Glenn Edwin Brown
January 13, 1918 - March 28, 2006

Age 88, died on March 28, 2006, in Puyallup, WA; born on January 13, 1918, in Aberdeen, WA, he was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 53 years, Rosemary, in 1996. He is survived by five children, Leslie Brown, Burien, Annie Robert Van Eenoo, Seattle, Jerry Susan Brown, Shoreline, Naomi Lindstrom, Deer Park, WA, and Marie Michael Betcher, Puyallup; 15 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren, and three siblings, Wilbur Brown, Mary Edtl, and Betty Goodson. Commemorative ceremony Saturday at 3:00 PM at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd, SeaTac 206 242-1787. Please sign the online memorial at
Sorry we cannot be there to share your grief and to put our arms around you. We love and miss our family up north.
Dennis, Nancy, Stephanie, Monica and Ariel Assaf
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jim and Jan Manson
His sister, just passing through….
Glenn graced us at Zion Lutheran Church for the past 2 years with his fatihfulness in worship and Bible Study. His loving caring insight was a rich blessing for all of us, especially for those in the Wednesday afternoon Bible Class.
Pr. Lloyd Willweber
Dear Leslie, Anne, Jerry, Naomi, Marie also, Uncle Wilbur, Mom Mary and Aunt Betty, and all the spouses, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren of Uncle Glenn, our family has all been thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult time as well as the past few months while you all ministered to him during his illness. We love you all and know you will miss him immensely. I have many happy memories of Uncle Glenn and Aunt Rosemary! and your family at our many gatherings over the years. Family was important to him and I know it is equally important to you all. May the Lord comfort you during this time and remind you of the many wonderful memories of Uncle Glenn and his strength and love for all of you. You are his loving legacy. I’m sorry that we can’t be there but please know you will all be in our thoughts and prayers. Nancy Edtl & Steve Pradell, Teresa & Alain Mata, Jeff Borck, Randy Borck, Laura & Kosta Gyfteas, and Alex Borck.
I will miss him, youngest daughter Marie
I Loved him deeply and will miss him alot, 4th child
For Marie and Michael: I wish that I could be there with you through this time. My prayers are with your family, Marie. May God give you all the strength you need to make it through this week. I love you and miss you, Katie
You are in our thoughts and prayers at this time of your loss. May God grant you love and peace with the homecoming of your loved one.
I have countless memories of my wonderful Uncle Glenn and will miss him very much!