James Lee Paul Jametsky
March 12, 1992 - October 30, 2008

James Lee Paul Jametsky, age 16, died Thursday, October 30, 2008 in Seattle. James is survived by his father and mother, Larry and Angela Jametsky; sisters, DeAnna Marie Dahl and Victoria Grace Ann Jametsky; nephew, Jaden Lee Jametsky; grandparents, Susan Urick, Kathy Mustonen and Terry Bowen; great-grandmother, Lucille Miller; aunt Nana, uncles, many cousins, Godmother and family. He is also survived by extended family, the Balzer, Tjaden, Karras, Roberts, Stewart and Hager families. Visitation will begin at 9:00 am on Friday, November 7th, 2008. A celebration of his life will be held on Friday, at 3:00 pm at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA 206 242-1787.
James was a good kid. The best! God bless and keep him allways. Amen
dear james,uncle terry is very sorry for the way he acted the day we all said googbye to you,and now i feel like i lost another member of our family do to my actions and that is your father my brother. i said what i said because i love him like i love you.and i hope some day he will see that,like you to your sisters he is to me.please help him clear his head and to see that all it was is love for a brother nothing more nothing less,i love you kid and i will miss you.please watch over our family and give us your strength for you are a very strong young man who is missed by many.R.I.P BUBBA
I’ve known James since i was 7 years old a long time… I remember when my mom, dad, sister and i use to go over to the house and little James always use to come out with his big boxing gloves and try to beat everybody up lol…. he will always be missed and loved and most importantly never forgetten….
larry,ang,deanna,tori we will miss james always,and the person he would of become. he has always been part of are family. if there is anything we can do call us day or night.
love randy,robin,russell,chase.
sorry for your loss.my heart goes out to your family
We’re so sorry for your loss our hearts go out to you.if there’s anything me or my family can do for you and your family please call us.
With Love,
Amy & Family
James was not only a beautiful human being with a big heart but he was a smart young man and he touched the hearts of everyone he met. He will be sadly missed.
Sweet baby James, you brought joy to so many people and touched so many lives in your short time with us and will be miss greatly by all who knew you. Rest in peace young man.
You were taken from us way to soon and way to young. I will miss you so very much. I know one day we will be together in heaven sitting at gods feet. Until then may your spirit guide the family to a path of light and love. Rest in peace beloved James.
I remember going swimming every summer at the pool in my moms apartments. the christmas gatherings at the house. always trying to embarrass you at school by always giving you a kiss on the cheek whenever you was around a female.
James. You were such a good kid. You were my family and im going to miss you with all my heart. I remember all the holidays i spent with you they were so great. Lord has you know and im just going to remember you are in a good place. I am never going to forget you. I know we werent as close as family should be but i know in my heart you are always gonna be there. They took you away from our family and it shouldnt be that way. You were just starting life. I love you so much James. It shouldnt be this way. My cousin, my friend, blood family. I am never gonna stop missing you and loving you. Im gonna stay strong because i know in my heart your happy up there. I love you James.
my heart goes out to the whole family he was a very fun loving person and he will always remain forever in our hearts ther will never be another james he befriended everyone without doubt which is hard to come by these days he is in a safe place and he will be watching over your family and guard u from harm with his big heart and he will always be the shadow for all of you be strong and i hope your healing goes well remember his big smile as he always always had one on that handsome face love you all very much nikki and family
our dearest thoughts are with you. GOD speed james. we love you very much. you will be gone but never forgotten. your time here on earth was short but you have touched us forever. we will always remember you jumping on your trampoline with your wwf doll..and riding in the back of your first limo ride with uncle shawn and D. your soft smile, sparkling eyes, and the kindness of your gentle soul will always be charished. we love you kido… we never say goodbye just see you later. love always shawn, yevett and girls.
James-I will miss your bright smile your love of life and your caring loving nature. You were a bright light in my life and will continue to remain that way to me.
I will miss you but I know you will come visit me.
We send our prayers for healing for the family. Losing James was so sudden and tragic. How do those who loved him go on? How do we honor James’ life? James had such potential. He was seeking the education he needed to better his life, looking towards his future. He would want the same for those he cared about. He would want the best for all. We can honor James by living the best life we can. Make him proud, live our lives as a tribute to James.
we are so sorry for the loss of James, He is an angel above, please
let us know if we can do anything for you,our prayers are with you
Aaron ,Julie Brown
When he must leave for a while, Please do not greive and shed wild tears And hug your sorrow to you through the years, But start out bravely with a gallant smile:And for his sake and in his name, live on and do all things the same. Feed not on loneliness, on empty days But fill each waking hour in useful ways, Reach out your hand in comfort and cheer and he in turn will comfort you and hold you near;And never never be afraid to die,For he is wating for you in the sky
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where this is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled
as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
We are so sorry to hear about the loss of James. Our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy go out to all his family and friends. May he rest in peace with God forever.
To my dearest cosin Larry and family my heart aches for all you. In your time of morning for the loss of James my thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find peace in knowing the love you shared will remain in your hearts forever.
love always
Annell family
Wow….. Jametsky Family.. where do I start??? I have so much that I would love to say but I have to cut it short.. I Love You So Much James…. It was not meant for you and believe me… I miss you so much and I know you lived a young life… I remember growing up and going to the BMX track and making mud pies… so many memories.. I have watched you grown from the little tyrant that used to bug me and De into a great young man… I just saw you a couple days before and Im glad that I was able to say hi and ask whats up with you… That was great for me.. Even tho you are not here with us you are still in our hearts…. Save a spot for me and watch over everyone… You have the best view of everything up there…. Im sorry Larry, Angie,De, Tori…. It still has not hit home with me yet and I knwo it probly has not with you.. But I love You guys!!! My Prayers are with you …R.I.Paradise James…
We Love You James… I was there when you came out and your mom and dad were there when Brian came out… You grew up with my kids as my kids grew up with you and De…. I Love You and we wish you the best.. You will always be with us…. R.I.P.
well what can i say as a friend of james since probably kindergarden id like to send all my resoects to his family from the bottom of my heart larry and angela i know times are rough right now but you guys have pretty much been family to me and my dad for as long as i can remmeber and im sorry about this situation god has put you in but i know you guy’s are strong
A bright light in our family has dimmed too soon. James we honor you in our sadness, sharing all the things that made you special, and also knowing your spirit will keep strong. Until we meet again Little Man ~
Angela, DeAnna, Tori, Susan, Larry & all who’s hearts were touch by my sweet great nephew.
He had just a quite way about him, however you could see the sparkle in his eyes. We no not why he was taken from us so young, however the good Lord will help all get through this most difficult time.
Keep the family ties tight, be understanding to each other as you who are the closest grieve. Remember the laughter, joys, and just fun times you shared.
Remember he is not gone, he has a space safely in all of our hearts.
With deepest sympathy,
Aunt Betsy
Still think of you every day james…i miss you man nobody understands me like you did still to this day when somthin in wrestling or football happi s i wanna call you….i love you man i really do wish you were here
i think about you often and miss the family very much