Ilaisa Makasini
May 25, 1942 - January 3, 2008

ILAISA MAKASINI, Age 65 was born to Suiasi and Lesieli Makasini on May 25, 1942 in Tonga and passed away January 3, 2008 at his home in Burien after a year long battle with cancer. All services will be at Washington Memorial Funeral Home and Cemetery 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA Visitation will be Wed. 1/9/08 from 2-8PM, Thurs. 1/10/08 from 10AM-8PM and Fri. 1/11/08 starting at 10AM and going through to service time Saturday 1/12/08 which begins at 10AM. Interrment will follow the chapel service.
Malo ‘e lelei. My name is Polina Makasini. Firstly, my condolences to the entire family of uncle ‘Ilaisa. I never met uncle, but dad was lucky enough to fly over to the states in 1999. We have photos of him thankfully… I’m the youngest of 4 girls, my mothers name is Dianne and my father is Sione Taufa Makasini. On behalf of my family I give you all our love and support in any way that we can. And I also look foward to meeting you all one day.. ‘ofa lahi atu. Polina
Malo elelei, my name is Janet Vasitai Makasini my father is Sione Taufa Makasini. im living pretty far from dad and so i just found out about uncle…. so im here today to share my heart and love on behalf of my children, my brothers and sisters, my mum, me and especially my dad!!! LOVE U UNCLE 4EVA… R.I.P with god….AMEN
All of our prayers goes out to the whole family….We’re so sorry of your loss but he’s in a better place….He’s surely going to be missed because he was so kind and welcoming everytime I would see him at church gathering in Oakland,Ca and so are the kids and grandkids….We so want to be there but due to everyday activities and doctor appointments…Just be strong kids and he’s in such a better place…Love Yah so much and Prayers from Kimani&Aina,Tevita Jr.,Pila Jr.,&Anamalia F.Vea…