George H. Cram
May 26, 1952 - May 23, 2006

The life of George Harvey Cram
Born May 26, 1952
Sandpoint, Idaho
To Charles and Audrey Cram
While living in Heron Montana.
George’s father worked for Northern Pacific Railroad, and therefore moved several times during George’s first few years of life, eventually settling in Longview, Washington by the time he was 3 years old. At the age of 13, George’s parents separated, and he, with his mother, step-father, brothers and sisters, moved to Seattle, then to Tukwila and then to Seatac, where he graduated from high school at Tyee High School in 1970.
While in high school, George got very interested in auto mechanics, and the rebuilding of cars. He worked several jobs during his high school years, but his favorite was perhaps working in at Spencer Aircraft as a service vehicle mechanic.
Shortly after high school in 1971, he was drafted into the Army, and was stationed at Fort Lewis most of that time. While at Fort Lewis he further excelled in auto mechanics, and began a new repair and maintenance program for the Army’s vehicles, receiving several awards and commendations of excellence. This was also a time when he began using his natural skills of making co-workers feel really good about what they did. He continued to use these skills of organization and immense encouragement the rest of his life at the workplace, with his friends, and with his family.
Upon his departure from the Army he began working for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. as a mechanic, and went to Green Lake Community College for business classes. While he loved working on anything to do with cars, he had aspirations to do something more challenging, and soon after college he was promoted and given the challenge of setting up warehouse and repair systems similar to those he established at Fort Lewis for General Telephone. Through company mergers, George became employed by Quest Telephone as the Operations Fleet Manager. All in all, George worked for telephone companies his entire adult working life, using his management and leadership skills to the fullest, always a friend to his fellow workers.
On June 12, 1982, George married Debbie and took Angela as his own daughter.
On Tuesday evening, May 23, 2006, at the end of his normal workday, George relaxed into his chair and slipped quietly away from his life here on earth.
George leaves behind his wife Debbie and daughter Angela at home.
He also leaves behind his Mother Audrey Lasich whom we all know as Oma of Burien, Brother Richard of Leavenworth, WA, Brother Jim of Kelso, WA, Sister Doris Parker of Woodburn, OR, Sister Twylla Adams of Salem, OR, Life Long friend, Paul Roberts, whom most of us know as Bob, of Seatac, and Godson Luke Roberts of Kirkland, WA. As well as many nieces, nephews and very close friends.
George was one of those men we can confidently call, A Good Man. Whatever activity or event in life George became involved with, he did so with the intent of making the other people involved in that event happy and successful. George seldom did anything without involving someone else. He desired to see others get enjoyment from whatever activity he was involved in. In that light, George has created lifetimes of delightful memories for many people.
George was constantly involved with family. Whether it was his own, or with Debbie’s. He thoroughly enjoyed getting together for family events, and would go the extra mile to be sure those events happened. Most recently, he purchased a recreation home at Birch Bay. Why? Because other family members were there already. He helped to arrange family reunions with his brothers, sisters and mother. George never missed spending Mother’s Day with Oma. George loved to plan vacations with Debbie, always keeping in mind what Debbie would like about the vacation. George was constantly upgrading his house. But, it was always with a desire to please Debbie and Angela.
George loved doing events and activities with his friends. But, he only wanted to be involved in these activities if it made his friends happy; thus establishing many, many permanent friendships. But, probably the activity he enjoyed being involved with the most was hunting trips with his buddies. He made every effort to go on his annual November hunting trip. That was perhaps the most important event of every year. Those were always the first dates he chose for his yearly vacation time. He maintained a camp trailer for that one event. But, you know, he maintained that trailer with the thought in mind of how it would best serve a group of guys, not just for himself. Friends were important to George.
Viewing, Tuesday, 5/30, 12Noon to 8:00 PM. Funeral Service with a short time for sharing will be held at 1:00PM, Wednesday, May 31, 2006 all at Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial Funeral Home, 16445 International Blvd, Seatac, WA followed by graveside service. A reception time with the family and friends will be held following at 3:00 at Tukwila Community Center.
I loved my brother, George, and he will be greatly missed. I know he was much loved by many people. I am divorced, and the last couple of years he knew I was by myself at Christmas, and made a point of inviting me to his house for the holiday so I wouldn’t be alone, especially the year that I had to put my little dog of 15 years to sleep. That really meant a lot to me. He was tender-hearted, and was a very giving person, and a loving brother, husband and father. I will miss him very much.
If you had the opportunity to know George Cram, your life was definately enriched in some way. I will never forget the big warm welcoming bear hugs I was greeted with and the way my brother-in-law made me feel when I visited his home – I always felt like I was in my own home.
