Edward & Virginia Pontow

Edward Carl Pontow born June 29, 1924 and Virginia Ellen Logan born April 12, 1930 met when they were only 24 and 18. Ed was just out of the service and very handsome. Virginia was sweet and very pretty. Was it love at first sight? I like to think so.
They married September 13, 1948. Dad was in construction for a long while, working up and down the Columbia River on the Dams until they moved to Seattle, WA. There he became an electrician and worked for Seattle City Light for 1962 to 1986.
As with most couples they had children. They are survived by 5 children: June, Roger, Jeanne, Jan, and Roy. Grandchildren: Amy, Emily, Steve, Nicholas, Anthony, Tonnie, Tessa, Tamra, John, Kimberly, and Melissa. Great Grandchildren: Aiden, Sarina, Kylah, Harper, Finn, Molly, and Thomas.
I remember many family camping trips to many different places, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Sleeping in tents, roasting marshmallows, and digging clams. They also bought a cabin on Harstene Island. We had many many fun weekends there.
Mom was the best homemaker. She knew how to squeeze their dollars to provide for the family. We were never hungry, always had clothes to wear, and always got swimming lessons almost every summer.
Mom always tried to connect to her grandchildren; from Girl Scouts to sewing groups. She also had a very kind heart. Giving help and a friendly hand when needed.
When Dad retired, he and Mom traveled for several years in their motor home. They wintered in Texas for many years. I think they enjoyed their years of traveling, had lots of fun, and saw lots of sights.
In their retirement years they paid lots of attention to their Great Grandchildren. I think they really enjoyed it when they came to their house to visit.
Sadly all good things come to an end. At a wonderful old age of 93 Dad passed on April 19, 2018 after breaking two hips and putting up a good fight, but he could not get better. Mom was just very worn out and followed two months later on June 8, 2018 at the age of 88. I like to think they just wanted to be together. Maybe they are floating on a cloud together and watching over us with love.
Wishing you all comfort and courage as you face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.
Our most heartfelt condolences to you and all of the family.
From, Susan, Jose Luis, Pearla, Juan, Jose Luis, Veronica, Alexis, Emily, Matthew and Dominic.
What a beautiful eulogy to your parents, Jeanne. Mike and I send our sympathy and love to you all.
Well done obituary, our condolences to all.
All of my love to the family – I have so many wonderful memories of those camping trips and the times I would spend visiting in the summer – My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
I remember growing up with Roy as one of my best friends. Mrs. Pontow I just called mom. She was always made me feel welcomed and part of the family. She was a wonderful lady. Mr. was always making or fixing something. I always called him Mr. Pontow. He was a man to be respected. I remember when he towed home a cargo container on a truck axle. I think they made home sign a waiver!! Sorry for the loss of two great people and parents.