Helen H. Binkley
May 2, 1915 - March 8, 2006

Born in Yakima, Washington May 2, 1915, the daughter of Harry and Arta Barnard. Passed with grace and dignity at 90 years, March 8, 2006. Helen survived 3 siblings: Brothers Jimmy and Harland and Sister Marie. She married Kenneth L Binkley on Dec. 22, 1945. All 4 of their daughters were born while Ken attended Washington State University. After receiving his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, the family moved to the Burien area. After all the girls reached school age, Helen worked at various sales jobs. Her favorite was working at the TeeGee Toy Shop in old Burien. Ken and Helen were active in the Burien Elks, PTA, and the 41st Infantry Division Association. After Ken passed in 1986, Helen enjoyed volunteering and traveling. Helen was dedicated to her volunteer work at both Highline and Riverton hospitals. As Helen’s health declined she progressed from independent living in her cherished Burien apartment, to assisted living in the El Dorado apartments, to care in the home of her eldest daughter. Her final years were spent in the excellent care of Good Choice, an Adult Family Home in Bellevue. Helen’s 4 daughters, their children and grandchildren survive her. Visitation Monday, March 13, 2006 from 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM and Tuesday from 9:00 AM to service time with a 1:00 PM memorial service on Tuesday, March 14, 2006 all at Bonney-Watson Parker Chapel, 900 SW 146th Street, Burien. Remembrances may be made to King County Medic One Foundation. Please sign the online memorial guest book at www.bonneywatson.com.
My last gift to Helen was to tell her vivid stories about a recent trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. She had a picture above her bed that had a huge image of Mount Rainier. She said it made her happy but she couldn’t say why. I told her about snowy cliff faces and sparkling waters and sunlight on the leaves in the early morning light. I made her smile. That was her last gift to me.
Love you Grandma Helen.
Go hold hands with your sweetheart.
I will always remember Helens beautiful smile and love for adventure.A woman who cherished the people around her and made it impossible not to cherish her back.
I particularly loved her sense of style. Bright gemtones of the rainbow showing the world her vibrant personality at a glance.
I am grateful I was able see Helen not long before she passed. Although she wasn’t quite sure who I was she gave me a brilliant smile anyway…. because that was Helen….that was her style. And in classic Helen Binkley style I know she is somewhere on a grand adventure, wearing purple with a smile from ear to ear.
I love you Helen, save me a seat.
Although the years have been many, I will never forget Helen’s visits to Yakima to be with “her sweet brother, Harland” as she would say. She breathed sunshine into our lives each and every time we saw her. She was truely a woman of grace and beauty with a deep faith that radiated to those of us lucky enough to be able to call her family.
Steve and Lauren Bernard
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your familys
We will always remember the good times we had with Grandma. She will be deeply missed by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.