John Allan Anderson

June 26, 1952 - September 30, 2015


John was born and raised in Seattle, attended E.C. Hughes/Denny Jr. High/and Chief Sealth High, where he graduated in 1970. John was on the school gymnastics team. . His entrance college aptitude test showed very high scores in music, drama, and the very highest was off the charts in….adventure! And he delivered! He received his AA degree in Aviation Business in 1972 from Highline College.

John went to work for Flying Tigers Airline until the company layoff in 1983. The next year he helped his brother build his house in Vancouver until Flying Tigers, later FedEx, recalled him to Anchorage where he retired 30 years later as a ramp supervisor. John returned to Seattle for the last 2 years of his life.

Johnny’s life theme was: “I like to have fun!” and fun he had. He loved his trips to the ancestral farm in N.D., working and visiting family. He was a private pilot and enjoyed flying. He was one of the first people to fly a hang glider in 1972. John spent most of his life in Alaska where he fished, hunted, skied… often on the FedEx interline ski team. Most of all he loved to enjoy friends and family. He enjoyed cooking/ smoking game/ and eating pancakes on Saturday morning, while watching cartoons. John would often travel to Asia and Europe just completing his last trip 4 months ago to Norway to visit cousins.

John passed hours after all his immediate family said goodbye. His last words were: “giddy up!”

John is survived by his sister Carol Viger (husband John) of West Seattle, brothers Arnold( wife Gail), of Seattle, and Dennis (wife Chris) of Vancouver. Also surviving are all his 3 nieces and 3 nephews.

A private family internment will be conducted on October 23 in his parent’s grave. A public memorial will be conducted Saturday, Oct. 24th at the Dakota House Park Bldg. 4304 SW Dakota St, Seattle Wa. 98116 at 1:30 to 3:00 P.M… Sandwiches and coffee will be served.

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Angie Coats McDougall
Angie Coats McDougall
5 years ago

So sorry for the loss of John. I always enjoyed when he would come and visit all of us in Brush Prairie. Always had a smile and was so great to Casey and I when we were kids (and grown up kids too) Will be praying for peace and comfort for the whole Anderson family.

Angie, Jay and Emma Jean

Bruce and Jan Henderson
Bruce and Jan Henderson
5 years ago

So sorry for your loss. It is so hard to loose a sibling. I regret not getting to know cousin John after we were adults. I know you have wonderful memories of his many adventures and his sense of humor. I have so enjoyed reading all the wonderful comments posted on FB. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

5 years ago

NOTE: CORRECTION – 100 PM (ONE OCLOCK) Saturday October 24th at DAKOTA PLACE – at Dakota and California Avenue in West Seattle.

One of my favorite times with John was winter 2014 when I stopped in after my work on Friday about 530 pm several times – he had a cup of hot tea in a china tea cup for me and something to go with it. He came over, served it, and sat down. I looked down at his feet and saw him wearing these – about a womens size 6, like our mom wore…”They were only a dollar!” he said!

Lois Rothe
Lois Rothe
5 years ago

I’m so sorry and know how much you miss John

This made me sad but also made me smile and wish I had known him better

I’m thinking of the great “adventure” he is having in Heaven

For all the people who are sad and miss him today, think of all those in heaven who are laughing because of his sense of humor.

Love and prayers

Cosuin Lois

Ed Wilhelme
Ed Wilhelme
5 years ago

Johnny was a dear friend for over 45 years and was certainly one of the good guys. I have more great memories of Johnny than I could write in this space, and even more that I couldn’t write anywhere. Johnny was a big man with a big heart. As much as I will miss him in this life, he will be welcomed even more in the next.

Clay and MargaretvStanley
Clay and MargaretvStanley
5 years ago

We so enjoyed our visit with John when we were in Seattle a few years ago. I know I missed out in not knowing John better. I would have loved to witness his sense of humor and his love of life! You will always miss him, but the good memories will forever remain in your hearts. God Bless you!

Cousin Margaret and Clay

Steve Barclay
Steve Barclay
5 years ago

Another Tiger gone west.

Rollie Sorum
Rollie Sorum
5 years ago

we were surprised and saddened to hear about John. We had great times fishing with him in Alaska. Even when he could not join us fishing he would meet us at the airport for a brief visit. We enjoyed the occasional phone calls we received from him. He will be missed.

Ed Rysemus
Ed Rysemus
5 years ago

So sad to hear of John’s passing, he was a true free spirit and one that would always be the first to try new things and once John was Ok everyone else would try it.. John will truly be missed by all that knew him..

Rest in peace free spirit !!

