Irma Yolanda Rasmussen

August 20, 1944 - September 30, 2014


Irma Yolanda Rasmussen, age 70, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 in Seattle, Washington.  She is survived by her husband of almost 43 years – Jim; mother – Ana B. Hernandez; son and daughter-in-law – Carlos and Veronica Rasmussen; daughter – Ielyn Rasmussen; two grandchildren – Alex and Trinity; sisters – Ana Elsa Servin and Dorita Fajardo; nieces & nephews; and great nieces & nephews.


The daughter of Ana Hernandez and Arturo Alarcon, Irma was born in Sonsonate, El Salvador. As a child she loved playing with her dolls and doing cross-stitch.  She grew to love playing basketball and volleyball and enjoyed swimming.  During school breaks she enjoyed visiting her favorite uncle, Joaquin, at his property on Barra de Santiago.   She had fond memories of her trips there with her sister Elsa and her cousins where they often rode horses.


In 1966 at the young age of 22 she courageously emigrated from her homeland of El Salvador to make a better life for herself and her young son Carlos, then 3 years old.  She worked diligently as a seamstress for a San

Francisco garment manufacturer in order to provide support for her family back home and save up enough money to bring her son to the United States.


In 1971 she followed family already living in Kodiak, Alaska to work in a local cannery. As fate would have it, while driving along with a friend one day, she met her future husband Jim walking on the side of the road.  At that time he was a 3rd Class Boatswain Mate with the Coast Guard stationed in Kodiak.  They married February 7, 1972 and in April of ‘73 they had their daughter Ielyn. 


Irma was known by those closest to her for 3 things: her generosity; her loving nature; and for being passionately outspoken.  She was known to spend money to buy a homeless person a meal even when finances were tight for her. She also was quick to speak out against injustice and stand up for those less fortunate.


A lifelong learner, Irma enjoyed taking voice lessons and frequently took classes at the local community college exploring her interests in astronomy, cake decorating, jewelry making, charcoal portrait painting, oil and water still life painting, and computer classes.  She earned her Associate of Arts in Accounting and a Certificate in Phlebotomy. One of her favorite sayings was “There is no such thing as a dumb question unless it isn’t asked.  She also believed that “It’s better to be stupid for a moment then stupid forever.”


In addition to her many educational pursuits, Irma’s many creative hobbies included painting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, and cooking.


Irma was a much loved wife, mother, grandmother, sister and daughter and will be greatly missed.


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Tony Gil
Tony Gil
5 years ago

I am truly sorry for your loss ;Irma was a great perso. Iam sorry i couldnt make it to the funeral. Tony.

Sorn Sutter
Sorn Sutter
5 years ago

Jim; Ielyn & Trinity

I am so sorry for your loss.

Stephen Sutter
Stephen Sutter
5 years ago

Jim; Ielyn & family

I am so sorry for you loss…please accept my condolences

William & Linda Ashford
William & Linda Ashford
5 years ago

Dear Ones:

We are so sorry to hear of the loss of one so special in your lives. Our thoughts, prayers and sympathy go out to you.

Linda & Johnny

Regina & Roger Young
Regina & Roger Young
5 years ago

Ielyn; Trinity & Jim:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours at this time of sorrow.

May the memories of yesterday get you thru today.

If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Bless you.

Regina & Roger

Charlene Hirst
Charlene Hirst
5 years ago

Ielyn, Trinity and Jim

My heart goes out to you all. We are never prepared to lose our loved ones. I am so sorry I came up the wrong week, ut was happy to see yoiu all. Our dinner on Alki wass wonderfull. What a cutie Trinity is.

Love, Charene