Dorothy Elaine Brands
June 6, 1941 - November 5, 2017

Dorothy Brands (Green/ Beanblossom) passed away at age 76, having lived a full and wonderful life. She is survived by her husband Al, her three daughters, five grandchildren, one brother, and three dogs.
Dottie was the life of the party, she could talk to anyone and made conversation with everyone she met, even in the line at the grocery store. She always had silly sayings like “fum-dum-wiggly” or “we’re off like a turtle”. She loved being with her family and having family dinners every month, she was the center of their world.
Dottie loved animals, and would stop and give love to everyone’s dogs when she was out and about. She and Al have rescued over seven dachshunds, one pug, one basset hound, three chaweenies (Chihuahua/dachshund) and a be-weenie (beagle/dachshund) over their years of marriage. Dottie loved sewing, making quilts and embroidering; she gave most of the things she made away to friends, family, and those who needed it. She loved sweets, never being able to say no to a sweet treat, even if it was before dinner.
Dot loved to travel and go on cruises with her husband, having traveling all over the United States and the Caribbean. In one summer they visited 12 national parks across the United States together.
She loved everyone without judgement and was the kindest person anyone would ever meet. She welcomed everyone into her home with open arms and a big hug. No one she ever met disliked Dottie, to meet her was to love her.
Her memory will live on in our hearts. She is missed greatly and will continue to be loved forever.
SAVE THE DATE and join us on Saturday, June 23, 2108 in Kent, Washington as we spend time celebrating Dottie’s life..
RSVP for additional details:, or 253-370-7852. More information will be sent closer to the event.
Al Brands is my cousin and I had the pleasure to meet Dottie one time when they visited Dallas. She was active, fun, and seemed to love traveling with Alan. Dottie will be missed.
Our best to Al and his family.
Kevin & Beckie Brands