Gregory Allen Knowles
August 4, 1954 - September 2, 2006

Gregory Allen Knowles
August 4, 1954 – September 2, 2006
Greg grew up, went to school, made his home and created Greg Knowles Construction in the Burien area. Beloved and adored father, son, brother and partner, Greg has many friends and was always there for others with a wise word and sound council. He was a successful businessman, and had a great sense of humor. Camping was a favorite vacation, often at Salmon Le Sac. He enjoyed many years of boating and water skiing, followed by short and long trips on his ever upgraded motorcycles. He is survived by his partner Nora Bush, his daughter Natalie, son Jeff, mother of his children Sheryl, mother Barry, sister Carleen, brother Brad, 4 nieces, 3 nephews, many cousins, uncles and aunts and his canine, Chrissie. GREG, WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE AND REMEMBER YOU WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS. Memorial Service followed by a reception will be held at 10:00am on Sunday September 10th at Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd. SeaTac 206 242-1787. Donations to Diabetes or Mental Health Associations.
Sadness has once again fallen on those of Highline High School.
He will be sorely missed by those who loved him.
To Carleen, Steve, Mother Knowles and all Greg’s family and friends: We share your sorrow and extend our heart thoughts to help buoy you during this time of reflection. May you carry the lessons he taught and the joy he brought forward unto others.
Yesterday was a very sad day for, we learned of Gregs death. He and his beloved brother, Brad, built our home and became friends during the process. How many people can say that about thier builder? He was not only dependable, he was very hard working, and most of all, honest. Whatever that man said, you could rely on it. His children can be proud that they decended from one of the most upstanding, funny, and decent man my husband and I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Our hearts are heavy with great sadness for his family and many friends. love and peace to all of Gregs family and never ending list of people whose life Greg touched. John & Elie Toth
I remember playing together in grade school and almost sharing the same birthday while we were growing up. I’m glad we had the opportunity to be neighbors once again not so long ago. You always struck me as being so thoughtful and caring. My thoughts are with you and your loving family and partner.
Greg was always a great friend. Quick with a laugh and a good story. His death is truly a loss for those of us left behind. Ted will always remember a great friend he had… made close through sports throughout junior high and highschool and water skiing in their “adult years”. Natalie and Jeff, may you find comfort in the legacy of the love and respect your Dad had for you and for others in his life. To each of us who feel the void in our lives may we find comfort and peace knowing that we will one day see Greg again.
Uncle Greg,
I am so sad and sorry you had to go. I will miss you very much. I will never forget you or your laugh and funny stories and jokes. I always looked forward to seeing you ; getting teased and just listening to you. Much love and peace to you and all my family.
I’m so very sad that Greg is gone. He was a warm, loveing, insightful friend whose strong courageous spirit will continue to inspire me.
Dear Barry, Brad and Carleen…
We were stunned to learn of Greg’s passing. We are so sorry…..he was a sweet, friendly person and I will miss running into him. We send our deepest sympathyl.
Love to you, Barry….Fred and Pat
I will always remember dinnertime around table with Greg around…the friendly banter back and forth….I will remember all laughter.
To Nora, Sheryl, Natalie and Jeff I am truly sorry for your loss. I don’t know if I have any words that can bring you any comfort but as I watch my neighbor go thru the grief process…there will be good days and bad..and as time passes there will be fewer sad times.Greg was a terrific man who will be sorely missed and I will remember him best for his sense of humor and how he always kept everyone around him laughing hysterically…
hugs to all
chris crisman
I was very saddened to learn of Greg’s passing. Although I have not had contact with your family for a number of years I have often thought of you. My thoughts are with all of you. Joan
I still have our 4th grade class picture. What a very special man , always with a huge smile and a twinkle in his eyes. My thought are with you all for your loss. I’ll cheris all my childhood memories of times with Greg.
I have so many great memories of Greg and his family. We spent a lot of time together vacationing, boating, waterskiing, camping, dinner parties, etc. and we were really happy when they moved to Angle Lake, just a block away! I regret that our lives drifted us apart these last several years. Greg was engaging and always fun to be around. I’m grateful I had the privilege of knowing him. My heart is heavy for Natalie and Jeff, and all Greg’s family and friends. May we all take comfort in words Greg said to me when my dad passed; he told me to remember that my dad’s suffering was over and that he was at peace. That was in 1992 and still helps me today. Thank you Greg for being such a good friend. Your memory will live on in all the hearts you touched over the years.
Natilie and Jeff, I know that this is a great loss for you.I spent many afternoons talking to Greg over the fence, and I am so sad that he is gone now. I enjoyed and respected him and I hope that you will accept the love and support of those around you, and that you will gain strength and comfort from that love.
Barry,Brad,Carlene and family I am so sorry for your loss and our loss.Harvesting peaches has thrown me a curve and with fruit falling on the ground we are unable to attend but our love and prayers are with you.
Although its been awhile I remember some fun times growing up and when we were all young marrieds. Once at O’Sullivan Greg and I had a wipeout competition on slalom skis to see who could get the most rolls when fallingof course that was a few years back.
I thoroughly enjoyed worked with Greg during the summers of 1978 and 1979. Greg was the easy-going, fun-loving guy on the site that could work alongside anyone and make the day go by easily. He always seemed to start the day with a smart-aleck comment or joke and could keep his own and his coworkers’ spirits up through the day. He was also a very patient teacher of building skills to anyone who wanted to learn. One time Greg and I were working on a very heavy concrete pad when it shifted onto my foot and ankle. I was trapped and would have stayed that way were it not for Greg. I was too distracted by the situation to know how he did it, but Greg lifted the concrete with his bare hands more than enough for me to slide out from under it. I was thankful for his strength that day! I haven’t seen Greg for many years but I was very blessed to get to know him as the wonderful human being that he was. I know this is a tough loss for his family and friends. I pray that there will be comfort and healing for everyone whose lives Greg filled.
Barry,Carleen,Brad,Jeff and Natilie, please accept my deepest condolences of Gregs passing. I have known greg since junior high school and have known Barry, Carleen and Brad since that time although have not been in touch for many years. I would however run into Greg at the lumber store or at parties at my brother Dave Larsen’s house. I was shocked to hear of Gregs loss. I respected him as many people do for his wit and sense of humor, his diligence and hard work and most of all for his straight talk and honesty. I will never forget Greg and will always remember him as a self made man with the best of vitues. I will miss him as a friend. I hope the family can take some comfort in knowing that their son, brother and father was a well respected and loved man by all of those who knew him.
We’ve been great friends for over 45 years. The 1000’s of miles of bicycle rides including our journey to Yakima over Chinook Pass will always be a highlight of my life. We never got a chance to do our mid-life bike ride together on our motorized versions, but we’ll save that for later. Keep riding my friend, until we meet again.
Greg will be missed by all who knew him. May the love of family and friends bring you comfort,
John & Pat
I surfed at Oak st , Laguna Beach , Spider, Corky , Hobie , Billy Hamilton & all ! 1967 . My Alohas to Greg & Family ..