Janet Deane Hildebrand

May 17, 1948 - March 22, 2008


Jan passed peacefully in her sleep on March 22, 2008 after a courageous two year battle with cancer. She was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota May 17, 1948. Jan graduated from Newport High School in Bellevue in 1966, and earned her MBA at the University of Washington in 1990. Jan had a distinguished banking career which spanned over 37 years and in which she touched the lives of many. She is survived by her brother Paul Hildebrand of Des Moines, WA. Her extended family includes Marilyn Cunningham, Bruce and Linda Kilen, Brian and Crystal Reunanen and their children Paxton and Kelsey who dearly loved their ‘Auntie Jan.’ Jan’s passion for living, her generosity and huge heart combined with her great sense of humor and determination to have fun will be missed by all who knew her well.
Jan’s Festive Memorial Celebration:
Where: Tacoma Yacht Club
5401 N. Waterfront Dr.
Tacoma, WA. 98407
When: April 13, 2008
3:00 p.m.
Attire: Hawaiian print or primary colors
RSVP: To help the family with food and beverage planning, please RSVP the number of people in your group to message phone #253-946-2357
Program: At approximately 4:00 there will be 2-3 friends honoring Jan with stories, memories, and humor. Others will then be welcomed to share their own ‘best of Jan’ stories and memories.
Remembrances may be made to the American Cancer Society

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Joe Ward
Joe Ward
5 years ago

I knew Jan for 30 years. I enjoyed my relationship with her. She was one fine person, whose glass always seemed to be full no matter what the circumstances. She had a big heart and a great spirit. I used to call her a “tough old bird”. They don’t make them like that anymore.

Ilona Lohrey
Ilona Lohrey
5 years ago

Jan was a one-of-a-kind and larger than life person. I miss her laughter and ability to cut to the chase. I am sure she is watching us with a glass of crown royal in her hand from up above.

Claudia Moore
Claudia Moore
5 years ago

My heartfelt condolences to Jan’s family. She touched the lives of so many bankers over the years, her loss will be felt all over the Puget Sound region. I will always remember Jan during the merger days. She had important things to do, but took time to answer questions and share some humor to buoy us up during stressful days. We laughed when she dubbed herself “Queen of Bulk” after the name of a “bulk” report you at Wells know which one. No doubt she is sitting somewhere near, keeping an eye on her dear ones, and still finding a laugh or two over our crazy world.

Evelyn Lane
Evelyn Lane
5 years ago

The Dash Poem

By Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak

At the funeral of a friend

He referred to the dates on her tombstone

From the beginning to the end.

He noted that first came the date of her birth

And spoke the following date with tears

But he said what mattered most of all

Was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time

That she spent alive on earth

And now only those who loved her

Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own

The cars, the house, the cash,

What matters is how we live and love

And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard.

Are there things you’d like to change?

For you never know how much time is left

That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough

To consider what’s true and real

And always try to understand

The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,

And show appreciation more

And love the people in our lives

Like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,

And more often wear a smile

Remembering that this special dash

Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy is being read

With your life’s actions to rehash

Would you be proud of the things they say

About how you spent your dash?

Jan can be proud!

Donovan Olson
Donovan Olson
5 years ago

Jan, we all were the lucky ones to have been a part of your life. Thirty two years of friendship through work brought so much fun, laughter, challenges, and love that we will miss but will always charish. You were my mentor” without” even knowing it. You called me coach, while in fact you were my coach at First Interstate and Wells Fargo. You will be missed by all of your fellow employees, clients and business leaders in the community. On Sunday we will have a Crown Royal to say good bye to one of our best friends.

Donna and Daniel Moran
Donna and Daniel Moran
5 years ago

Thanks for all the fun and laughs, Our girls night out will not be the same. The cabin won’t be the same without you either. We miss you! Love Donna and Dan

Karen Adams
Karen Adams
5 years ago

Jan was very funny and always made me laugh. She was very special to my mom. Mom had her coffee every morning in the Saab coffee mug that Jan had given her I still have it.

Dennis Large'
Dennis Large'
5 years ago

I remember Jan as a capable and respected banker during our days at First Interstate — will miss her.

john kelly
john kelly
5 years ago

may you rest in peace, January will remember you always. john

Char Foster
Char Foster
5 years ago

When I needed a honest, unbiased opinion Jan always shared her “point of view”, her candor was priceless. Peace be in the hearts of her family and friends.

Kim Hawley
Kim Hawley
5 years ago


Since I was young I knew you to be the kind of person to have fun and enjoy life. When I was going through a difficult time you and Marilyn were there to cheer me up. You were also a great boss for a short time at Wells Fargo business banking and I will miss you greatly. Be at peace my friend and I hope to see you one day again. Love, Kim

Rochelle Provus
Rochelle Provus
5 years ago

Aloha Miss Jan,

I’ll miss your warm smile and keep your generous spirit with me always. My wish pot has a new wish. Mahalo.

Brenda Ehnat
Brenda Ehnat
5 years ago

My heartfelt condolences to Jan’s family and close friends during this time of healing.

I am blessed to have had the privilege of getting to know Jan while working under her supervision.

She was a very patient mentor and always took the time to share her knowledge with me. She treated me with respect and if she was ever frustrated with my requests for her to explain something, yet again, she never let me see it.

Jan was compassionate and caring and I will be forever grateful for the support and friendship she gave to me during a difficult time in my life.

Jan had a great sense of humor. The sound of her laughter was infectious and you just can’t help but smile thinking about it.

