Forrest Alphonzo Durant, Jr.
July 23, 1960 - April 22, 2009

Forrest was born in Seattle, Washington on July 23rd, 1960 to Helen and Forrest Durant Sr. He attended St. Josephs elementary school and then Garfield High. For many years he worked in sales in fine mens clothing. He pursued a career in real estate and currently worked at the Seattle Times. He enjoyed cooking, outdoor activities and playing his bass guitar. He had a hardy infectious laugh and loved a great debate. He is survived by his mother Helen, son Forrest III, lady friend Ann, sister Saundra, sister Debra, sister Cheryl, brother Nathaniel, numerous nieces and nephews and life long friends. He is preceded in death by his father Forrest Sr. and nephew Labon DuPuis.
Grieve not, nor speak of me with
Tears, but laugh and talk of me
As if I were beside you. I loved
You so- ’twas heaven here with you
Two years ago, funeral today. Lots of emotion and sadness but getting through it. Miss you Forrest!
Yesterday would have been Forrests 50th birthday. I went to Golden Gardens Park and let go of my balloon with my message in it. Sometimes it seems so long ago but then again not. It’s very quiet around here without him and I miss the laughter.
We love you cus.
My thoughts go out to the family and friends of “Tree”…
May we continue to grow new branches of life and gather the leaves that have fallen…
RIP…Homie 4 LYFE
I would like to express my condolences to Ann and the family. I am very deeply saddened at the loss of a truly good person. I know that Forrest will continue to live on in our hearts and memories.
I have known junior my whole life. We shared many good times growing up, kung fu, paper routes, street football and bb guns. He was always a good friend filled with joy and laughter. He was loyal, loving and protective of his friends and family. He will truly be missed but not forgotten.
Forrest and Ann lived on N103 st for about 18 years .You would always see Forrest out w the bbq, experimenting w different rubs, spices and sauces.He was always ready with a come on over, no matter what kind of day you were having.If you were having a bad day, he was ready w a come on over to talk, hand you a beer and give you a big bear hug that would pull you off your feet. He told me ,if you ever get in a bad situation or in trouble,I’m only a phone call away, if I need to I can come w reinforcements. My late brother in law Azel Shackleford was introduced to Forrest, when I needed some help at my apartment. They got to talking and about 2 hours later,they were still talking.I went out and told them ,If I was the subject of the conversation to cut it out.With that comment the conversation got louder along w a lot of laughter. I introduced my ex to Forrest when my ex and I decided to go out to dinner, saw Forrest at the bar, and asked my ex to meet Forrest.They both looked each other up and down.It was quite a different introduction. We had a couple of drinks to break the ice,and we all had a good time. Forrest referred to Ann as his angel on earth, who helped keep him out of trouble, and helped him through the hard times. Ann if you want to talk, or need someone to listen give me a call.My thought and prayers are w you at this time of loss.Stay in touch.
I was sadden by the news of the passing of Forrest “Tree” Durant. A floodgate of memories came back to me of growing up in the neighborhood with the family. The last time I saw him, he gave me the biggest hug and that beautiful smile. Please know that the Scoggins family is here for you and that you are in our prayers.
Joyce Scoggins
Durant Family and My Ann, I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray for strength for you all in your time of sorrow. Sounds like Forrest was a great man and I am sorry I never got to meet him. Big hugs and lots of love to all. Lori
Forrest and I worked on different shifts at the Seattle Times Co. , and early on , after I returned to my sales position in June of 2007 we engaged in superficial banter about real estate , and “the man” , but never really reached the involvement that I was “expecting” , in talking to another man of color … and I didn’t understand that … That is why I dis-engaged . I observed a man that had seemingly learned to care much more about the feelings of others , than his own … no matter how much you may have been hurting in-side … for crying-out-loud , we black men have to begin to reach out to one another !! You always reminded me of my older brother , Royce Dean …
Rest in Peace Forrest ,
Dave Myers
I remember playing rugby on the asphalt at St Joes and Jr delivering a viscious blow. Man it was a good clean hit.You always respected Jr, later to become Tree. Wish I could of spent more time with you later on in life my friend.
I met Forrestt a few times – I didnt know him well but he made an impression on me – and I was shocked to see his picture in the paper. He was a good human being with a great smile and always asking about your needs and nothing about him. I gave him a few rides while he was waiting at the bus stop and he was always positive and looking forward to life. I always remember him dressed up in a suit and a man who had a permanent smile. I am saddened to hear about him passing away. My condolences to his family. Even though I only met him about a total of 4 times, he made a great impression on me.
I met Tree through his good friend Andre who lives around the corner from us. I always knew when he was in the nieghborhood by his voice and laughter ringing out. He always greeted me warmly and was especially tender with my son.
One day I was loading compost from a huge pile in front of our house into a wheelbarrow and making trip after trip to our backyard planting areas. Tree came by and saw what was happening and took off his suitcoat, enlisted Andre and they proceeded to help me finish the work in a few hours.
This afternoon I will be in the sun in my backyard thinking of Tree as I plant three trees, long needing to get in the soil, in his honor.
