Della Lucille Marquiss

April 8, 1932 - May 27, 2017


Della Lucille Marquiss of Tacoma, WA, born April 8, 1932; went to be with the Lord on May 27, 2017 surrounded by family at the Franciscan Hospice House.  She had been preceded in death by husbands Milbert Wolff and Henry H. Marquiss.

She is survived by a brother, James Rector of Yakima; and a sister, June White of Lynnwood.


She is also survived by a large and loving family: Sherry Baslington and husband, David: their children, Les and wife Jill: Shawneen and husband Matthew: Terry and Lynn Wolff, both deceased: survived by one son, Shaun and wife Darcy. Cindy Franks and children, Michelle and husband Chandler: Michael and wife Heather. William M. Wolff and his children: Krystal; William and his wife Hayley. John Wolff and wife Connie and their children: Rebecca and husband Harold: Zach and wife Claudia.


Included in this family are 27 great-grandchildren.


The single most important thing in Della’s life was her love of the Lord, love of her family and involvement in her church; the Church For All Nations. Della was very committed to the Torchbearers group.


A woman of many activities and interests, Della loved babies and volunteered at church for the MOP’S Bible Study group which gave young mom’s an opportunity to study, learning more of God’s word which, in turn, allowed Della to indulge in her love of babies.    She loved gardening, baking, keeping up on current affairs, and taking trips.  She baked cookies, candies and pie every year, (starting before Thanksgiving) for the Missions, church and family.  Taking trips included such destinations as Alaska via the inside passage in a 40 foot sailboat while they canned fish.  Another trip found them in Texas making their way cross country to visit daughter, Cindy and family.   A highlight for Della and other family members was staying with cousins in Virginia which also gave them the opportunity to attend a Promise Keepers nationwide gathering in Washington D.C.


Though she will be greatly missed, she was welcomed through the golden gate with open arms of family awaiting her arrival and is singing praises to her Lord even as her life celebrations are being planned and enjoyed here.


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit,”…Phil 4:23


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Sherry A Baslington
Sherry A Baslington
5 years ago

Dear Mama,

Tomorrow we will Celebrate your life with your very special

Pastor Wuerch. And your Torchbears Family. Many of your own family will be there as well. I hope tomorrow will glorify your Lord and Savior. Also as a family we can continue the same love and caring that you lived each and every day. I miss you so much Mom. But I know you are free. and that you are no longer bound by pain, confusion, no more wheelchair

either. I love you Mom. You continue to be the voice in my head. Your daughter Sherry

PS say hello to the rest of the family for me and give them a Big Hug. Goodnight Mom