. What a lovely man.
Dan was also a bundle of care and kindness. When I broke my leg 4 years ago taking my dog out at 2:00 am, I never even thought to call 911. I just called Dan, because I knew that he would take care of things… and he did. I was teaching that quarter, and he took me into UW and picked me up virtually every day. He refused all payment except coffee icecream!
These are just two examples of how Dan touched my life; there are many, many, many more.
I have a favorite poem by Dylan Thomas that I wanted to read at the Memorial Reception, but I knew that I would break down, so I did not do so. Dylan Thomas wrote this upon the death of his own father whom he desperately did not want to lose. So – Matt – this is for you in memory of your loving, kind, generous, and much-missed father:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightening they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it in its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Remembering Dan with love,
Dear Newman Family and Friends:
Please accept my sympathy for your loss. I’m a Sandpiper resident and miss Dan very much. He was an amazing man who took much pride in his work as Property Manager, and he did his best. A few weeks ago we chatted briefly and he said “you deal with the hand that’s dealt you”. He’s inspired me to do my best and to deal with whatever comes my way.
Dan was also a Toastmasters member in the 1960s and I’m currently Club President of two clubs. I’ll dedicate the January 9th Cosmos Club meeting in memory of Dan, one great communicator. The Cosmos Club has members from throughout the world, including China. Dan’s stories about China and elsewhere were fascinating, and historically important. I feel that Dan played an important part in building US – Chinese relations.
Dan was also well liked by the resident animals, including my Patty, Sophie and Elle. They loved being petted by Dan, he had a special way with them.
Paul Nordby
We my wife Stephanie and I first met Dan when we moved into the Sandpiper Condos in Sept 07, and he immediately and ever thereafter made us feel cared for and at home. As we got to know him, we discovered that he shared with us a mutual love for nature. We learned this through hearing him tell stories about a squirrel who frequently visited the mgr’s office, where Dan fed nuts to him by hand atop his desk. We were amazed that the squirrel was so trusting, yet directly understood that it derived from Dan’s gentle treatment. We pray for blessings upon Dan’s soul, that it may rest eternally, and we wish peace and hope upon his family. We will carry Dan’s light with us each day and remain thankful that we had the opportunity to know a man of such magnificence and grace.
Dan and his gang were our neighbors for 12 wonderful years. He touched all of our lives and though we haven’t been in touch in years he has left an empty space in our hearts. We miss you Dan. Much love to the family. Janie, Phil, Stu and Sarah
“I’m so damn good, I can’t stand it” – Grandpa
I love you Grandpa.
He was the best grandfather anyone could ask for. He was always loving, always caring. He always had a good joke. He was genuinely caring towards everyone. Someone I once told about him told me “the world would be better place if there were more people like him.” And I could not agree more.
We miss you and love you grandpa.
After graduating in June of 1979 from the UW, Dan hired me as an assistant designer at Farwest Garments. He was not only the most professional and kind person at my first job in my chosen field, he was a great mentor. Although the job was short lived due to the failure of the company, I still hold very fond memories of my first boss. That first job also led to the meeting of my husband Tom! Thanks Dan, and my best wishes to his family.
TO HIS CHILDREN AND OTHER DEAR LOVED ONES:I am so sorry about the loss of Dan. May the sorrow you feel now soon be replaced by all the happy memories. Don Sundberg
As a young suitor to his daughter, Shelly, I was nervous heading out to meet the man, way out to the big log manor he’d built himself. But with his welcoming smile and generous spirit, Dan put me fast at ease, setting the table for years to come, regaling us with fine food, and drink, and stories from his far-ranging world. With self-assured humility, Dan opened himself to all with a ready ear and a helpful heart. His joie de vivre carried the day, even on days otherwise bereft of joy. We’ll miss you, big guy.
It was about twenty years go that I joined a few other golfers to complete a foursome. One of them was Dan. We chatted as we played…his warmth and openness and joy made it easy to connect with him. When leaving, we agreed that we would like to golf together again. And so the friendship began…many shared golf games, much guy talk, always hearing about his family – his first love. I will remember Dan as gentleman, a big guy with a big heart, and a genuine friend. To the family, from someone outside the family who experienced what you did – Dan is a man with a tender heart who loved much – the most that could be said for any of us. I loved him.
Iam not quite sure how old I was when I met Mr. Newman. Littler than my youngest son I am sure. He was a man who always made you feel welcome even when you were a little kid.He always had the best Fireworks display on the corner. He was always putting his clubs in the station wagon to play golf,he was a family man with great values that he instilled in all of his children and their friends.I remember when Kerry and I would practice singing and dance moves to Donny Osmond or Shaun Cassidy in the Newman’s livingroom for hours and then put on a performance for Mr and Mrs Newman.. Mr. Newman was one of the best audience members,cheering us on like we really new what we were doing.
