Gerry Storrar
November 24, 1927 - April 21, 2007

Gerry Storrar
Born November 24, 1927 in Minneapolis, MN. Gerry passed away on April 21, 2007 after a valiant two year battle with cancer. She was preceded in death by her husband, Gordon, after their 50 year marriage.
Gerry, Gordon and their three sons moved to Tacoma in 1954 from Bellingham, WA.
While raising their sons, Gerry started a career as an Office Manager for the Tacoma Public Schools. This included 17 years at Gray Junior High, then moving over to Stadium High School for another 10 years before retiring.
During her career with Tacoma Public Schools, she was President of the Tacoma Association of Educational Office Professionals, an active member of the Washington Association of Educational Office Professionals, and the National Association of Educational Office Professionals.
She had a very full life with the many friends she made through her work, her interest in painting, art, crafting, and the Pen Pusher Calligraphy group. She also spent countless hours making and decorating cakes for every occasion imaginable. She contributed her time and talent selflessly towards the success of Fusion, Friends United to Shelter the Indigent and Needy a cause she truly supported and believed in.
She loved to travel and was constantly looking forward to her next journey with her friends. She was fearless in her quest to experience new things and places.
Gerry is survived by her sons, David Cindy, Bob Fran, Tom Arlene, along with her nine grandchildren, Chapin Caroline, Keif, Keenan, Ben Hilary, Jeff, Colleen, Mary, Macauley, and Mason.
The family would like to extend our extreme appreciation to all of her friends that assisted in helping her get to all the necessary appointments during her very hectic treatment schedule. Also a special thanks to all the kind people at the Tacoma Radiation Oncology Center for their special attention and exceptional concern and care during our mother’s illness.
Services are planned for Thursday April 26, 2007 at 4:00PM at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, 4301 Browns Point blvd N.E. Tacoma. The service will be followed by a Celebration of Life at the same facility.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to FUSION at P.O. Box 23934 Federal Way, WA 98093.
To the Storrar Family,
I was blessed to have known Gerry for the past ten years. When Gerry decided to volunteer her time for FUSION, I had no idea how much of an impact she would make!
Everything Gerry did, she did quietly and beautifully. She dedicated an enormous amount of her time to FUSION.Gerry became our first President. She put together our very first data-base, organized our newly-formed board, conducted meetings in her home, and delighted us all with the very best homemade cookies ever!
Gerry shared all of her many talents with FUSION. She created the most beautiful signs with her caligraphy. She designed our invitations for which we gained a reputation for in the community – our supporters couldn’t wait to get the invitation to the FUSION event because they were so unique and beautifully designed by Gerry.
Gerry chaired the event and worked tirelessly for FUSION as a housing unit manager, also. I don’t think she ever said no when asked to take on a project.
Gerry was an inspiration to me. She was always young in spirit and she had the energy of a 35 year old!
She fought a courageous battle to the very end and always with a positive attitude. I will never forget her smile, her courage, her perseverance, and her gift of time and talents. Gerry will never be forgotten.
Peggy LaPorte
Dear Family,
I first met Gerry through FUSION during her last year as President. I know I speak for everyone in the organization when I tell you we feel honored to have known Gerry as a dedicated Board Member, President, inspirational volunteer, and most of all, as a friend. Her kindness and generosity of spirit combined with her many gifted talents, and positive energy touched more lives then any of us will ever know.
As I look back on my personal memories of Gerry, I am reminded that it is in the sharing of even the most simple moments that we feel connected. She brought out the best in all of us and she will be greatly missed, but more importantly, she will be greatly remembered.
Sandy Branlund
My father, Bill Winter, was principal of Gray Junior High during Gerry’s years there. He always spoke so highly of her, appreciating her as an efficient co-worker and good friend. My mother, Gertie, and I send our thoughts and prayers to her family.
I was one of Gerry’s Water Aerobic Instructors. She was in my class for 12 years. Your mom was the one person that everyone liked and she could move between groups easily. I always looked forward to having her in my class. She would always have interesting stories in the locker room or bits of advice and information. I missed having her in my class when she was out due to her cancer, but I believe strongly that, although she is not with us, she is whole and happy and we will trade stories again soon.
