John Kenneth Aag
July 2, 1922 - February 28, 2008

Our beloved husband, father and friend, John K. Aag, has taken his final journey home to be with his Lord and Savior. John was a man of the highest integrity, living his life with grace, loving and trusting in the Lord.
John was born July 2, 1922 in St Paul, MN to Aksel and Sadie Lund Aag. A few years later, he moved with his family to a farm outside of Menahga, MN where he shared the many household and farming chores with his brothers Durvin and Francis and sisters Elvira Toots, Beverly and Margaret. It was a Christ centered home, filled with love and built on hard work. A proud Norwegian family, they were especially proud when John became a member of the 1941 graduating class of Menahga High School and enlisted in the Army in October 1942. In December 1944, just days before his overseas duty began, John married his love and high school sweetheart, Delores ‘Pat’ O’Hern.
During World War II John served in France and England with the 226th Transportation Corp in several capacities but it was his service as a medic that made the most indelible impression. He rose to the rank of Sergeant and received an honorable discharge in January 1946. John was proud of his country and his service.
The separation of war behind them, John and Pat settled in Seattle and John began what was to become a 35 year civil service career with the US Navy. In January 1947 they welcomed into their hearts and home their first son, Steven. In the years that followed they were blessed with two more children, Mark and Karen. John was a loving and supportive father, leading by example and preparing the way with love.
Throughout his career as a purchasing agent, equipment specialist and supervisor, John’s strong work ethic earned multiple awards and commendations for outstanding performance and superior accomplishments. After 35 years of service, he retired in 1981, but missed the challenges of the workplace and began a second career as a contract specialist with Lockheed Shipbuilding, retiring for the second time in 1989. The next years proved John’s devotion as he nurtured and cared first for a neighbor, then a cousin and then his dearest Pat. John and Pat loved each other deeply and enjoyed over 46 years by each others side.
The Lord continued to bless John: he met Marion R. Malsch January 27, 1992 and they married on February 21, 1992. John and Marion shared 16 wonderful years of companionship, friendship and love. They enjoyed family, traveling, painting, hosting weekly bible studies in their home and a strong shared belief in God. They were a strength and mutual support to each other through the joys and challenges of life. John accepted Marion’s family as his own, and gave Daniel Lovey, Carmen, David, Joel ‘Jodi’, Rachel, Rebecca and James, the priceless gifts of his kindness, wisdom and love. They in turn loved him as their own.
John loved and delighted in his many grandchildren and great grandchildren; Shana, Jennifer, Scott, Timothy, Jessica, Ben, Sarah, Nathan, Courtney, Dylan, Steven, Zane, David, Bobby, Misti, Briana, Phillip, Matthew, Braxton and Kura. They, like all who knew him, adored him.
In life we all make many important decisions, the one that was most important to John was that he committed his life to Christ in 1954. His faith and belief in God was the focal point in his life. As a member of the Philadelphia Church, he served as an usher for over 36 years. While John graced and blessed our lives with innumerable qualities, the most sacred of these to us was his rare, unconditional, and truly Christ-like love. He accepted all he knew, where they were, and loved us all, despite our shortcomings and defects.
Always quick with a quip, his humor was one of the many outstanding qualities John possessed that made him a joy to be around and a comfort to others. In both good times and through times of trouble, John always lifted our spirits through his humor and the spark in his eyes, which even his thick glasses could not hide. John was an outdoorsman who loved fishing and hunting and delighted in the beauty of nature. An avid gardener, he truly knew how to make things grow, whether it was his roses or the people who knew him. Gentle and kind in his instruction, he saw the best in others and encouraged us all, helping us to see the best in ourselves.
John was an incredibly patient person. His patience was never better displayed than in the past few years of his life when he physically struggled with multiple health issues, and although his body could no longer keep up with his sharp and brilliant mind, he maintained his wonderful sense of humor until the very end. After a long and well lived life, John died peacefully in his home, on February 28, 2008, at the age of 85, surrounded by Marion and some of the many who loved him.
We welcome all to commemorate his life. Funeral services will be held March 15, 2008 at 10:30 am at the Philadelphia Church, 7704 24th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117. There will be a catered celebration of John’s life immediately following the service, followed by a processional to Riverton Crest Cemetery in Tukwila WA for graveside services to honor John’s military service and to lay his body to rest. Viewing will be at Wiggen and Sons in Ballard on Thursday, March 13th from 2-8 pm; Friday, March 14th from 10 am-8 pm; and prior to the service on Saturday March 15th from 9-10:30 am, at the Philadelphia Church.
My Uncle, so thoughful, loving and generous. Very special host. He is going to be missed by my family very much. We loved him very much.
John’s life was a testimony of his faith and the love and care he extended to those around him was a result of that. My life is richer for having known him.