As I grew up I tried to stay in contact but as I got older it wasn’t as easy,then one day I got an invitation to a wedding reception at the Seattle Tennis Club and went with a date and celebrated Mr. Newman’s Wedding.Growing up on Federal has it’s many great memories and Mr Newman will forever be one of them.
You will be missed but never forgotten.
Kim Mooney
I am a Sandpiper resident and have enjoyed Dan’s welcoming, kind and generous spirit the 3 years I’ve lived here. It was always nice to drop in on Dan in the office chat with him, as he was always fun to talk to. He took care of all of us here like we were his kids, so I can only imagine what a wonderful father he has been. My heart goes out to all his family in this time of grief. Dan was loved by many and will be greatly missed.
Much Love, Beth
I so want to extend my deepest sympathy to all of Dan’s family.
I first met Dan when he reurned from the Korean war. As young married couples,we had so much fun & became very close. When I was widowed, they were so very supportive of me and my son who was beteen Erin & Dan Jr. in age.For several years they were my family & I shall never forget that kindness which was so typical of Dan. Our lives went in different paths until several years ago I ran into Dan in University Village. All of a sudden there he was with that great smile and helping us load the car.
Perhaps one of Dan’s grestest accomplishments is the real love and affection among all his children and grandchildren.
We shall all miss Dan so very much.
Thank you Uncle Dan for all the great memories, Tulalip shores, teaching us all about fishing, crabing, shooting the 22cal riffle,
which alway made mom mad. Boating with gandpa Bob and the jokes at the dinner tables. I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend much time together lately.I Love you and will miss you and will take a little of you were ever I go in life, I do have a little Newman in me. When you get there, say Hi to Mom and Twig.
Regards to the whole Family
Much Love
I first met Dan when he came over to Kerry’s house for a visit. We were both pregnant for our first kids in 1999. He was warm, funny and had a great smile. Over the years he became a Dad to me and a grandfather to our two kids. He had so much fun with the kids and his family. He touched my life and I will always be greatful. My heart goes out to you you all. I wish I could be there to celebrate his life. He left us all with warm and funny memories. Love you all.
Linda, Keith, Erin and Maureen
I met Mr. Newman when I was 14. It was Matthew’s Birthday and Mr. Newman picked me and Matthew up from school. I will never forget that day. Mr. Newman was one of the nicest guys Ive ever met.It did not matter how old I got I could never forget him. I would always go through the door passing Matthew just to always give Mr. Newman a big hug and kiss. He was a great cook and always had a big smile no matter what time me and Matthew would get in.. I will always Love you and there will be a big big place for you in my hart.
If I were in town, I always talked to Dad at midnight on New Years Eve. I miss him.
I have so many wonderful memories but none seem to tell what he meant to me. He wanted the best for his kids, he taught us to be strong and to laugh as often as we could. He loved nature and John Denver, any sports and politics. But most of all he loved all of us!
I knew Dan through the Sandpiper Condominiums. I moved there three years ago during a huge transition in my life. Dan was such an amazing manager and also a person of great depth and compassion. His eyes would light up when I walked in his office. He would sit and talk and listen, always encouraging and positive. I am forever grateful for his smile, his “open-door” welcome. Thank you, Dan. May I live the moments of my life in such a loving, caring way by seeing each person as special and taking the time to sit down and be present with them.
Shelly and family,
I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. While I did not know him, I can tell he was loving person. I wish for peace in your heart, spend your time with all the wonderful memories you have of him and know that I am thinking of you and your family. Mary
What a dear friend. Dan had an unforgettable sense of humor, comfortable warmth, an undeniable strength and endless compassion.
Dan and I first met working in a wholesale skiwear company. Later, Dan touched our lives when my children, Sean and Chris, were 5 and 9 years old. My boys thought the world of Dan and looked up to him with love and admiration. Kerry, Christy, and my sons spent one memorable summer full of amusing water balloon fights, trampoline fun and golf cart mania. Go forward 24 years…
To 2006 – Dan was Sandpiper manager. Sean, now 29, was living in one of these condos. While I was waiting to meet Sean at University Village, I ran into Dan. As we talked, Sean and his girlfriend approached. Dan’s eyes lit up as he saw them but he did not yet realize that this was the same boy he had known 24 years ago. Dan looked in amazement as I said, “This is my sonâ€. Here Sean had been right under Dan’s nose and he had no idea who Sean really was.
We feel blessed to have had Dan’s remarkable spirit grace our lives and he will be forever in our hearts.
With Deepest Sympathy to All His Family
Dan Newman was one of the kindest, most considerate and decent men I have met in my years. He will be missed very much by myself and my dog, Ripken, who loved to visit Dan every afternoon. My deepest sympathies got to his family and the people at The Sandpiper who knew him well. Dan, you will be missed far and wide.