I met Gerry when I began working in the Tacoma School District in 1977. Later, when I joined the Secretarial Association, we worked together, writing the Newsletter.
Gerry was a very kind & gracious person, and although her talents and accomplishments were many, she never drew attention to herself! She always wore a smile and I can still hear her soft laughter. We have all lost a wonderful, loyal friend who always found time to do for others less fortunate!
To her family, please accept my deepest sympathy in your loss. I’ll bet Gerry is smiling down on you at this moment, praying that your grief heals quickly and your knowing HOW MUCH SHE LOVES YOU, only now from a Heavenly place!
Gerry was a dear friend of mine. We became acquainted through the educational associations of WAEOP and NAEOP. As we traveled all over the states, she did the research as to what to see, how to see it and the history behind it all. Her organizational skills, talents and energy helped me in so many ways. Gerry’s love for her family and grandchildren was always shared with pictures and stories. She was an amazing lady, so gifted and an inspiration. I will miss her, her friendship and the “Fabulous Five” will not be the same.
Thinking of you at this time of loss. Our love and prayers are with you. God bless…
I’m so sorry to see Gerry go…
although I hardly knew her. She knew even less about me. We worked side by side assembling invitations for FUSION’s 2006 Charity event. I had heard how artistic she was. I didn’t have to be told she was a gentle person.
I don’t know what drew me to visit her. I just wanted to thank her for all she had done for FUSION.
Gerry, I’m so sorry to see you go…
I will truly miss my cousin, Gerry. She was more of a sister to me than a cousin. I fondly remember the many good times we had in Montana in our youth. I hope to see you when it is my turn to go.
My sincere condolonces to your family. Gerry and I have shared so much over the last 25 years through our WAEOP conferences, where I have roomed with her in different cities and states across the nation.I espcially remember when in Austin, Texas in the early 1990’s we were visiting the Capitol Bldg. when Gerry slipped and fell and there was Gov. George Bush with his entourage. He was very concerned and got help and stayed with us until we left in a State Police car. The driver told us he would be President someday. We laughed all the way back wondering what our friends would think when we arrived at the hotel with a police escort! I especially enjoyed our trip to Disney World in Florida. We had such fun and we actually went down Splash Mountain in a boat that whishes down a waterfall and comes out for all to see two laughing grandmas. When I lost my husband in 2000, Gerry got me started in Water Aerobics and we have gone there together ever since, and we met with our group of friends on Monday’s for coffee. Gerry also intoduced me to Fusion and we have been Unit leaders for one of the units which provide housing for women and children in need. Buying Christmas gits for the residents was a special part of Christmas for us. Gerry gave so much of her time, energy, creativity to so many people. She was a wonderful friend in our “Fabulous Five” group, especially for the great “Christmas Brunches” she hosted over the years. I will always remember what a truly great friend she was – and I will miss her so.
Gerry was a wonderful, generous, loving, gifted, friend who will be greatly missed by all. My sympathy goes out to her family. May God bless you in your loss.
Love, Jean Achziger One of the Roving Retirees whose life she touched
It was such a joy knowing and working with Gerry at Stadium. She was always so positive and set such a good example. She had an outstanding work ethic that was such a blessing for me on my first job with the District. She will be greatly missed. God Bless the family. Barb Bussey
I met Gerry through the Tacoma School District Secretaries Association. After we retired I would see her at the Roving Retirees luncheons. She was such a gracious and talented lady. She will be greatly missed. My sympathy to the family.
My sincere sympathy to Gerry’s family. She was a wonderful lady who was generous with her time and talents to Fusion. She always had a smile on her face and worked so very hard for the things she believed in. She will be truly missed.
My husband, Jim, and myself send our deepest sympathies to the Storrar family. Gerry was a dear, dear friend to me. I met Gerry through Pen Pushers and our friendship blossomed from there. We enjoyed many a birthday cake that she baked for our daughter, Julia. Our yearly Puyallup Fair calligraphy demonstrations were a must and I will miss Gerryin my life as I remember her with me on many a community service project. Pen Pushers and FUSION has lost a wonderful, vibrant and loving friend.
