John Lewis Swafford, II
June 17, 1924 - August 1, 2020

John was born on June 17th 1924 in Oklahoma City, OK to John Swafford and Vera Mondie. John lost his father at the age of 10. He graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma. John enlisted in the Army Air Corps on Dec 15th 1942, he was a part of the Loran Project. He met the girl he would spend his life with at work, at the Telephone company. She was an operator and he was a Switchman at the time. He married Azile V. Hartley on June 15, 1952 in Seattle, Washington. They were married for 68 loving years. He is a UW Graduate. He was very active in Many things! He was a 50-year Master Mason, 81-year DeMolay member, he belonged to the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, the Shriners, Eastern Star, Pioneers of the Telephone Company, and Swedish club. He is survived by his wife, Azile, Son, John Swafford III (Cindy), Grandchildren, Diana Atkins (Matt), Matthew Swafford (Lauren) and Ryan Swafford (Liza). Great Grandchildren, Lisa Atkins, Michael Coyle, Paul Atkins, Logan Swafford, Eric Swafford & Soon to be Baby Swafford, and Many nieces and nephews.
The Funeral Service is scheduled on August 20th at 1pm, with full military rights, at Bonney Watson Funeral Home. Due to Covid-19, we are limited to a small number of people. The Funeral is required to be by invitation only. Bonney Watson will be zooming the ceremony for those that would have wanted to attend. The zoom number for the 20th can be requested at In lieu of Flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the Scottish Rite Early life speech and Language center or the Telephone History Group
Thank you Uncle Johnny for all the love and support you gave to me and to my family over all these years. You and Azile opened your home to us when we needed it the most. We send love and prayers to Azile, John L. and family. Rest In Peace Uncle Johnny.