Elizabeth "Betty" Annette Clifton

September 3, 1946 - June 29, 2016


Elizabeth (Betty) Clifton was born on Labor Day, Sept. 3, 1946 to Frederick & Winifred Clifton.  She spent her first years in Ballard and then her family moved to a wonderful home on Angle Lake in SeaTac when Betty was 13 years old. This was to remain her place of residence for most of her life.

She graduated from the UW with a degree in Classical Greek and then went on to get her medical degree at the UW Medical School. She had a thriving private practice in downtown Seattle for a number of years and was a beloved and caring physician until health issues forced her to retire from medicine. 

Betty had a passion and great talent for art, in particular drawing and painting, and she spent many years pursuing that passion. She was an avid and successful gardener, often out in her beautiful gardens from dawn to dusk.  She enjoyed collecting rare books and stamps, as well as pottery and pretty much anything she considered beautiful. She was bright, engaging and the family historian.

To all who knew her, Betty was kind and helping, possessing a colorful and charismatic character, often dressing in the latest trends of the day, if not retro styles. She was rarely without multiple necklaces and rings, the more the merrier. Most important to Betty was her love for God, family, and of course her dogs, for which she had many over her entire adult life.  She understood her need for a close walk with Jesus and this carried her through times of trouble.  A prolific poet… her poems beautifully illustrated her passion for God, his creation, and his help in times of difficulty. 

Those who knew her dearly, loved Betty. She loved to gift people with small treasures from her collections and from her artwork, as well as sending handmade cards for every occasion, many of which were sent without any occasion whatsoever, except to express her care and love. Even her young great-grandnephews and grandnieces have expressed sadness in hearing of her passing, feeling the loss, and knowing they will no longer be receiving her sweet notes in the mail.

We will all miss Betty, but we take solace, gladness and joy in knowing that she is at rest, reunited with her beloved parents and with her Savior and Lord.

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Michael & Paula Jackson
Michael & Paula Jackson
5 years ago

There truly never was any one like Betty. She always inspired me with her generous enthusiasm and creative eye. I will miss her.

Stephen Leonard
Stephen Leonard
5 years ago

A gifted Christian devoted to the things of her Lord. A dear friend for many, many years. Betty brought unique beauty into relationships as she did to the relationship we had. I love her calligraphy of very special Scripture! Will always treasure what I have, for they remind me of Betty. What a wonderful way to be remembered, by the beauties of His Word! See you in Glory, Betty!

Kevin and Stephene VandenBrink
Kevin and Stephene VandenBrink
5 years ago

We have such great memories of Betty from our time together at GLPC. We especially remember her kindness and her eagerness to pray. Praise God for the hope of resurrection life in Christ and a world without tears.

Steven Beatty
Steven Beatty
5 years ago

I will always remember Doctor Betty as one of the most creative and generous souls with a gracious and welcoming disposition. We will miss her.

Mike McKamey
Mike McKamey
5 years ago

A picture from 1966, as I will always remember her. Rest in peace, Betty.

Cynthia Savage
Cynthia Savage
5 years ago

I am so glad to have known Betty. She was a sweet, unique, and gifted woman.

Mary Watling Powell
Mary Watling Powell
5 years ago

Betty and I were good friends while attending Mount Rainier High School in Des Moines, WA. She was a kind and caring friend and I was sorry to hear of her medical problems and her passing. I regret we didn’t have more time to reconnect in our later years.

Judy Gelner Curran
Judy Gelner Curran
5 years ago

Betty was the first person I met when I was new to Chinook Jr. High School in the 8th grade. We were both new to the school and sat together in classes. Betty was a straight A student, and we would work on projects together and became close friends. Her dad was my dentist! We went different directions after high school and lost touch. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I wish I could sit down and have a long conversation with her!

Jerry, Gloria, Lorraine, and Karen Dull
Jerry, Gloria, Lorraine, and Karen Dull
5 years ago

We have fond memories of living next door to the Cliftons on 5th Ave NW in Ballard. Missed them when they moved to Angle Lake. Sorry to hear of Betty’s passing. Happy to know she had a full rewarding life. Gloria remembers Betty’s grey suede shoes! Hello to the rest of the Clifton family. Our thoughts are with you.

Virginia Willmer Smith
Virginia Willmer Smith
5 years ago

Betty, a friend from high school, when we attended Sunday School , church, and youth meetings at the then Green Lake Presbyterian Church was a bridesmaid in my wedding. in December 1969. I learned about art from her and admired her many interests and abilities. Her love of our Lord was evident in her letters and conversation.

Wes and Sharon Willmer
Wes and Sharon Willmer
5 years ago

Our family had many fond connections with Betty. Her father was Sharon’s dentist and Sharon and I knew her during her Seattle Pacific days and through Green Lake Church. In more recent times she would consistently send cards to our mother, Diantha.

We thank our heavenly Father for Betty’s life and witness as we pass through on this earth and rejoice in her home going to eternity in heaven. She will be missed.