Jeffrey Eugene Kirk

January 15, 1964 - August 31, 2022


Jeffrey Eugene Kirk was born on January 15, 1964  and passed away on August 31, 2022.  

He left behind his three beautiful daughters, Sara Kathleen Love, Christine Diane and Amy Rae Kirk.  

He is preceded by the death of his father, Raymond Kirk and his brother Stephen Kirk.

He leaves behind his mother Diana Margaret Grotting, his brother and sisters: Gregory Kirk, Roxanne Smith, Shellee Kirk, Vicki Fritch, and Margaret Kirk.  Also included are his Cousins: Chauncey and Sean Johnson, Steven and Shannon McGlothlen and Shelley Kleppe and their children. 

Jeffrey was a devoted single father who raised his two beautiful daughters for which he was so very proud. 

Jeffrey was a man with many hats and he put forth whole hearted efforts into his positions. 

He was heartfelt towards his family and friends. 

He seemed to be born with a tickle in his heart; Jeffrey was entertained easily and found laughter in most of life.

He loved the great outdoors and fishing, hunting and even gardening was a pace he aimed for.

Jeffrey Eugene Kirk will be missed by all.

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