Edward Mackey Anderson
August 31, 1919 - May 19, 2006

Edward Mackey ANDERSON
Born in Pottstown, PA on August 31, 1919, the son of Harry Edward and Mary Smith Anderson and died on May 19, 2006 in Seattle, WA. He was raised in Royersford, PA where he attended public schools. He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1938 and then studied Geology at Lafayette College where he received a BA Degree in 1942. He then entered the U.S. Navy’s Midshipman’s School at Northwestern University. Upon receiving his commission as an Ensign in 1943, he served the remainder of World War II aboard three destroyers: the USS J. Fred Talbot DDI56, the USS Little DD 803 and the USS Hunt DD674. The USS Little was involved in the assault on Iwo Jima and the Okinawa battle. In the latter engagement, Japanese suicide planes sank the USS Little and LT. jg Anderson was awarded the Bronze Star for heroic achievement during the battle. Upon receiving his honorable discharge at a Lieutenant in 1946, he commenced a 40-year career as a Petroleum Geologist. After 3 years spent with Tropical Oil Company in Columbia, South America, he moved to Texas in 1950. The following years included a 20-year tenure with Aztec Oil & Gas Company. In his role as Vice President-Exploration with the latter company he was intimately involved in the discovery of sizeable oil and gas reserves in both the Four Corners area and the West Texas-New Mexico’s Permian Basin. His professional organization memberships included the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Dallas Geological Society. He served the latter as President in 1969 and was awarded an Honorary Life Membership. He was also one of the founders and served as a director of the Geological Information Library of Dallas in 1949. He married Janice Barnes Porter in 1949. He is survived by his sons David Porter Anderson, Edward Mackey Anderson, Jr, F. Jason Anderson and daughter Martha Barnes Anderson of Dallas, TX and Sally Anderson Cardwell and son-in-law Walter W. Cardwell, III of Austin, Texas. In addition the following grandchildren survive: Sara Elizabeth Anderson, Samuel Ellis Anderson, Caroline Alexis Anderson, Allison Anderson Geller, Walter Wilcox Cardwell, IV and Sally Anderson Cardwell and one sister Sara Anderson Immerwahr of Chapel Hill, NC. He was predeceased by one sister Elizabeth Anderson Cameron. Following his wife’s death in 1986, he moved to Seattle, WA. Here he became active in fraternal organizations including West Seattle Service Lodge #287 F.&A.M. and the Washington State Society, Sons of the American Revolution. He became Worshipful Master of his lodge in 1997. In Sons of the American Revolution he was State President and Vice President of the Pacific District. In 1989 he married Barbara Lewis Herbst, a third generation Seattleite. Besides his wife, he leaves behind stepdaughters Lisa Rojecki Jim and Tracy Martin Paul and three stepgrandaughters Kelly McKee, Sunny Martin and Kate Rojecki. He also leaves behind all of his friends who touched his life in so many ways. Memorial services will be held June 12, 2006 at 3:30 PM at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California Avenue S.W., Seattle, WA. A reception will follow. In lieu of flowers the family asks that remembrances be made to a charity of the giver’s choice. Please sign the online memorial guestbook at www.bonneywatson.com.
Please visit http://skyways.lib.ks.us/history/dd803/crewprofiles/edwardanderson.htm for more information.
I read today of Andy’s passing. I remember him as a friend, true gentleman and a Comrade in Arms
We will miss you. You are a perfect southern gentleman even thou you were raised in the East. Knowing you has been a wonderful blessing.
God bless you. Love, The Toomeys
You were always so kind to speak to me and make over my dog as we made our daily trek to the mailbox. We have only lived in the neighborhood a short time but you made us feel welcome. You will be missed as you start your new beginning.
Randy Raisor & Tom McCaffrey
Ed was such a true gentleman and the world has lost one fine man with his passing. And, Barbara, may you and I continue out friendship that started many years ago at Alexander Hamilton Junior High in Seattle.
Mr. Anderson was a great role model to me. I often recall many wonderful things he did with me and his son Jason. Taking us to baseball games, bowling, watching the Dallas Cowboys on closed circut TV at his office. A lot of fishing. He spoke at our elementary school ~1970 and I overheard some ladies comment on how handsome he was.
We will all miss seeing him at the DAR events to which he comes. It is always fun to visit with you. Take care and may peace be with you always.
Love, Mary Calapp
We only new Ed for such a short time. Met him through Judy at our local Martini Dry Cleaners. We were going to India as well as Barbara and Ed. In the few visits both of them made a very memorable impact on my self and my children. Ed even wrote us the most beautiful and heartfelt letter that I have ever received. What a truly special man. Barbara we are so sorry for your lost. Warm hugs, Patti, Scott and Christina
I enjoyed getting to know Ed over the last six years as he attended the Men’s Fellowship Group at West Seattle Christian Church. He loved to share stories about his past, a most interesting and delighful gentleman. Jon Tharp
For Martha: I am sorry to hear of your dad’s death, Martha. Sounds like he had a wonderful full life. He was a great dad, and I remember him fondly. I have been looking for you for years, and I hate that we find each other at this sad time. Please get in touch with me via e-mail christy_herrington@yahoo.com or call me, M-F, 8:30-5:30, 800-868-8999 or at home, 828-683-8718.
Ed was a familiar figure in our neighborhood and one of the first we met after we moved here. I have fond memories of him smiling and chatting at our Block Watch gatherings and as a frequent, friendly walker with Barb past our house. We discovered a connection in that his Mother attended the same small women’s college, Wilson, in Pennsylvania that I did. Tom and I will miss Ed. I am glad that he had such a wonderful life.