David Dean O'Harrow

April 12, 1934 - March 2, 2020


April 12, 1934 – March 2, 2020

It is with great sadness that his friend Linda Yount and his family announce the passing of David Dean O’Harrow at the age of 85 at Garden Terrace Nursing Home, Federal Way, Washington.

David was born April 12, 1934 to Earl B. & Grace C. O’Harrow.

He grew up on a 160 acre farm south of Twin Falls, Idaho in a large white stucco house with loving parents and an older sister, Colleen.  Colleen was born a twin, losing her twin brother shortly after birth.

Dave is preceded by both parents as well as both sets of grandparents.

Dave leaves behind his loving sister Colleen (John Thiebert) and her children; Dan Smith (Geraldine) and nieces, Linda Waters (Rick), and Shawna Redfield (Joe).  All of whom were adored by their brother and Uncle. 

Early school years (1st & 2nd grades) were held in a small two room school house called, “Mountain View.”  Later he attended Lincoln Elementary school, O’Leary Jr. High, and Twin Falls High School.

An all-American boy, Dave joined and was active in the Boy Scouts enjoying hiking, camping trips, and other outdoor activities.  In high school, he joined and was active in Future Farmers of America and raising and showing award winning sheep.  Dave excelled as a farmer and raised a flock of sheep that helped pay for his college education.  It is no surprise that he graduated Magna Cum Laude, with a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho.  

After college, David was drafted into the US Army, but having earned a critical degree in engineering, his military service was deferred and he was quickly released from service, and went to work for Caterpillar Tractor in Peoria, Illinois. 

From there he moved on to work for Boeing in Seattle, Washington where for 35 years he provided engineering expertise on projects that included airplanes, satellites, and missile programs.  He retired in 1995. 

David had a short marriage to Ann Whitcomb — they had no children.  

David had a passion for horse racing and owned several horses, even traveling to Europe to visit stud farms in development of his stable.  If asked to describe a perfect day, he would most likely tell you about being in the owner’s box, eating a well-cooked steak, and watching his horse’s race at the Belmont in New York.

An avid gun enthusiast, David collected firearms that included antique Pepper-box guns.  He had a large collection that he assembled over years as he traveled to gun shows, buying and selling guns.

In retirement, David purchased an award winning American Short-hair kitten that he named Bump after the beloved poem:  Ghoulies and Ghosties, and long-leggity Beasties, and all the Things that go bump in the Night, Good Lord deliver us.”  Bump kept David company for 19 years.  

An expert and author, David was one of the premiere authorities on Mexican Hookneck coins.  While visiting Mexico for vacation, David found an old Mexican coin that he purchased for $10.00. This coin started the large collection of Mexican Hookneck coins that he later sold at auction with Christies. While traveling, he met and friended Clyde Hubbard and the two of them co-authored a book written in both English and Spanish. “Hookneck: El Aguila de Perfil”, Copyright 1997. This book is considered high quality and has been used as a subject matter text book. 

A poker player and card lover, in retirement, David started playing bridge at a local senior center, where he met and friended Robert Gerend, also an engineer, and the two formed a friendship and bridge partnership.  They joined a local bridge club and the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL). In 2006, at a bridge table, he met a young gal 30 years his junior who was to become his best friend for 14 years, Linda Yount.  During those years, Dave, Bob, and Linda played a lot of bridge; both as pairs and on teams coming up the ranks together.  David earned his Life Master at a tournament in Olympia – one of his proudest moments.  

The last few years of this life, David and Linda, and his large group of friends, ate, drank (he loved good scotch and cheap gin), played bridge, told stories, and laughed together.

Linda Yount, whom he referred as his “Angel,” was holding his hand when he drew his last breath. 

A remarkable man, who led a remarkable life — David Dean O’Harrow will be missed by many!

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4 years ago

Linda Yount

Robert Gerend
Robert Gerend
4 years ago

Will miss my dear friend. I enjoyed all the years Dave and I shared good times at the bridge table.

J. Gary Post
J. Gary Post
4 years ago

So long to my friend of longstanding, from our Twin Falls HS days in FFA to being pledge brothers in Beta Theta Pi and brothers in that wonderful fraternity until graduation and work took our lives in different directions, but always brothers and friends …in spite of ‘obstacles’. Till we meet again, my brother, I remain yours in _kai_ J. Gary Post

Jim Burbidge
Jim Burbidge
4 years ago

David was a good friend and a wonderful bridge partner. I enjoyed his many fine stories and I will miss him.

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
4 years ago

Goodbye my dear Uncle Dave. You were an inspiration. It was a pleasure to have you as a very close Uncle. You inspired me to achieve the best, to learn and to be clever and happy in what I do. I especially liked playing games with you as a kid even though you took great pleasure in beating me every single time. Yes, you even taught me to be a good loser. Ha ha.
Much love. I will miss you,
Your nephew

Cole Sherwood
Cole Sherwood
4 years ago

Cole Sherwood

4 years ago

Beautiful man with many amazing stories. Very blessed to spend time with such a good man.

Linda Waters
Linda Waters
4 years ago

My dear Uncle Dave,
It has taken me a long time to come to terms with your loss. I will miss you terribly; I think of you very often. I really miss talking to you and think of our conversations. You were someone I looked up to and would give anything to spend more time with you. You lived your life to the full and left a legacy of amazing love and care for your family. You were amazing…..you are loved.
Your niece,

Paul Neumann
Paul Neumann
4 years ago

Just heard of Mr. O’Harrow’s passing today in conjunction with the recent death of co-author Clyde Hubbard of his celebrated work “Hookneck – El Aguila del Perfil”.

The Mexican numismatic world lost two valuable members this year.

Unfortunately, I never met Mr. O’Harrow in person seeing as my contacts with him date back to the late 1990s. I still treasure the above book and his personalized note enclosed therein.

Rest In Peace

Stephen Searle
Stephen Searle
4 years ago

I just stumbled on this sad obituary today. I considered Dave a good friend, and fondly remember our chats down in Mexico City at the coin conventions there or at the ANA conventions around the US. I was a novice and learned a great deal from him over the years. Sadly, Dave and I lost touch as he disposed of his coins and started playing Bridge. I now own several of David’s former coins and each time I admire them, I think of him. We are only caretakers of these treasures for humanity. I will endeavor to be a good one, just as was Dave. Descanse en paz, amigo!