I have wonderful memories of Gerry, ones that are filled with laughter, love, concern for others and the sharing of her talents.
I was fortunate to meet Gerry when I became involved with FUSION and I am very proud to have known her for the past 5 years. She was a truly gifted woman who calmly accepted new challenges. She was an inspiration to any who were fortunate to have called her friend. I am so sorry that she had to suffer even for one moment and I know she is now at peace and enjoying her rewards which are very much deserved.
I have had the priviledge of knowing Gerrie for 15 plus years, through my sister Jean Fankell. Our friendship grew closer when we were both diagnosed with breast cancer. We went through simular experiences at the same time. During this past month I had the preveledge of reading a number of cards to Gerrie on a visit with her. I discovered the power of love written in each card. Each one expressed to Gerrie how much she was loved, how she was a happy part in each persons life experiences. We had a short prayer, I kissed her and said I loved her. I left that visit with gladness in my heart, I feel blessed to have had Gerrie be a part of my life.
I only worked with Gerry for a short time…10 years at Stadium High School. She was an inspiration to me in every sense of the word. She was a mentor to me in my early years at Stadium and always made sure I took care of myself, leading me through some hard times. I learned so much from her. If you did not love Gerry Storrar, you did not know her!
I plan to celebrate the good times we shared together!
Anna Lewis
Dear Dave & Cindy, Jay and I were very saddened to hear that your Mother had passed away. I first met Gerry at Stadium when I was subbing. She was always very kind and friendly, and of course efficient. She kept that building running smoothly! Our hearts go out to both of you, as it is so very hard to lose a parent. May God comfort you during this time of sorrow. Our heartfelt sympathy, Patti and Jay
Gerry has been one of my dearest friends for 34 years — and I will miss her greatly. We worked together, traveled together, and shared a great deal of our life experience. She was not only my friend, but my mentor, and “navigator.” I’ve never known anyone to be more solid and dependable. I look forward to the day I will see her again in Heaven. She told me she will greet and welcome me there, just as she did on my first day at Gray Junior High in 1973.
With Love and Admiration,
Jean Fankell
How blessed we are to have known Gerry and be touched by her special grace and outstanding talents. Her friendly efficiency, common sense and sincere caring provided a model for a highly respected co-worker and a cherished friend. Gerry never stopped learning and sharing, nor did she stop teaching us how to live a meaningful life well.
May the rich memories of this remarkable woman help sustain the family at this difficult time.
Pat and family
Gerry gave her time and energy tirelessly and seemingly effortlessly to Serif Studios, our calligraphic studio group. She was a truly generous, loving individual and we will all miss her.
I was so sad to hear the news of the loss of your mom. Gerry was always such a special woman in my life she worked at Grey with my dad and then on to Stadium when my brother attended, she made my brothers wedding cake and I just saw her about 1 1/2 years ago at my mom’s retirement party. Gerry was the first person I saw when I walked in to the Grey office and she became my serrogate “grandma” since I never knew mine. I think in some ways she was a “mom” to my dad since he lost his before my brother and I were born. I know that if my dad were alive today he would be at the service with so many wonderful stories to share. The two of them would talk and just belly laugh about so many wonderful memories at Grey. My brother is planning on coming because he knows thats what my dad would have done and because of his love and respect for “Grandma Gerry” With Love and thinking of you all.
Jennifer McKenna Eggleston
My deepest sympathy to Gerry’s family. I met Gerry over 37 years ago when I began my first teaching assignment at Gray Junior High. As an art teacher, we connected immediately because of Gerry’s creative interest in life. We’ve taken art classes together, explored London and Paris together in 2002, enjoyed our Starbucks shareholder meetings, many movies, dinners, and art events. She was our organizational leader in Pen Pushers calligraphy group and a true inspiration in the FUSION organization. I will truly miss my dear dear friend.