Jose Toribio Sales

January 15, 1939 - January 27, 2009


Jose Toribio Sales, Terry, was born on January 15, 1939 in Chicago, Illinois to Jose Subia Sales and Wilda Maude Fleming. Terry was the youngest of five siblings: Juanita Maria Nita, Vicente Antonio Tony, Aurelia La Paz Relia, and Paulita Rosaria Paula. Terry was quite the precocious child often getting in trouble for saying the following at mealtime: ‘In the name of the Father, skip the son, third base, home run!’
From a young age, Terry dreamed of being in the military. He enjoyed playing Army Men and vowed that when he grew up, he would be a soldier. Not the typical response of young boys at the time, most of whom said fireman or policeman! As soon as he was old enough, Terry enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He served in the Vietnam War. Terry received a Purple Heart for his service in Vietnam after losing his left leg during his second tour of duty.

After being honorably discharged from the Marines for his service to the United States, Terry moved to California to live for a short time with his sister and brother-in-law, Nita and Earl, and their family. He went on to work many years with Los Angeles Community College as an Academic Counselor and Financial Aid Advisor to students. Terry retired from LACC in 2000. Terry also enjoyed having a good time! His good friend Betty recalls what a wonderful singer he was…he loved to sing Karaoke and did a particularly wonderful rendition of Louis Armstrong!

In May 2003, having survived a fire in his apartment, Terry moved to Kent, Washington again residing with Nita and Earl. Nita and Earl cared lovingly and attentively to Terry as he recovered. Here, he also enjoyed the company of his older sister, Paula, who he so affectionately referred to as ‘Baby Sis’. Actually, all of his big sisters, Nita, Relia, and Paula, were ‘Baby Sis’ to him! Every weekend, so long as schedules permitted, Earl would drop off Terry and Paula at Muckleshoot Casino. More often than not, Terry, the big spender playing mostly dollar machines would come home a richer man. And more often than not, Paula, the small spender playing mostly penny and quarter machines, would come home with nothing!
Terry passed away peacefully on January 27, 2009. He is survived by his sisters, Relia and Paula, his brother-in-law Earl, his sister-in-law Melba, 22 nieces and nephews, and a host of grand nieces and nephews, cousins, and friends. He is preceded in death by his parents, his brother Tony, his grandnephew Joseph, his nephew Arturo, and his sister Nita. Terry will be missed. We love you…Semper Fi!

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Gia Freeman
Gia Freeman
5 years ago

Uncle Terry you will always have a special place in my heart. I will cherish all of my memories of you forever. I love you and I am saddened I did not have a chance to see you in the last couple of years. Although my daughter Gianna never had the pleasure of meeting you I will make sure she always knows who you were. Love you and miss you.

5 years ago

Hey Uncle Terry!

I just wanted to tell you that you are greatly missed and I hope you have had a chance to see my grandmother…your sister again! Tell her I said hi! Well Uncle Terry you are free and walking now in such a wounderful place…Miss you and love you lots!

Diane Brown
Diane Brown
5 years ago

Uncle Terry,

You are in my thoughts so often and I guess that is your way of communicating with me. I know you are in a better place now and are watching over us all. I love you and miss you dearly!


Rinky Dink

Maria & Family
Maria & Family
5 years ago

Dear Uncle Terry,

I know you are now walking and running around on your two good feet. You are happy now, no pain. If there is a casino in heaven, you’ll be there winning big! I love you very much and will miss your humor and wonderful stories! Tell my mom hi for me.