Erna A. Vincent
June 19, 1918 - February 13, 2004
Erna A. Vincent, departed February 13, 2004. She immigrated to the United States along with her daughter Ingrid in 1950, after becoming the wife of an American WWII veteran Earl K. Vincent who preceeded her in death after 53 years of marriage on August 8, 2003. After moving to Seattle in 1953 Erna started working at Boeing on assembly, eventually working her way up to the Engineering Department with Security Clearance. She is survived by her sister, Marianne Allman who resides in Germany, 2 daughters Ingrid M. Shaffer and her husband Charles, Kathleen G. Johnson and her husband Hjelmar II, 6 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, 4 great great grandchildren, and lots of family and friends that loved her very much. Services will be held at Washington Memorial Park, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA 206 242-1787 on Friday, February 20, 2004 at 12:00 Noon.
Will always have good memories of Erna. I remember when she first came to this country and she had brought German chocolate with her. Also, remember her showing us how to make fried bread. Earl and Erna always remembered members of our family on many special occasions for which we will always be grateful. May God comfort you and give you strength in this time of sorrow. There are many good memories to cherish and hold dear. Lots of Love from Juanita
Erna Vincent was a delightful, charming woman. I had the pleasure of meeting her only a few times, however her love of life, sense of humor and ability to bring the past to life will be remembered always.
My prayers and condolances go out to Ingrid, Chuck and the family. May they find great comfort and joy as they reflect on her life and the contributions she made to theirs.
Liebe Ingrid,
meine Gedanken sind bei dir und deiner Familie. Als Worte des Trostes möchte ich euch die Verszeilen schicken, die meine Mutter für ihre Beerdigung ausgesucht hat: “Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen. Woher kommt mir Hilfe? Meine Hilfe kommt vom Herrn, der Himmel und Erde gemacht hat.” Ps 121,1
Thomas und die Jungs denken auch gerne an die Tage mit euch und Erna und Earl.