Johnny Ray Malone
September 6, 1944 - January 15, 2020

Johnny Ray Malone 75, has joined the Lord on Jan 15, 2020.
John was born Sept 6, 1944 in Louisiana.
His final days were spent surrounded by family and friends that John had touched throughout his very memorable life.
John was full of life, energy, love and laughters . Those who were touched by him understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives. A great man and to him family always comes first.
He had a passion for golf …He spends hours working on his garden in the summer time aside from working long hours at the airport. He enjoys doing things for his family …. Music was his way of relaxing while sitting at the garden looking at his beautiful flowers.
He is survived by his wife Theresa, daughters Shannon, Danielle Cheska and his grandkids.
I spent many hours with John at curbside check-in for NWA. He was always pleasant and fun to be around even in the worst circumstances. I was not a golfer in those days so I didn’ get all the jokes. I get ’em now, He will be missed, not by just the family.
What wonderful pictures of John and his beloved family. He definitely was the “golfer extraordinaire.” I was not, however, I lent my clubs to a friend to use and one of my woods was in dire need of refinishing and John said he “knew a guy” and he brought that club back to me in better shape than when it was new. I shall never forget his smiling face and the jokes he would tell us and the “outlandish” antics of some of our passengers that he agreed with. He “rolled” his eyes just like we did but always with a smile. He will truly be missed. Grace Swift
You Will be Tremendously missed as Part of our DELTA family..You became a Dad to all the young sky Caps..and they all spoke of you with reverence and respect..And we here at Delta knew you were part of the Family..We will miss you and all the Wealth your Personality brought to our Delta Family..
I worked as a dispatcher for the skycaps. I met Johnny in 1983. An awesome man.RIP
Sign the Guestbook here….
Sign the Guestbook here….We have know John Malone for 15 years he always called us family and we felt the same way!!! It is for sure he went right to heaven he was so good and kind and always had a smile on his face and a kind word for everyone!!! He always made you feel like you were the most important person he had seen the day you saw him!!!
We are proud and humbled to have know such a great man! He even in his sickness told us of Benji said he was like a son to him to take care of checking us in when we travel!!! This is just like John even when he knew he wasn’t going to be on earth much to look out for those he left behind!!! John you will be missed but your spirit will live on in every person you knew! God is blessing you and I know you have met VERA head angle ! See you again one day!!! Hugs and love Tom and Joanna Ferlan!
Robert blalock
Robert blalock ioi
Vera Johnson – Hodge, LA
Attended Jackson High School in Jonesboro LA (’64)
Jun Nagamatsu