Joan and Mark Myser
Joan and Mark Myser
5 years ago

Gosh, hearing of Johnny’s passing came as a total shock. We had spoke recently and promised to get together soon. We were buddies from Flying Tiger Line in Seattle. In those early days we were quite a rowdy bunch of kids. I remember Johnny having a 4th of July party at his home in Burien where we watched the fireworks from his rooftop after an evening of ‘celebrating’. It’s a wonder no one fell off!

Oh Jonny, you will be missed. Ya sure, you betcha.

Joan and Mark Myser

Margit Berge
Margit Berge
5 years ago

So sad to hear about John’s passing. He came to see me in Oslo after having visited Vest-Telemark. I think it ment a lot to him to meet family and see where Gunhild Nesheim grew up. He visited Haugann and my brother Lars Berge Haugann

was shocked to hear about John’s passing. He had been on his mind many times since they met, he told me.

Our blessing to all our family in the US.

Freda Rysemus Carroll
Freda Rysemus Carroll
5 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear of John’s passing. Growing up it was the Anderson boys, the Rysemus boys and the Maierhoffers

Playing football in the empty lot and racing Hydro behind bikes

playing hide and seek at night in the summer. So much fun…

Those wonderful childhood memories will always be with us and the memory of those no long with us are always close to our hearts. Rest in peace John.

Clint & Donna Lindberg
Clint & Donna Lindberg
5 years ago

I’ve had Cousin John on mind…and keep hearing the tune

“Off we go……..into the wild blue yonder…….da..da..da..”

Go for it Cousin!!……Flying, skiing, hunting, fishing and all the things you loved to do!!! I only wish we could have spent time together as adults……..I think I would have loved you”!!

Love to all the family,

Clint and Donna

Bob and Vera Tingley
Bob and Vera Tingley
5 years ago

I met Johnny through Bob. I never spent a lot of time with him but my memory of him is a tall good looking guy who could be funny at times, and a little loud.We talked on the phone recently,and that was fun. Vera

I met Johnny through Flying Tigers, where we both worked since the early 70’s. One thing I remember is going to someone’s apartment after work one day with a small group. Johnny got out his guitar and played and sang. Lots of fun.Bob

Melissa Wyatt
Melissa Wyatt
5 years ago

I was so sadden to hear of John passing. I met John right after FedEx bought out Flying Tigers. I worked with John at the Anchorage ramp. John was a fun loving person. My deepest sympathy to his family. May Johns memory be ever eternal.

Melissa Wyatt

David & Dara Phillips
David & Dara Phillips
5 years ago

John and I in the early 80’s became racquet ball bud’s. He taught me how to play the game. We went to Sea Fair in August of this year and he will missed very much, especially during Sea Fairs days.

Johnny will remain forever in our hearts and never forgotten.

David and Dara Phillips

Herb Oke
Herb Oke
5 years ago

John & I went through grade school at E.C. Hughes together as well as Denny Jr. High and Chief Sealth High School. I knew John best from Gymnastics at Sealth and catechism class at Calvary Lutheran church in West Seattle. John, Dave Christopher & I would stop by John’s house for a snack after school & prior to going to catechism. Sorry to hear of your loss. John will be missed.

Eddie Wong
Eddie Wong
5 years ago

I am very sadden to know that John has passed away & upon reading his obituary, am most grieved in losing a

good friend. My deepest condolences & sympathy on your

great loss.

I knew John from Flying Tiger days when he came to Taiwan in mid-80s to conduct training to our traffic agent staff.

John is truly warm hearted & friendliest person that I am

fortunate to know as a friend.He extended kind hospitality with time & efforts in taking me fishing to Kenai, Cold Bay & Homer.

I am forever grateful to John for his kindness & friendship, his precious human kindness will always be remembered.

Eddie Wong


Garvin March
Garvin March
5 years ago

Such a funny, happy and carefree guy. Nothing seemed to faze him. Maybe that was because I only saw him when we were going on a road trip, fishing or meeting at a Bar-b-que, but he was always so happy to see you and within an hour of first meeting him, it was like you had been friends for years. He had a kind soul and I will miss him.

Norbert and Jan Mayrhofer
Norbert and Jan Mayrhofer
5 years ago

We are so sorry for your loss. Having the Andersons as childhood neighbors and friends made for good times and happy memories.

Your family is in our hearts and prayers.

From all the Mayrhofer Family

Dawson Family
Dawson Family
5 years ago

Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your dear loved one. May the Bibles promise of a resurrection to perfect health on a paradise earth. John5: 28,29 Rev21: 3,4.

Carol Anderson Viger
Carol Anderson Viger
5 years ago


John’s memorial created by brother Arne Anderson is available at the above link on Utube.