Our family holidays will never be the same. George always contibuted, if not his home, with one of his trademark dishes we all enjoyed numerous times. He also offered up some unforgettable humor, whether intended or not. Above all, he shared his enthusiasm and genuine delight simply for having family come together. Thank you for that George.
To my sister Debbie, I cannot seem to find words that are strong enough to express my sympathy to you. My heart so aches for you.
To Angela, I know you will keep all the wonderful memories and important life lessons you learned from your dad close to your heart. I love you Ang, and will be there for you always.
Dear Debbie,
The class of 1972 wants you to know how sad we all are to hear of your loss. It is a fine memorial you have given George and we want you to know we are here for you if you need support.
There are 100 of us in a chat group together so the other 99 are praying for you also.
Stay strong and in a few months if you feel up to reconnecting with your old friends just drop us a note. We have been meeting for dinner about every 2 months so we would love to include you. We all have challenges to overcome and it seems much easier with friends who have known us since kindergarten. You take care and let us know if we can help.
With lots of love,
GHS 1972
Mr Lynn Howard
Mark McGavran
Debbie Janikula McGavran
Ms Sheila Wilson-Murray
Robyn Hove
Dr Mark Hunt
Bill Iwen
Paula Verdi
Bernie Bishop
Nancy Wakefield
Lynette Baker
Sandy Prather
Karl Oberloh
Mike Jack Parker
Caroline McKay
Carolyn Naud
Debbie Sabourin
Pam Requa
Gary Herzog
Kay Feser Herzog
Mark Gauither
Glenda Fay
Brian Peterson
Patti Stetner
Larry Chambers
Dave Romaro
Michele Holmes
Pam Jolly
Roger Gookstetter
Bobby Thomas
Gail Brougham
Carl Magnusson
Dave Campbell
Gail Singleton
Connie Quinby
Lynn Connelly
Marcella Denny
Pam Jolly
Sherm Peterson
Terry Young
Sandy Rosenthal
Dave Irish
Donna Schmidt
Greg Johnson
Vic Yarberry
Sheila Heider
Mike Jones
Jim Heider
Cindy Wren
Greg Swank
Sam Platt
Jeanette Rice
Jim Hellums
Craig Martin
Jerry Eck
Alan Dozier
This group may seem odd after all these years but we are all great friends now and have good times together. I may have forgetten a few from the group and for that I blame old age! We just wanted you to know we care. Hang in there Debbie and may God be with you.
Debbie and Angela we feel so bad for your loss. We are here for you at anytime. George was so important to our family and will be missed always.
How special he was in so hard to put to words, he was a wonderful person in a sea of humanity. We will always recall that special red, white and blue hat he wore through the rest of our lives.
It is impossible to describe how much he meant to our family and will be especially missed by Katelyn and Nickolas as they move through life. George will not be forgotten by our family.
I have many memories of my brother, George. Childhood memories are filled with excitement and adventure. Teen memories are not so fond, since we were brothers and fought a lot. But as we entered adult years and became married, we started to get close together. If I had to describe George with one word, that word would be “responsible.” He cared for others and he took responsibility for relationships and responsibility for the care of those who were in his care. I have great pride towards George. I viewed him as successful. I will miss him greatly. He was always my protector and watched out for me. God bless you, George, and those that you have left in our care.
He was a good son.
In fond memory of the “Mountain Man”:
I will always cherish the kindness you showed me, a virtual stranger, during the Hawaii cruise with Debbie and your mother-in-law, Pat Nelson this past October. You accepted me as a friend with no restrictions. I especially recall the quiet & private conversations we had while taking a cigarette break. You were “the gentle giant” who touched the lives of so many people, especially mine.
My prayers are for you and your family.
God bless,
Liz Pribble
I’ve known George only a short time during our work relationship and yet he made you feel like part of his family. I knew how much both home and work meant to George, he was dedicated to doing his best and helping anyone that he could. I am a better for having gotten to know George; I’ve not known a person with a more kind and caring heart. George was a good man and I wish him peace. I wish his family receives peace from the many memories of George that I’m sure they have and the knowledge that George touched many people that most of us will never be able to share with them personally. George is a good man.
I will miss you greatly. You were a teriffic brother-in-law
It was my sincere pleasure to have known and worked with George over the past six years. He was one of the most sincere and kind men I have known. God bless him.
