Darryl Edwin Quincey

March 1, 1938 - September 23, 2016


Darryl E. Quincey

Darryl Quincey was born on March 1, 1938 to Irma and Harold Quincey in South Prairie Washington. 

His family moved to Bainbridge Island in the early 1940s, where he graduated from Bainbridge High in 1956.  During his high school days he played football for Bainbridge High and was known as “Tick” for his ability to fix watches and “Hard Rock” for his football ability. 

After High School he joined the Marine Corp and was stationed in many locations, but especially enjoyed his time in Japan.  After getting out the Marines he took a job for Boeing working as a machinist where he met his to-be wife, Carolee Kozak.  They were married three months after meeting and their marriage lasted for just short of fifty years. He worked his entire career as a Tool and Die maker for several Seattle area companies, including Beebe Brothers and Fatigue Technologies.    

Darryl is survived by his three children Russell (Elise), Darryn (Kristi) and Janet (Atoa) along with his five grandchildren, nephews and cousins.  Darryl is preceded in death by his Wife, both his parents and his Sister, Janet McIlwain.  Darryl is best known for his “wicked” sense of humor, playing golf and being a devoted family man.  He will be missed by many. 

Services will be held at Bonney Watson in SeaTac at 16445 International Boulevard, SeaTac, Washington on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:00 pm. 

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the charity of your choice.

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Bob & Kandi McIlwain
Bob & Kandi McIlwain
5 years ago

Russ, Darryn and Jan

Peace and many blessings to you and your family. Great memories of Uncle Darryl and Aunt Carol and we look forward to celebrating their lives with you all on a visit to the Northwest next spring.

Love Bob & Kandi

Victoria Rickerson
Victoria Rickerson
5 years ago

Darryn and Kristi,

I am so sorry about your Dad’s passing. The positive is, he is no longer suffering and he is with his lovely wife, your Mom, again. The family is in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.