“Holy Smokes” – Grandpa Dan
A sparkle in his eyes and a hearty chuckle are what I remember about Dan.
With kindest regards,
Mark Buchli
Dear Family of Daniel Newman,
I am sorry about the loss of your loved one. Words cannot describe feelings in a time like this. Many have found comfort in the Bible’s promises of seeing our past loved ones again such as at John 5 verses 28 and 29. Take care of yourselves and keep memories of your past loved one close.
I want to invite everybody who makes it to this site to please, share at least one memory of Dad. It means so much to the family to hear simple little stories, anecdotes, or about qualities you loved or admired in Dad. Let me start!
Dad took me on when I was four years old. I was scared to meet him when he came to pick up my mother the first time, but he teased my sister and I about “Flatman and Ribbon,” which we thought was just a hilarious joke about our “Batman and Robin” television show. In this way, he knew how to lighten any uncomfortable situation. I remember riding the Zipper at the Seattle Center for the first time with him. Dad had me laughing so hard, I forgot to be scared when the ride started. I don’t know how he managed to maintain that John-Wayne-like coolness at every shaky moment, but he did. And I always appreciated it.
Grandpa Dan was one of the kindest people I have ever met. He was very funny and bright-spirited and loved to spend time with his family. To me, he was a very funny and special grandpa and I won’t forget him.
I met Dan while working for him as a contractor, more like working with him because Dan loved to be in the mix.
We became fast friends and I was privileged to hear about his past, and especially about his family of whom he was most proud. Dan was funny and light heated, most of all genuine; when he had something to tell you as advise, it came from a place of caring. For such a small time in my life, Dan made a huge impression and will be greatly missed.
Dan was one of the most generous persons I’ve ever known, always willing to lend a hand or take an interest in others. Though he never expected anything in return, Dan should be repaid many times over for the love and thoughtfulness he showed others. Rest well, friend.
It was my privilege and pleasure to know Dan. As a resident of the SandPiper condos- one of my favorite things to do was to visit Dan with my dog Ricki. She absolutely loved Dan even if he did not have treatswhich he usually did and would pull me to the office when we were out. She did not have to pull me hard because I so enjoyed talking with Dan. He was such an incredible man -friendly,loving and caring. I could always count on him to be there. Leaving Seattle was an easy choice for me but I always missed chatting with Dan and visited whenever I could. It saddens me greatly have lost such a friend. Even after being gone for 4 years I still had his phone number in my cell phone. He will be missed.
May the grief of his family be tempered with the knowledge that Dan was a great man and will be missed by many. His caring life touched so many people that he will never be truly forgotten.
Sending my sympathies on the loss of Dan. What a guy he was. We first met in the late 60’s when I moved to Seattle from Cleveland, Ohio. We lived on the same street and our families spent a lot together. No one could tell a joke like Dan, or if you had a question about something he mostly made up an answer and it was always so conviencing. I only saw Dan a few times in the late 90’s, but will always remeber his easy winning way.
John and I lived in a condo at the Sandpiper from 1999-2003 and so had the pleasure of knowing Dan. He was an incredible person, the nicest man who had a great sense of humor. He was always available and always with a smile. He spoke lovingly of his family – his face would just light up. He was proud of his children and we’re sure his children are proud of him. Dan made our time at the Sandpiper memorable. Our condolences on your loss.
Reading the thoughts and memories of Dan that others have submitted, I am struck simply by how we’ve all felt the same emotions by being near this incredible person. Dan, your kindness, sincerity and dedication to whomever came within a mile of you will be sorely missed. I already miss your friendly laugh and hearty handshake, but am encouraged by the community evident in the comments everyone has placed here. We miss you.
January 4, 2009
I first met Dan almost 25 years ago. Over the years, I never saw Dan fail to offer a genuine smile and a big helping hand to everyone he met. Those of us who got to know him were especially blessed by his gracious generousity of spirit and unfailing good humor. He was a wonderful man, a loving father to his children, and a dear friend to many. He will be greatly missed but he will not be forgotten.
i wish to express my deepest condolencesto the newman family i have lived at the sand piper since the summer of 97 and have never met such a hard working manager i would wake up early on the weekends and there was dan cleaning the pool or working on the land scape i would call out to him from my deck hey dan it’s the weekend AND it’s early and he would reply some one’s gotta clean up around here. or he would remind me about pearl harbor how every one was sleeping when we were attacked dec 7th of 41 i will truly miss walking by the office and not having him there to bid me good by and be careful on my way to the bus or seeing him when i arrive home around midnight when he would be walking the grounds before going to bed..farewell my friend it was an honor and a privelige knowing you …..alex&gizmo c-201
I remember spending the night at Shelly’s house on many occasions when we were kids, and witnessing your dad’s consistently smiling, generous, and loving presence in your home.
