Judie Marlene Hart
May 20, 1948 - August 30, 2009

Judie Marlene Hart, age 61 died peacefully on Sunday, August 30, 2009 in Renton. Judie is survived by her daughter, Marlene Hart; mother, Marian Hart; sister, Janie Ron Sterling; aunt and uncle, Bernie and Fred McLucas and many cousins, including Michele and Terri. She was preceded in death by her brother, Ron Hart in 1990. There will be a graveside committal service at BONNEY-WATSON Washington Memorial Park, 16445 International Blvd., SeaTac, WA Time and Date to be announced.
I have had the pleasure of being a part of Judie’s life over the past 61 years. She was a joy to be around, with warmth and affection for those who knew her.I first met Judie when she was 2 months old and her mother Marian arrived in Seattle with Janie and Judie. I was residing in downtown Seattle and found a hotel room for their temporary lodging. Since Judie’s mother had no crib with her, she pulled out a drawer from a chest of drawers, put a pillow in it and lay Judie down for the night. Judie slept blissfully through the night. That memory has stayed with me. As Marian’s children, Janie, Judie and Brother Ron and also my own children, Michele and Terri grew up, they enjoyed many joyful events together including Christmas’s, Birthdays, Picnics and watching Gold Cup races on Lake Washington.
As the girls and Ronnie grew older, they each went thier own way. These were the Hippy and Rock and Roll years and they participated in the excitement of it all. They each had families of their own, Judie having two daughters, Alicia and Marlene. In later years of her life, Judie became quite ill and seldom participated in family gatherings but when she did, she was always cheerful. Marlene was always by her side until the very end. We are very grateful to Marlene for her devotion and love for her mother and we share with her the grieving at this time. Judie has departed as we all must someday and Judie, may you find peace at last, whereveryou are. Love, Uncle Fred
My cousins Judie, Janie and Ron were much more like sisters and a brother than cousins to my sister Terri and me. We were constantly at their house on 42nd street for holidays, birthdays and several times a week. Judie was closest in age to me so she and I bonded in the closest way. As a child I loved spending time with Judie. She was always so full of energy, laughter, fun and love. And throughout her life Judie lived with such passion and zest. Her presence brought life to every occasion. Her smile and laugh warmed my soul. I am especially grateful that Judie made such an effort to attend family events in recent years. The two weekends we spent together at the family reunions at Lake Connor Park are memories I cherish –
visiting, laughing and sharing. Judie touched many hearts in a way only she could. And she raised a beautiful daughter. Rest in peace sweet cousin. Love Michele
My growing up years with Judie were filled with tap and ballet lessons, enjoying tanning and Alki Beach and going on train rides to Many Christmas Celebrations were enjoyed at Judie’s home with Mom and Dad and our family with my brother Ron Hart and our children. I’ll always remember on Thanksgiving when sister Judie and brother Ron and Mom took the bus from Kent on a snowed in day with their kids and walked one mile and a half up our street with food to share and enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner with our family, Ron and I and son Scott, daughter Marian.
I’ve been blessed to have a sister like Judie, a kind and loving person.
When my Aunt Judy smiled, the whole room lit up. She made me feel special and loved every time I saw her. Just like my Dad would. I know She and Dad are together watching us.
Judy always had a smile on her beautiful face. She could walk into a room and light it up with her wonderful personality. She was well liked and made friends easily. she was kind hearted and loving to everyone, espically to her daughter Marlene.To whom she just adored. She was the type of person who would be there for you through thick and thin. Always lending you a sholder to cry on. Or to laugh on. With open arms. She was very affectionate. Loved giving hugs. And we loved receiving them. We had many good times together. Too many to count. Memories are cherished and never forgotten. They will live in our hearts always. Judy I love you your bestfriend Yvette forever! Aunt Judy you were a second mom to me and i can never forget all you have done for my mom and I. Your in our hearts. Love Carley
Ive always loved my mom,& only wanted her love in return.Ive always missed having my mom & sister in my life & i always will.thankyou for allowing me to sign your guestbook.God Bless