Jack Burdette Strain
November 20, 1929 - May 19, 2008

Jack Burdett Strain passed away Monday evening, May 19th, from complications arising from injuries caused by a drunk driver. He was 78 years old. Grieving his loss are his three children Lisa, Curtis, and Jodi, his five grandchildren Mehi, Riley, Suji, Austin and Callen, and scores of friends and family members who will remember him for his love of family, his generosity of spirit, his devotion to his church, his twinkling blue eyes, and his dimples.
Jack was born on Nov. 20, 1929 in Eagle Grove, Iowa, the youngest of nine children. He served in the US Army and after discharge, moved ‘out west’. He settled in Des Moines, where he raised his family. Jack and his wife founded White Center Glass & Upholstery in 1965. He operated it until his retirement just a few years ago. Jack was deeply involved in the White Center community.
Jack made it to Hawaii for the first time in 1971. He returned just about every year thereafter, often staying for weeks at a time. He loved the tropical air, the sunshine, the beach, and the people. He was particularly fond of the bus that allowed him to visit anywhere on Oahu for only 25 cents per day.
A memorial will be held at 2:00pm on Friday, June 27, at United Methodist Church in Des Moines. Everyone is welcome to come say Aloha to Jack for the last time. Hawaiian shirts welcome. Any remembrances can be made to your favorite charity.
Dear family,
Thank you for sharing the information, your time with us, as well as your father during the many years of gatherings we’ve been so fortunate to experience with all of you. Our love is with you and Aunt Jean, Uncle George and their families. Al, Phyllis, Maggie, and Auntie Ann may be many miles away, but the distance never mattered.
Beth, Dean, Aunt Maggie, Jentri, Nate and Meghan
After a very hard couple of weeks, we as a family look forward to greeting everyone who loved our Dad and sharing a laugh together at his church. Stay tuned for details, but you can be sure that you’re in for a beautiful afternoon–full of fond memories, family and good friends. We promise you’ll leave with a smile on your face as we say our last Aloha to Jack.