Elizabeth Louise Benson
May 19, 1917 - October 15, 2009

Elizabeth Louise Benson was 92 when she died peacefully at home with her family on October 15, 2009. Bette was born on May 19, 1917 to Frank and Katie Dedo in Cle Elum, Washington. She and her 7 siblings were raised in a Polish Catholic home, learning English as their second language.
Bette enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. Her passions included playing cards, traveling, gardening, cooking, swimming, watching The Mariners and Dancing with the Stars, as well as being up on the latest fashions.
Elizabeth grew up in Eastern Washington and graduated from Cle Elum High School in 1935. It was the Depression years and jobs were hard to find so she moved to Renton to live with her sister Ann. While working as a waitress, Elizabeth met her husband LeRoy ‘Pete’ Benson. The two were happily married for fifty-seven years and made their family home at Angle Lake in Sea Tac, Washington. Bette worked at Boeing, and retired after twenty-five years of service.
She was active in her community; as a life long member of Polish Lodge #685, President of the Washington State Fire Commissioners’ Auxiliary, Angle Lake Shore Club, Toastmistress, Burien Elks, and the Boeing Blue Bells. An avid outdoors woman, Bette loved boating, fishing, hunting, camping and horseback riding. She traveled the world with her husband and daughters, their adventures included extensive trips to Europe. One memorable trip was to Poland in 1995, when Elizabeth introduced her daughters and niece, Joanne Dedo to her Polish family and their Eastern European heritage.
Elizabeth was a loving mother of 2 daughters, Beverly Proctor and Barbara Nist; grandmother to 7 grandchildren, Lee Anne Case, Douglas Miller, Beth Simon, Rob Nist, David Miller deceased, Eileen Brisbine and Tom Nist; and great-grandmother to 12 great-grandchildren, Scott Forbis, Brian Forbis, Shelby Case, Corey Forbis, Alexa Case, Brooke Brisbine, Becca Simon, Erika Nist, Hunter Miller, Daniel Nist, Derek Sikkema and Peter Miller.
Grandma lived a very long, adventurous life and she will be missed.
I have many wonderful memories of Aunt Elizabeth. I loved going to their home on Angle Lake and swimming off their dock. However, my favorite memories are of our big family gatherings on Christmas Eve at the Angle Lake Club House. I loved watching Pete and Elizabeth dance beautifully on the dance floor. Aunt Elizabeth played a very big part of all our family Christmas parties right to the end. I will truly miss seeing her bright big smiles and her warm caring heart.
Bette and I shared a birthday — just one of the things that made her special to me. She and her family were part of our “family” — another careing “Mom” who helped a little girl always feel safe and loved. She was full of life and full of love amd will be missed by many. My thoughts and prayers are with all the Benson clan today.
Grandma was an elegant lady who I’ve only known for a few short years. We were first introduced at Beth’s Christmas Open House. Listening to her life stories throughout the evening was like looking into American history. She shared her journey and I enjoyed every minute. I couldn’t get enough of her story and the evening went too fast. I’m sad to hear of her passing but, smile because I know she lived a full life. She will be missed and thought of often.
Rob, Sylvia, Erica and Daniel. We send our condolences and good thoughts to you. Although we only met you Grandma a couple of times at your your gatherings, she was a very nice and special lady the glasses. But more importantly, she was also at the core of some VERY special people….YOU and leaves behind an powerful legacy.
I have known Betty for 67 years and we shared so many roots from Angle Lake onward. She was one of God’s joyful noise makers and a dear friend and neighbor of my Grandparents., Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Smith. they were close and shared a driveway without argument for a long and fruitful binding. She and her family are are part of the great years at the Lake and we never dropped that relationship. there is no way that folks willl not miss her but she is on a mission. It may nit entail selling quilt raffle tickets but we all know that Bette could do anything.
It was always interesting to know her, and never dull.
Bette was a dear and cherished friend who I always considered to be part of my extended family. Her caring and sunny outlook on life left a lasting impression on all her knew her.