Frederick G/ Folsom
October 8, 1916 - June 27, 2011
Frederick G. Fred FOLSOM
Born October 8, 1916 in Spokane WA to Glen and Ruth Perkins Folsom. Passed away June 27, 2011 after a short illness. Fred spent his early years in his father’s grocery business in Spokane and later 1936-39 as a telegraph operator throughout eastern WA and OR for the Northern Pacific Railroad. In 1939, he hired on in Tacoma WA as a technician and then later as an engineer in Seattle WA with Pacific Northwest Bell. He remained with PNB until his retirement in 1977. Fred was a generous and loving man and will be missed by all who knew him. He was a quiet man with a fine sense of humor who knew that the happiest aspects of life were close to family and home. He was razor sharp to the end of his life and had a fine memory for all aspects of both the Folsom and Clark family histories. We’re on our own now.
He was preceded in death in 1991 by his wife of 52 years Lillian Clark Folsom and later his wife of 11 years, Margie Dorr Folsom. He is survived by his children Lynn and wife Gretchen of Issaquah WA, Richard and wife Gloria of Seattle WA, and Clark of Forest Grove OR; grandchildren Lisa Smith Tim, Kristin Ainslie Bruce, Trina Green Gary, Gunnar Folsom Ellen Kellor, Kayla Folsom, and Dylan Folsom; great-grandchildren Samantha Smith, Nicholas Smith, Jacob Green, Alexandra Green, Owen Ainslie, Joseph Ainslie, and Matilda Ainslie. Many thanks to his wonderful neighbors who helped him so much over recent years.
A funeral service will be held July 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM at Washington Memorial Park, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac.
Memorials are suggested to Meals on Wheels Senior Services, 2208 2nd Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121, 206-448-5757 or Morse Telegraph Club, W. 401 Broadway, #203, Ritzville, WA 99169
Dear Lynn, Rich, Butch and Families, Like so many others, we have such warm memories of your Dad and Mom. Good friends of my folks, we also enjoyed camping trips with them including the one where Ron asked me to marry him, Rainbow Lilly was such a help and so much fun, Parties, and the memorable dinner at the Folsom’s before I left for our church to be married. I always considered your family the Gold Standard for the perfect American family. Fred was fairly quiet but when he spoke, we all listened and usually laughed out loud, he has such a dry wit. Such a wonderful man! I enjoyed several conversations with him this past year and was amazed how he didn’t seem one day older than 50 years ago. Rest in peace dear Fred. Love to all, Penny and Ron Geiger
To all the family:
Fred was a great guy and it was my privilege to work with him over the past 25 years. Recently during one of our meetings he shared some of his life story which was fascinating to me. You can tell alot about someone by how they raised their children and obviously the “boys” were raised well. Fred was always sharp and he never whined about anything.
I will miss him a lot! My deepest condolences to you for your loss.
Dear Lynn, Rich, Butch and Families,
I have so many, many memories of Uncle Fred and Auntie Lily as I spent a lot of time with them as I was growing up. We were mixed in many times with the Clark family since they all lived so close to each other in Spokane and when I went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Folsom many times Carol would be visiting from Tacoma and I would spend time with Carol and Joanne. Almost every summer I spent at least 2 weeks and sometime more in Tacoma with Uncle Fred, Auntie Lily and all of you. Later in the summer over all of you would come to Missoula and off we would go to the lake where our parents rented a cabin.
I was the flower girl at their wedding and being the first grandchild on the Folsom side I always felt special to them.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Love Always
Dear Lynn, Richard, Clark and families,
Love and prayers for all of you. I am thinking of you at this time of loss.
We all have memories of Uncle Fred and Aunt Lilly:
• Of going up to “Grandpa and Grandma Folsom’s” place on Wellesley;
• Of Aunt Lilly coming to Spokane for visits – even working in the cucumber fields;
• Of the cousins and grandchildren sitting on Dad’s Ford tractor;
• Of Judy and I staying with Uncle Fred and Aunt Lilly for a few days. Aunt Lilly took us all to the beach.
Now, except for Aunt Mona, that generation has passed. We are carrying on, along with our children and grandchildren. We are all family, linked in many ways. Those who have passed-on are always in our memories, GOOD LOVING MEMORIES!
Love, Joanne Clark Pace
I am so proud to be able to say that I was part of the Folsom family during my high school years. Fred and Lilliam accepted me as part of the clan I spent so much time there as a good friend of Lynns. Patty and I send much love to Lynn and the rest of the family during these difficult times. Know the Fred and Lillian were loved by so many. Condolences.
Clark and Family,
It it not going to be the same in the neighborhood as we drive past your family home and do not see your dad sitting on the couch reading the paper, watching TV or walking out to get the mail.I have such great memories of both your mom and dad since I knew them most of my life. My dad always enjoyed talking to your dad about the “good old days” working at Pacific Northwest Bell together and of course our moms were always doing projects for us in school and DeMolay and Rainbow. Was so great that your dad could remember lots of things from the past when I would stop and say hi as I was passing by. Remember to keep all those wonderful memories close to your heart and pass them on to your kids, as I do. Stop by when you are in the neighborhood. My thoughts are with all of you in the coming days.
Hi Uncle Fred,
As the 1st grandchild, I’ve heard how I was spoiled by the Folsoms, Clarks & Panthers. I didn’t turn out so bad, and as your children, we are blessed to have come from such good stock and smart pioneers.
Grandpa Clark’s farm was a great place to grow and learn, not to mention the fun or trouble to get into, we do have our scars.
Animals,vegetables, irrigation, outhouses, wooden stoves, baths in Grandma’s sink. Her yelling “You kids get out of those cherry trees”, to deaf ears. Not so much eat I suppose but break!
I will never forget Xmas with you. X/Eve no tree, decorations, presents. I don’t know how you guys did it but lo and behold Xmas morn was just awesome, it was all there and then some. How wonderful is that?
We’re surely on our own now, all I can say is “Thanks for the Memories”! You guys better be ready for us, God willing for the biggest reunion ever in the sky.
Love, prayers to you and all the Folsom families.
Dear Lynn & all – our thoughts and prayers are with you guy. I got out the old family pics from when we were little at G=ma Clark’s house and mother reiminisced about the cousins, etc. and Lilly and Fred – it was great. And we all have many fond memories. I have printed off the obit for mother. Pam left Friday back to CA.
Lots of love – Sharon
Fred and my Dad Earl, along with our mothers Lillie & Inez, were the best of friends during High School & into their retirement years. I fondly remember Fred as a kid growing up and particularly enjoyed the visits & conversations we had following my own Dad’s passing 5 years ago. Fred was a wonderful man who spoke proudly of his family & knew he was blessed to have had the life he lived. We look forward to being with you on the 11th to help celebrate Fred’s life.