David Elbert James
October 11, 1942 - August 13, 2009

David E James; October 11, 1942 – August 13, 2009
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God’ John 1:1
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ 1 John 1:9
David James was born in southern California, in a Mormon home. In his younger days he enjoyed cruising down Van Nuys Blvd. with his car club “The Khans”, later known as the “Old Geezers”. Going on to own several vacuum stores, thinking he was a big shot, lost it all and hit rock bottom. David and JoAnn then left their life behind in California and moved to Washington, where David felt the Presence of God and forever changed his life. Known as “The Hugger” David has sown seeds and led many to Christ. He is survived by his wife, three children and four grandchildren.
With the touch of Jesus,
His life filled us so,
A powerful force of Faith,
Where’er he’d choose to go;
Welcoming arms embracing,
“DAVE THE HUGGER” we dubbed by name,
Sharing his gifts of mercy,
We will never be the same!
He showered his world with Bibles,
And read the WORD for power,
A faith as sure as the weather,
He was our “Man of the Hour.”
He prayed for the “addicted and afflicted,”
And include the “roses and radishes” too
A man of God proclaiming,
“Jesus will make us new!”
With heartfelt thanks we honor,
Our special, kind, dear friend,
And knows he now lives in GLORY,
Eternally, without end;
We are truly privileged,
To have known this loving man,
We will carry his torch of freedom,
And together, take his stand;
With tears of joy we are singing,
His mission is finished here on Earth,
He has been given a brand new body,
A heavenly brand new birth!
Robert J. Darrigan
August 14, 2009