Tim Boyle
Tim Boyle
5 years ago

I will always remember your outgoing, fun-loving, and full-of-life nature. You will be missed by many, as you left a lasting impression on everyone that had the privilege to meet you. Your courage, and your life, were an inspiration to everyone.

Vida Poling
Vida Poling
5 years ago

My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Jan on her passing. She was a delightful part of our Wells Fargo family as well, always sharing that great sense of humor and her knowledge and experience. May your hearts be comforted with memories that make you smile.

Hayat Eide
Hayat Eide
5 years ago

I only knew her for a short time but I am grateful for all she taught me. She has helped so many of us out by just being her. She was a truly amazing woman in strength and virtue.

Rowena B Dacones
Rowena B Dacones
5 years ago

From all the people, I’ve met Jan is one that I won’t forget. I’ll always be thankful for the friendship she’s given me. Forever in my heart you’ll remain Jan! You’ll be greatly missed!

Don Grant
Don Grant
5 years ago

I worked with Jan for several years at First Interstate and then at Wells Fargo. I always appreciated her positive attitude and encouragement. My sincere condolences to her family. She will be missed.

Antoinette Madamba
Antoinette Madamba
5 years ago

Jan was an amazing manager and I have learned a lot during her classes. I will always treasure the memories I have of her and she surely will be missed.

Christine Chi
Christine Chi
5 years ago

Jan was the best manager I had worked for. Her sense of humor and energy provided great support to help us grow and become successful. I miss her leadership and kind heart. She remains in my heart dearly.

Keven Mustafa
Keven Mustafa
5 years ago

Jan was truly an amazing person. Her positive attitude and “spunk” will be missed. My sincere condolences to family and friends.

Lois Timmons
Lois Timmons
5 years ago

Words do not come easily. We have lost the best of the best. Thanks to you, Dear Jan, for all the memories, for tears and laughter shared, for speaking my language as we grew up and older together in our banking careers, for being able to watch you excel time and again in the hard jobs you so often frequented, for being non-judgemental, for all the times you helped others while so rarely asking for anything in return or for yourself, for lots more laughter and a few Crown Royals shared along the way. I feel cheated that you have left so early, but relieved that the cancer no longer has you. I miss you my friend.

Bill and Barbara Lamoureux
Bill and Barbara Lamoureux
5 years ago

Shocked…we do remember all of the great trips to Hawaii,,Reno etc and the good laughs that we did share..yes her ,laugh was just something that one never forgot.

Helen Hitchcock
Helen Hitchcock
5 years ago

There was never a dull moment in the office with Jan around! She was larger than life itself and cared so much. Jan was one of a kind, a true original, and we are all better people for having known her. Take care, Janny. Helen

Hong Luong
Hong Luong
5 years ago

Jan had a great sense of humor. She always brought laughters to the audience. She respected others even those who worked under her. She made people feel value. She was a star!

Judi James
Judi James
5 years ago

I believe I was the only graduate of Hildy’s credit camp : Jan was so willing to share her knowledge and zest for life.

Most people facing her difficult situation would not have gone the long distance that Jan did . She was an inspriration to all of us. Judi

David Straus
David Straus
5 years ago

I knew Jan for all of her banking career. She was a great banker, and a one of a kind person. She will be missed for her great sense of humor and her fine work ethic.

Gary Lindberg
Gary Lindberg
5 years ago

Jan you will forever be in my thoughts. I enjoyed the time we worked together along with the fun times. Jan you will always be remembered for your great sense of humor and caring attitude. May God bless you and pull you close in his loving arms.

Leslie R. Burton
Leslie R. Burton
5 years ago

A great lady. Loved her outlook on life. So sorry to hear of her passing.

Ruth Ann Behunin
Ruth Ann Behunin
5 years ago

What I will always remember is the laughter that came so easy whenever you were around January

Shelley Laughlin
Shelley Laughlin
5 years ago

No words can express how sorry I am for your loss! The last couple of years have been hard, hard on all of you Jan, Bruce, Linda and family, but you all were able to have fun by putting the hard times aside so that you could create loving memories that would last a lifetime. Although I did not know her, I felt as though I knew her through the eyes of others. She was a wonderful person who liked to have fun and lived life to the fullest, enjoying every moment, which is sadly what so many of us take for granted.

As sad as it is, I know that Jan is in a much better place now. Free from pain and all the worries of the world. She will never be forgotten, expecially by the ones she loved and more so by the ones that loved her.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers!!

Nena Kruger
Nena Kruger
5 years ago
Sarah Sandvold
Sarah Sandvold
5 years ago

I shall always be thankful for the mentoring I received from Jan during our years together at First Interstate. I shall always treasure the fun we shared at barbecues, dinners and most of all Las Vegas. I shall always remember her wearing shorts, a glass in hand, sitting in the sun

at Lake Chelan.

Good-bye old friend – you will be missed and you will live on in our hearts.


Deborah Cassity
Deborah Cassity
5 years ago

Jan was a fantastic person and a joy to be around. I know she will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

Michelle Matesen
Michelle Matesen
5 years ago
Michelle Matesen
Michelle Matesen
5 years ago

Jan was a wonderful delightful person who knew what she wanted out of life and seized it by the horns all the way. She will be missed by me very much and all our deep talks about the stock market.

John Pedersen
John Pedersen
5 years ago

It took me eight years to sign your guestbook, Jan. I know this alone would have cracked her up.

Jan was a great friend with a big heart and a larger-than-life personality. Even though I moved out of Seattle and her life a couple of decades ago I still feel the loss of a good friend!

Watch out for the Bambilances!

With Love,
