James Allen Restad
December 13, 1957 - February 11, 2017

Jim Restad was born December 13, 1957 to Orville and Olea Restad in Watford, North Dakota. Jim was the first of five children born to the Restad’s. After high school, Jim pursued his lifelong passion for food by completing culinary courses through Job Corps. Always willing to help his fellow man, Jim felt drawn to becoming a medic in the Army. After completing his tour in the Army, Jim went on to excel as a chef in several local eateries. He also developed a green thumb, growing his own herbs to use in his cooking. Jim passed away surounded by those he loved on February 11, 2017, leaving a hole in the hearts of all that knew him. Jim is preceeded in death by both of his parents. He is survived by his daughter Cristina, sister Sharon, and his three brothers Roy, Mark, and Douglas. He will be dearly missed by all those who had the priveledge of Jim gracing their lives.
I miss you Jim. I miss everything about you. The good, the bad, the man who loved to argue just for the sake of arguing. I think it kept you sharp. so many many times we agreed to disagree because we knew neither one of us was going to budge. You helped me so much and I will forever be thankful. Thank you for letting me know your wonderful family. I always told you how lucky you were to have brothers and a sister who loved you so much. I heard it when you talked on the phone with them and when they came to visit. We had some good times. I can see you now just shaking your head at me..when you expected me to KNOW what you were talking about as you instructed me on cooking a dish. lol I had no idea, but boy oh boy with your help and instructions I made some fantastic meals!!! I could go on and on. I love you Jim and I miss you so much. I ask why did you have to go…but I know that is a God question. I believe we will meet again… Love Sherryl
i surely am glad I got to know jim I like to say he made me laugh when he would make me sit down and listen to the many stories he told about his cooking adventures and his stories of all his brothers and his sister who he loved more than anything and also his daughter .I will miss him he was always nice even when he was trying to be grouchy.I am glad I met him he was a good guy with a big heart who loved his family with all his heart….I will miss him….R.I.P JIM
Just thinking about you Jim.wondering if your OK ? Hoping your ok.its just a bunch of wondering on this side.I think of you quite often missing you and just hoping your OK cause I know here on earth there’s lots of people missing you. R.I.P jim
Jim I miss you so very much. My heart hurts that you are gone. I knew I should have filed that certificate. But I will always be Lisa Restad in my heart. I love and miss you so much. You were there for me when I needed you and I wanted to so be there for you. Im comforted in the fact that you knew who I was when I called. I love you