John Karl Hendrickson

September 10, 1975 - May 15, 2009


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Torsten Pellfolk
Torsten Pellfolk
5 years ago

En underbar person med stort hjärta

Dienne Leitgeb
Dienne Leitgeb
5 years ago

John 6.35-40

Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away; for I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day.’

John and Terrie- May you have peace in your hearts at this sad time.

with love- dienne

Sheila Nix
Sheila Nix
5 years ago

John – words can’t express my sadness for you and your family.

Teresa Jugan
Teresa Jugan
5 years ago

John and Terrie: May God hold you and your family members in his arms and comfort you through this very difficult time. Stephen and I also have a son who is 32 years old and currently in Iraq and is scheduled to be married in Sept of this year. We cannot even begin to tell you how heartfelt and sadden we are over your loss. God Bless you.

Stephen and Teresa Jugan

Tara, Yuko, Rachel and Simon
Tara, Yuko, Rachel and Simon
5 years ago

John was a dedicated and knowledgeable colleague. He was always willing to share and teach even if it is out of his scope. He was one of the best and we all had the utmost respect for him.

He was fun to be around and made the work environment a better place.

In between the meetings, he used to share bits and pieces of joy of his life outside of the Boeing Company. Our favorite is his exotic and adventure filled vacation to Africa!

John was not only a colleague, but a friend.

Our thoughts are with his family members and loved ones during this time of grief.

We will miss his big smile.

787 JAI Team

Supplier Management Change Management

The Boeing Company

Linda Bremerthon
Linda Bremerthon
5 years ago

John – I will miss working with you everyday. You taught me alot about the 787 program. You were a very kind, caring and fun loving person. A joy to be around. I am sad we didn’t get a chance to meet up with you and Terrie in Ballard, liked we talked about. Things change so quickly.

May Peace be with you and your family.

Until we meet again..

Hirotoshi TSUJI
Hirotoshi TSUJI
5 years ago

I have received the sad news of your sudden passing. You are a kind and thoughtful friend of ours and I will miss you very much. KHI CM_team Manager

Kato, Keiko, Nami, Ohno, Chie
Kato, Keiko, Nami, Ohno, Chie
5 years ago

John will indeed be missed by all. He was one of the best perfomer we have been working together in the world.

We all sympathize very deeply with you and pray that you may be sustained in this time of trial.

– Okuyami Moushi Agemasu –

Millie Martinez
Millie Martinez
5 years ago

An Irish Blessing

With the first light of sun – Bless You

When the long day is done – Bless You

In your smiles and your tears – Bless You

through each day of your years – Bless You

Sam & Ian
Sam & Ian
5 years ago

You will be missed.

Jan-Erik Ravals & Family
Jan-Erik Ravals & Family
5 years ago

We remember John Karl as a goodhearted person and we will miss him very much. We expected to see him many more times in Finland with us.

John F. Hendrickson
John F. Hendrickson
5 years ago

We have established ”The John Karl Hendrickson Memorial Fund” for Track and Field, and Cross Country programs at the high school he graduated from.

He ”lettered” in both programs all four years he was there and found great satisfaction, support, and joy through running.

Donations may be sent to:

John Karl Hendrickson

Class or 1993

Memorial Fund for

Track&Field and Cross Country Programs

Huntington Beach High School

1905 Main Street

Huntington Beach, CA 92648

5 years ago