I’m so sorry about your loss. What a beautiful service you created for him today. I loved the music, the readings you selected, the words you wrote, and all of the caring and thoughtful choices you made. I bet your dad was looking down upon all of you today with immense love and pride lighting up his enduring smile.
You have such a wonderful family. I hope you’ll take comfort in each other during this difficult time, and in the many happy memories of all the years you shared with your dad. My thoughts are with you.
Love, Rosanne
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Newman family for inviting the residents of the Sandpiper Condominium to share their Memorial Service for this wonderful man.
Dan was a true friend with whom one could have deep, often passionate discussions about world affairs. We invariably disagreed, which made the discussions all the more interesting and challenging, but Dan NEVER made the disagreement personal. In fact, whilst I was cooling down, he would just laugh in his endearing way. What a lovely man.
Dan was also a bundle of care and kindness. When I broke my leg 4 years ago taking my dog out at 2:00 am, I never even thought to call 911. I just called Dan, because I knew that he would take care of things… and he did. I was teaching that quarter, and he took me into UW and picked me up virtually every day. He refused all payment except coffee icecream!
These are just two examples of how Dan touched my life; there are many, many, many more.
I have a favorite poem by Dylan Thomas that I wanted to read at the Memorial Reception, but I knew that I would break down, so I did not do so. Dylan Thomas wrote this upon the death of his own father whom he desperately did not want to lose. So – Matt – this is for you in memory of your loving, kind, generous, and much-missed father:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightening they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it in its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Remembering Dan with love,
Dear Newman Family and Friends:
Please accept my sympathy for your loss. I’m a Sandpiper resident and miss Dan very much. He was an amazing man who took much pride in his work as Property Manager, and he did his best. A few weeks ago we chatted briefly and he said “you deal with the hand that’s dealt you”. He’s inspired me to do my best and to deal with whatever comes my way.
Dan was also a Toastmasters member in the 1960s and I’m currently Club President of two clubs. I’ll dedicate the January 9th Cosmos Club meeting in memory of Dan, one great communicator. The Cosmos Club has members from throughout the world, including China. Dan’s stories about China and elsewhere were fascinating, and historically important. I feel that Dan played an important part in building US – Chinese relations.
Dan was also well liked by the resident animals, including my Patty, Sophie and Elle. They loved being petted by Dan, he had a special way with them.
Paul Nordby
We my wife Stephanie and I first met Dan when we moved into the Sandpiper Condos in Sept 07, and he immediately and ever thereafter made us feel cared for and at home. As we got to know him, we discovered that he shared with us a mutual love for nature. We learned this through hearing him tell stories about a squirrel who frequently visited the mgr’s office, where Dan fed nuts to him by hand atop his desk. We were amazed that the squirrel was so trusting, yet directly understood that it derived from Dan’s gentle treatment. We pray for blessings upon Dan’s soul, that it may rest eternally, and we wish peace and hope upon his family. We will carry Dan’s light with us each day and remain thankful that we had the opportunity to know a man of such magnificence and grace.
Dan and his gang were our neighbors for 12 wonderful years. He touched all of our lives and though we haven’t been in touch in years he has left an empty space in our hearts. We miss you Dan. Much love to the family. Janie, Phil, Stu and Sarah
“I’m so damn good, I can’t stand it” – Grandpa
I love you Grandpa.
He was the best grandfather anyone could ask for. He was always loving, always caring. He always had a good joke. He was genuinely caring towards everyone. Someone I once told about him told me “the world would be better place if there were more people like him.” And I could not agree more.
We miss you and love you grandpa.
After graduating in June of 1979 from the UW, Dan hired me as an assistant designer at Farwest Garments. He was not only the most professional and kind person at my first job in my chosen field, he was a great mentor. Although the job was short lived due to the failure of the company, I still hold very fond memories of my first boss. That first job also led to the meeting of my husband Tom! Thanks Dan, and my best wishes to his family.
TO HIS CHILDREN AND OTHER DEAR LOVED ONES:I am so sorry about the loss of Dan. May the sorrow you feel now soon be replaced by all the happy memories. Don Sundberg
As a young suitor to his daughter, Shelly, I was nervous heading out to meet the man, way out to the big log manor he’d built himself. But with his welcoming smile and generous spirit, Dan put me fast at ease, setting the table for years to come, regaling us with fine food, and drink, and stories from his far-ranging world. With self-assured humility, Dan opened himself to all with a ready ear and a helpful heart. His joie de vivre carried the day, even on days otherwise bereft of joy. We’ll miss you, big guy.