We are so sorry for your loss. I hate we were never able to meet Forrest Jr. I am sure he was greatly loved!!!
We are the parents of Jessica ForrestIII girlfriend. We love him so dearly. I can see how much he looks like his Dad…and as it seems, he was a lot like his Dad.
We are sorry we could not be there to comfort him. We will do our best to be there, when he comes back. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Our love to all,
Hal, Tami and Garrett Crenshaw
I grew up with Tree in the Capitol Hill neighborhood and haven’t seen him in many years. I was shocked and saddened to learn of his sudden death. My heart goes out to his son and all of his family. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
Asa Pennington-Irwin
I will always remember Forrest as a friendly person with a great smile. It won’t be the same without him and I will always miss his hello. He will really be missed by a lot of people.
Thank you just for being you, it was a joy. Bret
My heartfelt condolences to the family of Forrest Durant, Jr. May God comfort you at this time.
My sister called today to tell me Tree had passed…Interesting isn’t it, how feelings can cause you physical pain. Mine sucker-punched me in the heart. I once read that we, as people, are so amazingly made that when our feelings become too hard to handle our bodies cry for them. That was me after the “call”.
I was just the little sister of his girlfriend sometime during the 70’s when Tree entered my life. He always had time to talk to me, like what I said mattered and make me feel viable and important. Even at an age where so many of us are overlooked by the older kids. I’ll always remember him as being one of the most beautiful men I’d ever seen; tall, lean, chiseled and black. He was the only guy I knew who wore suits just because they looked so good on him when others thought it too old fashioned.
Though many years have passed since I saw him last, I’ll carry these pictures of him in my heart until I see him again.
So, to Nate hi!, his entire family and everyone who loved him, my prayers are for the grace of God to carry you through and for the happy memories of Tree to ease the way.
Forrest Durant, Jr., “Tree” as I affectionately referred to him. I’m going to miss him so. He had a tremendous heart and his spirit was bigger than life. He had a brilliant personality! He was outgoing and intelligent. His smile & laugh, infectous. His humor was spontaneous and hilarious! When “Tree” was there, everybody knew it! His talent & physical ability were unsurpassed. He was a loyal friend. A very proud man. He faced numerous struggles and personal challanges yet always held his head high and remained positive. He was always there to help others. He made mistakes but cared deeply. He was human. He was real. “Tree” loved to talk. Man, could he talk. He loved to tell stories,laugh, and “kid” around. We had a lot of fun! So much fun that it can’t be repeated. Perhaps activites that should have been avoided, but with “Tree” it was just so much fun!
My prayers and warmest heartfelt thoughts go out to his family and friends. I’m saddened by our loss, but I can’t help but smile when I think of “Tree”. He often spoke of his son, Forrest III, and how he loved and missed him so.
I thank God for the time that Forrest was in my life and for the lessons & memories he has left. I thank his family and friends for being so kind to me over the years, especially Helen, Ann, Saundra, Nathaniel, and Andre.
I’m happy that Forrest is with his father, Labon, & “Big Joe”! I know they’re talking, laughing, joking, and carrying-on…….
Forrest better known as”Tree”. A man I will always respect and admire. A person I will always love and adore. A brother I will always cherish and honor. He was one hell of a man and will be missed by those who knew and loved him. Tree touched and impacted so many lives in a postive way. He left a great legacy that will not be overlooked. A good man who’s life ended prematurely. A man who had so much left to contribute to this world. Tree will always be with me, how could he not!!!.
Nate! HOW ARE YOU! Sorry to hear about Tree’s passing. We played baseball together and our coach was Mr. Perkins, right?! I played centerfield most of the time, sometimes first base. I was never as fast as you when we would do wind sprints. We’d be even for a while but you always had an extra gear. Hope this note finds you.
all our love and support to the Durant family in there loss of a dad , brother,son and ANN and other love ones. Thank god Forest did not suffer, and he is in a better place now
Try to think of all the good times. As time never blocks out the love you had when Forest was here and it will not stop the love now that Forest is with the Father of us all may he rest in peace. much love Peter/Diane Selvig
Gosh, I can see “junior” in his smile. Thanks for posting his picture. No wonder he dressed so fine. he was in men’s clothing. I haven’t seen Forrest “junior” to us grade school kids, for decades. He still has that infectious smile and laugh I’m sure. Well life is much more fun in heaven for all my friends now that Forrest is there. You should be so happy for them but I’m sure your heart is sorely missing him here.
Thanks for sharing him on earth. you have a nice son, brother, partner and friend. Sincerely Shari his schoolmate from gradeschool St. Joe’s.
April 22, 2012 Earth Day A very warm, sun-shiney day… I went to Carkeek Park for some meditation. Three years have passed now and others have joined you this past year. Rest in peace, you are loved. Always missing your companionship.
Today would have been Forrests 52nd birthday. Forrest, I’m always thinking of you… special thoughts and memories today.
I met Forrest when I was 10 I knew him as Tree. He lived next door to my cousins. Those were the good ole days. I will remember him with a smile. He’s gone home to be with the Lord.