Daniel Warren Berry

February 14, 1959 - October 20, 2015


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Dawson Family
Dawson Family
5 years ago

Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your dear loved one. May the Bibles promise of a resurrection to perfect health on a paradise earth bring you comfort and hope. John5: 28,29 Rev21: 3,4.

5 years ago

We lost a funny good hearted soul let me not forget stubborn πŸ™‚ Dan we will miss you oh so much I will never forget your contagious laugh and that humor that made everyone’s cheeks hurt, your witty sarcastic comments where golden.. my heart breaks for your children,grandchildren,sandy and family . You did a great job on raising your kids they are all pretty fucking great. One strong beautiful family that you have .. They love and miss you very much. Thank you for giving me my best friend Loleta I owe you….. Daniel Berry I will never forget the 1st person and the only person that I could call and refer to as dad and you never corrected me on that I wasent your biological kid but love was there that’s what counts. Always made me feel welcome…Wish I could’ve laughed with you sooner but we all shall some day again. will try to do good by you to be the best friend I can be to your youngest she’s more then great and remaining strong I know you’d be proud..all I know is that your legacy is passed down I’ve never met a family that has made me laugh as much as yours .. Sweet dreams funny man dan πŸ™

Kendra Klasna
Kendra Klasna
5 years ago

Dan the man!!!!!! Aka DAD. Will always remember the great times we had ..the laughs and the love we shared, even when Loleta and I were getting in trouble. Will never forget that contagious smile of your.. Love you Dan ..might be gone but never forgotten..

Jay King-Phillips
Jay King-Phillips
5 years ago

How to start off this lost of a awesome individual who I known for a short time in which I felt was a time of joy, Laughter, and times that family was very important to Dan.

I was blessed to be introduced to the Berry Family, and wonderful extended family thats is connected. Dan will be truely missed, and I know he would only want everyone to stay strong keep a smile on there face and move forward, and keep the Berry Family and extended families to move forward,

Towards a life of Joy, and support to each of our familys, and friends. Instead of feeling to much grief towards this lost I want to remember all the positives related towards Dan’s achievements, and positives I feel he would greatly appreciate.

We miss you Dan God Bless

Jay KP

German&Mary Duran
German&Mary Duran
5 years ago

RIP you will always be in our hearts !!

loleta berry
loleta berry
5 years ago

There are no words to even describe the pain that’s in my heart. Waking up everyday knowing I’m unable to call and just say I love you or just hear you laugh or to get a pep talk when I’m down. This last month has been a rollercoaster of a ride but you and mom raised us to be able to take on ANYTHING. (and that’s exactly what we’re doing) we all miss you and there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think of you. I love you daddy! xoxo

Loleta Berry
Loleta Berry
5 years ago

love you!