I am a recent hire only six years compared to the decades some have with George. However George was always around with cheering comment. I will MISS him GREATLY Jim and Shelley
I had the opportunity to talk with George last Tuesday afternoon. Once again, he took the time to explain what I needed to understand. If you ever had the opportunity to spend some time with George, you know how genuine and honest a person can be. Words cannot begin to express how much George will be missed. Gods speed George.
I Thank you very much for hiring me on at Qwest. Rest in peace George I will miss you.
I have worked with and for George for many years. I will miss his sense of humor, his knowledge and expertise and most of all his friendship. He was a gentle kind man who always took the time to explain a problem or idea no matter how big or small. To the family, my thoughts are with you and my prayers go out to you.
My wife Billie and I worked with George at U S West in the 90’s and besides being one of the best field managers, he was a highly respected person and a good friend.
Our thoughts are with his family and may god bless.
Jim and Billie Ortega
Brighton, Colorado
I would just like to say that if it hadn’t been for George I would still be working at a job that wasn’t very full filling. But because of the chance he took to let me come to work for “U S West,” Qwest I am still married and enjoying life at home and at work. He was a great leader and he will be missed by us all.
Very sorry.
George, It was a honor to have work with you thru the years. I will miss your phone calls and wisdom,You were truely a fine leader and great person to have known.
I never got to meet George face to face but did talk to him on the phone and through e-mails. He was a very knowledgeable and nice person. He will be greatly missed.
Jan Pitts, Qwest, Fleet Ops.
I have worked with George for many years and know he will be sorely missed by so many. We worked on many spreadsheet projects together and I was always so impressed by the way that he was always there to answer questions and walk me through the steps to get to the end product. He never failed to make sure that I felt like part of the “team”. God Bless you and your family. You were a great man and a great leader. You will be missed!
Dearest Debbie and Angela, and to all George’s family and friends, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. May all your happy memories help to ease your loss and bring your spirit warmth throughout the coming years.
Dear Debbie and Angela, Family: My deepest prayers and thoughts are with you today, I have such a heavy heart knowing what you are going thru and no words can truly help the pain, but to know that people care for you means alot. I’m so sorry I can’t be there today, but I do want you to know you will be in my prayers and I will be there for you in support any way thru our friendship I can give you in the days down the road. Love always your handy friend – Doreen xo
I did get to see George twice when he came to Denver and had been working with him with the capital invoices. He always had a cheerful soft spoken voice. He truly was a nice guy. You will be missed. God bless you and your family
George, I am writing this as your services are being conducted. I cannot be there in person but I am with you in spirit my friend.
As I think of George, I think of the times when he would cover for me when I went hunting and I in return covered for him so he could go and enjoy his annual hunting trip. George was a true friend who gave me a lot of advice and shared some of life’s lessons with me. George had an incredibly brilliant mind. There was not a problem that he could not figure out and translate to me in english. It was my sincere pleasure getting to work so closely with him. He was a mentor with a great sense of humor.
From time to time George would share with me experiences he, Debbie and Angela had. He was so proud of his family and truly loves them. He was an inspiration to me and I will never forget George.
George, you have your wings now, soar with the rest of the angels and watch over us for eternity. God Bless You.
To George’s Dear Family,
Working with George was such a pleasure. Knowing him was even more of a pleasure. All of us at the Qwest Real Estate Work Environment Center will miss him and remember his kindness forever.
Much love to you,
Ann Brown – Manager, Qwest CRE Work Environment Center -Seattle
Dear Debbie and Angela,
We were saddened to hear of Georges’ passing away. In your time of sorrow, may you find strength in those who love you.
With our sympathy and love and God’s blessings.
Curt & Mary
I met George four years ago when I joined the Fleet Organization. During this past week I have spent a significant amount of time reflecting on the two short years I worked with him. I am recalling how much he cared about the people who worked for him, how knowledgeable he was and how willing he was to share that knowledge. His kindness and his consideration for others never went unnoticed. George was a wonderful teacher and a wonderful friend.
Working with him was a privilege. I will treasure that opportunity and always feel blessed to have known him. He was a special person with a special kind of caring. George, you will be missed and this world is truly a better place because of you. May God give strength and bring comfort to all who will miss you every day.
Dear Debbie,
I’m so sorry for your loss. I know we have not kept in contact but I have thought of you often and wondered what you were up to. I have very much missed you and the rest of the gang from the old burien Ice Chalet. I just want to let you know if you need any help or just someone to talk to please give me a call 206-818-1153.
Debbie and Angela,
I am truly sorry to hear of your profound loss. George was an inspiration and positively touched many lives. He loved life and lived it well. I will remember him warmly as a colleague, mentor and dear friend.
My deepest sympathies.
Matt Klemish