George Jontilla Cano SR
February 2, 1927 - December 14, 2018

George J. Cano passed away peacefully in his sleep on December 14th, 2018 in Seattle, WA at the age of 91. George was born and raised in Stockton, CA. He established his family and career roots in the Seattle area back in the 1950s. He was the 2nd eldest amongst 10 children and is preceded in death by his parents Nicomedes and Faustina Cano, wife Juanita and several siblings (Terry, Linda, and Caroline).
Our Father found the love of his life riding on a float during the Seafair torchlight parade, married Juanita DeOcampo and spent 50+ wonderful years of marriage until our Mothers passing in 2005.
Dad served in the US Army during WWI worked for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft and entered a long career at The Boeing Company and retired in 1986 after 30+ years of service.
When not working at Boeing Dad also moonlighted at the Seattle Kingdome for 15+ years in the private suites area in Security. Many people will remember his strong smile, charming personality along with his “gift of gab”. He was definitely someone to know if you needed event tickets, a good meal or a cold beer. Dad and Mom were a big part of the Kingdome family back in the days.
Dad is survived by siblings Phyllis Ente, Connie Estante, Laura Tenio, Anita Perez, Dan Cano, and Nick Cano. Surviving children include Terri (Ciraldo) Rodriguez, George Jr. (Charlene), Lorri Porcincula and David Cano. Grandkids Issac, Rachel, Chayna, Elena, Alexander, Tia, Jordan, Shelley, Marina and Cookie. Great Grandkids Leilah, Kaila, Mia.
Viewing / Rosary services will be held at Bonney Watson in Seatac on Thursday, December 20th from 3 to 9 pm (Rosary from 7 to 8 pm). Funeral services will be held at Holy Family church in Seattle on Friday, December 21st at 10 am along with burial services at Holyrood Catholic Cemetery in Shoreline. Reception following at the Nile Golf & CC.
Terri, I’m so so sorry to hear of your father’s passing. I know you and your husband were very close to him and took such great care, he was happy and comfortable. Your father and mother sound a lot like mine, being from a large family and having several children. I hope you and your family find Peace knowing that your pops is hand in hand with your mom and of course with our Lord Jesus. Please let me know if I can help in any way..
So sorry to read of your dad’s passing. You are and will continue to be in our prayers and hearts. We have much love , good memories and respect for your family.
Hi Terri,
Prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. May your father rest in peace. Hugs!
George, Charlene, Chayna,
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Thinking of you during this difficult time and sending
big hugs your way.
We will miss your beautiful smile Uncle George! You were always so kind and loving. You always asked how the kids were doing or you would asked Ross how the market was that particular day. The world has lost a great sole, but we know you are in heaven with Auntie Juanita. To my cousins … I’m so sorry for your loss. He was one of the good ones. All our love, Baby, Ross, Hillary, Jake & Becca Hofheinz
I am the writer in this family and the photographer. This morning as I clicked away on my laptop the words flowed in what I want the world to know about my POPS and the stories that I will continue to share with my own children and hopefully they will pass along to their kids as well.
I am the daughter of a migrant farmer working the fields in Stockton California. My father along with his sibling lived in the migrant farming communities. They traveled the crops of California. Back in those days there were no such things as breaks for the workers and my Uncle Jimmy still tells me stories of the long hour days and the dust was so thick that you did all you could do to keep it off your skin. There are so many stories from various Aunties that tell me they usually they smelled like mentholatum because that was the one thing that kept their muscles from aching after long days of picking.
My parents met while my Mom was waving her hand as she participated in the annual Seafair Summer parade. It is this connection where my Mom threw out her phone number to my POPS in the crowd along the streets of downtown Seattle that started the “Cano” Legacy. She was one of the women representing the Filipino Community back in 1953. Maybe it is ironic that Miss America chosen this year was from the Philippines. Who knows? I do know this that if my father had not come to Seattle to dispatch and go work the fishing canneries of Alaska he would have never had met his Pinay Seafair Beauty and our legacy would never have started. Our family in later years would be named at the “Cano” Family from the Kingdome. My parents worked at the dome from the day it opened till the day it was imploded. It was there that 3 generations of Cano’s worked feeding the owners of the teams, all the media press crew and developed strong relationships with the Seattle Mariners/Seattle Seahawks.
DADDY- I will continue being your Phoenix daughter and Alexander, Tia & Jordan will continue making you proud
I will love and remember you forever. You were a man of integrity and from what I heard the reason my family and I have the work ethic we have today. Now you get to rest peacefully with Noni, give her a kiss on the forehead for me and tell her that I miss her. I hope you watch over all of us with grace.
Dear Terri,
So sorry to read of your dad’s passing. He was truly a loving and happy man. I will always remember your mom and dad together – the love they shared was so inspirational and cute.
He lived a good life and you and your siblings were his greatest joy. It’s hard to loose a parent, but the thought of your mom and dad holding hands this Christmas makes me smile. My dad sends his sympathy to you also.
Kim (Garcia) King
Uncle George you have been in my life from day 1. You are a treasured friend to my family. You visited and helped Mom when she had her stroke you are truly one of the most caring and loving person I know.
Rest in peace, Mom,dad and Auntie I’m sure are waiting for the grand reunion!
Love You,
Uncle George,
I am so sorry to hear of your passing. I had a lot of good memories growing up with the family. It is a shame that, as adults, we kind of lost contact with the extended family. Please know that you will be truly missed. Please give my love to the family members you will be seeing again Until we meet again. Much love!!! Terry
To my Seattle Fam-
I have had many memories as a kid growing up Uncle george and auntie nita taking me during the summers as my time spent in Seattle. and the Family taking me in as well. Uncle george sitting me down when issac and I running a Muk in Seattle. Uncle George schooling me as well 🙂 though UNcles words followed me through out my life. his wise words were, you can get in to trouble the main thing is dont get caught. I remember listening to him talk about about running the pool halls on El dorado street and the Good Ole Days. and going to the store in the caddy with Boboi just a memory… The older i am now i realize what we have lost but will never be forgotten. Rest Easy Uncle much love… And to my Seattle Fam I love you and will be back soon….